Read Books Novel


Easy (Contours of the Heart #1)(50)
Author: Tammara Webber

“It shows precedent.”

How many times had I heard Kennedy use this legal jargon—one of his favorites. “Are you sure a failed attempt with me shows a pattern? It’s only twice…”

Her eyes flared. “Jacqueline—”

“You’re right, you’re right… God, what am I saying?” My hands trembled, sliding over my face, and Erin pulled them down gently.

“We have to make sure he doesn’t do this again.”

I nodded, knowing she was right, and she tapped out a text to Mindi.

Erin had just unlocked the Volvo when I heard my name and turned to find Kennedy jogging across the dorm lot. “Hey, Jacqueline. Erin.” When he gave her a tight, serious smile, she scowled at him. He turned back to me. “We need to talk.”

I glared at him. “About what? About you helping them talk Mindi out of pressing charges, when you know what he did to me?”

He huffed a tired sigh. “It’s not like that—”

“Oh? What’s it like?”

“Can we speak privately? Please?”

I glanced at Erin and she pursed her lips and gave my ex a cynical once-over before turning her attention back to me. “I’m picking Mindi up, and I’ll meet you at the house?” She was worried that I’d let him talk me out of this, as ill at ease as I already was.

I peered at Kennedy and I knew that convincing me to abandon the allegation against Buck was his agenda. “You’ll drive me over? Now? That’s the only way this talk is happening.”

Frustrated and maybe a little confused by my counter, he agreed. “Sure. I’ll take you over, if you’ll talk to me on the way.”

I stared across the top of the sedan at Erin. “I’ll meet you there.”

She nodded, unwavering hope in her eyes, and I followed Kennedy to his car.

After adjusting the stereo to backdrop level, he drove slowly, with one wrist draped over the top of the leather-wrapped steering wheel. “Thanks for agreeing to talk to me.” He glanced across, his eyes skittering away from mine and back to the road. “I want you to know that I believe, one hundred percent, everything you told me Saturday night. I know Buck’s a scumbag—I just didn’t know how much of one. We’ve started proceedings to expel him.”

“Expel him—from the frat? Like that’s punishment?” Closing my eyes, I shook my head to clear it.

“Buck came to this campus thinking he was going to make pledge class president, thinking he’d move up in the ranks, run the whole frat and maybe the council by senior year, and now he’s about to be out on his ass, daddy or no daddy. Damn right it’s punishment.”

I gasped. “Kennedy, he raped a girl.”

He had the grace to flinch. “I understand that, but—”

“There’s no but! There’s no f**king but!” My chest heaved with the effort to clench my hands in my lap instead of pummeling his smug face. “He deserves prison time, and I’m going to do everything I can to see he gets it.” I couldn’t help thinking that if Kennedy had been sent to keep me from testifying, then this discussion had produced the reverse effect.

He pulled to a stop in front of the house and put the car in park. He gripped the wheel with both hands. “Jacqueline, you need to understand something. Buck’s been talking shit about hooking up with you for weeks now. Others have corroborated his account. Everyone knows about it. No one else buys your he-tried-to-rape-me-too story, now. It’s kind of late for that.”

My breath left me, my throat closing up, and pain shot down my arms to my fingertips. Closing my eyes, I fought dizziness and the welling of tears, and so much fury I literally saw red behind my closed lids.

“My… story?”

His green eyes met mine. “I told you, I believe you.” I stared into his eyes, this boy I’d known so intimately for three years. I could see that he did believe me, but that belief conflicted with his compulsion to save face. He wasn’t going to do the right thing.

“You believe me, yet here you sit, trying to talk me out of persuading anyone else to believe me.”

“Jacqueline, it’s more complicated than that—”

“The hell it is.” I threw the door wide open and jumped out. Slamming the door on any further protest, I turned and stomped up the sidewalk to Erin and Mindi’s sorority house. I was shaking with anger, and fear, and something else: resolve.


There were less than twenty girls in attendance at the meeting: Erin, Mindi, the sorority officers, and me.

As the president, Katie presided from the head of the long, polished table. Seated on either side of her were the senior officers; I recognized Olivia’s older sister as one of them. She and Olivia could have been twins, they looked so much alike—right down to the bitchy sneer.

“Mindi, sweetie, no one’s blaming you here,” she said, her voice dripping with an insincerity that contradicted her words. “But the thing is, you did go to his room with him. I mean, the expectation was there, you know?”

Erin put her hand on my thigh when I sucked in a breath—a warning against replying yet. I exhaled through my nose and fumed silently. I was an outsider. I could be removed easily, and that would be no good for Mindi. She needed all the support she could get.

“You weren’t like, a virgin, either, right?” another girl said.

“God, Taylor, that’s not material,” another said.

Taylor shrugged. “It would matter to me.”

Mindi’s face was pale and she looked like she was either going to vomit or pass out. Erin leaned closer to her and whispered, “Breathe, honey.”

Several people said more stupid things, and others said more sensible things, and finally it seemed like everyone had spoken their minds except Katie, Erin, and the two people who ultimately held Buck’s fate in their hands: Mindi and me. Finally, Katie banged the gavel lightly, stopping all conversation and turning every head in her direction. Her posture so perfect that she could have been a queen wearing a heavy crown, she fixed her eyes on me. “Jackie, I understand that you’re alleging that Buck attempted to rape you on the night of the Halloween party?”

A couple of girls mumbled asides and one actually giggled. My hands tightening into fists in my lap, I ignored them, swallowed and nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay sorry, I don’t see why she’s even here,” a junior class rep said. “If he didn’t actually do it—”
