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Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(10)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“And…” Sergio made another incision. “…I actually graduated at the top of my class and went to two years of medical school.”

“Was that before or after your parents went to prison?” Tex sang out with a forced smile lifting his lips. “I mean, just curious about the timeline and all.”

“Hmm…” Sergio placed the scalpel on the table and grabbed the tweezers. “Let me think. It was probably after your parents disowned you and before you killed your father. Yeah, how’s that for a timeline?” His voice was so smooth that if you weren’t listening you’d think he delivered a compliment instead of an insult.

Tex’s jaw twitched.

“Not now, Tex.” Chase winced and cursed violently under his breath, half in Italian half in English. “Not while he has tweezers in my skin. Damn, that burns.”

Sergio smiled with his lips but his eyes remained viciously cold and emotionless. “Almost done.”

“How old are you?” Mil asked, still not taking her eyes off of Chase.

“Old,” Tex answered for him.

After a few seconds Sergio lifted his head and looked directly at me. “Old enough.”

The room got really tense.

“Twenty-eight.” Tex swore. “It’s not like he’s an elder or anything. Damn, Sergio, could you be any slower?”

Sergio smirked, slightly lifting his head to the side to give me a knowing look. “I like to take my time with things.”

My stomach fluttered and then clenched.

“All good things…” Sergio squeezed the tweezers together and pulled slowly out of the wound. “Come with time.” When he dropped the bullet onto the table he lifted his eyes for a second time and met mine.

I didn’t look away.

Because I couldn’t.

I was hiding so much. And Sergio knew that—he knew everything.

When I finally broke away from his gaze, it was to meet Tex’s. He was furious, but what was worse? He was suspicious. And the last thing I needed was to put him back in the line of fire after all the things I’d done to keep him out of it.

“Thanks.” Chase exhaled as Sergio wrapped his shoulder.

“Of course.” Sergio grinned.

“Tex!” Nixon yelled from the other room, “Get in here. Now.”

When Tex didn’t move, Sergio took it upon himself to make things worse. Damn him. “Run along, foot soldier, go see what the boss wants.”

With a snarl, Tex walked by Sergio nearly knocking him over in the process, which to be honest wouldn’t be hard because again, Tex was huge; at least six-foot four and Sergio, though not small by any means was only around six one.

Chase let out a low whistle. “Damn, Sergio, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning, huh?”

Sergio watched Tex walk down the hall then turned his full smile on everyone. “Off day.”

Now that the drama was over, I just wanted to lie down, preferably without Tex giving me crazy eyes or Sergio being suggestive. Slowly, I rose from my seat, and tried to walk away.

“Mo…” Sergio’s smooth voice interrupted my escape. The room was quiet, so everyone had heard, it wasn’t like I could run away and say I didn’t hear him.

“Yes?” I turned.

“A minute?”

“Sure.” I crossed my arms.

His smile grew, making his features come alive. He’d always looked like he’d just walked off the cover of GQ photo shoot, dark straight hair, aristocratic nose, a side smile that melted people on the spot, and lush lips that made promises no girl should ever, ever, take seriously. “Over here.”

Gently, he grabbed my elbow and led me down the hall and around the corner, where Nixon’s room was. Far away from the office where Tex and Nixon were currently yelling.

I swallowed convulsively when he pressed me against the wall and leaned into me, his forehead touching mine. “Talk to me.”

“No.” I licked my lips and averted my eyes.

“Mo…” He tilted my chin towards him. His breath was warm, inviting. “You used to tell me everything.”

“That was when we were friends.”

Damn his smile! “And we aren’t friends anymore?”

“Really?” I spat. “Do friends treat each other like this? Hmm?”

Sergio’s eyes darkened as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “Hell, no.” His voice was thick with desire. “I highly doubt I should treat my friends or associates for that matter, the way in which I want to treat you.”

I tried to fight the pull.

But it was impossible.

I didn’t love Sergio, not like I loved Tex.

But he’d picked up Tex’s pieces when I was in desperate need of someone to clean up the mess.

And he’d given me the one thing I’d been craving for years.


“Afraid all your friends will find out?” he whispered against my lips. “Afraid of all the little lies?” He licked my lower lip then tugged it with his teeth. “Which lie, Mo? Which one are you most afraid of?” His hand moved to my neck as he slowly massaged the knots out.

I swallowed and pulled back, my heart slammed against my chest. “All of them, Sergio. I’m afraid of all of them.”

A loud clamoring sounded to my right and then in a blur, Tex’s fist went sailing by my face landing a perfect blow to Sergio’s jaw. He staggered backwards, his body slamming against the wall behind him as he finally slumped to the ground, disoriented as hell.

Tex grabbed my hand and jerked me towards the master bedroom. He flung me inside, and the door banged shut behind him. I looked up just in time to see his hands reach for my body as he forcefully pushed me against that same door and then slammed his mouth over mine, his tongue not asking permission to enter into my mouth but doing it with such force, such fluidity that I let out gasp and finally a moan.

He didn’t kiss like Sergio.

He didn’t kiss like anyone I’d ever known.

My body arched towards Tex as he ran his tongue along the seam of my lips. He drew my bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth, then pulled back and plowed his fist into the door directly above my head. To the sound of cracking wood, I jumped a foot and skittered away as he barked, “Mine!” Then nearly took the door off the hinges as he pulled it open and stalked down the hall towards Sergio, who was now just getting up off the floor.

It would have probably hurt less had Tex shot him.

Sergio smirked as Tex made his way down the hall, his footsteps damn near breaking through the hardwood floors as he stomped.
