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Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(46)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“A cleanse of… sorts.” Phoenix shrugged. “Luca, Frank, Nixon, Chase, Mo, Mil…”

Each name he fired off was like a hammer to my head. My blood broiled beneath the surface of my calm-as-hell smile. “A demonstration.”

Phoenix’s hands shook as he grabbed the bottle and poured himself a shot, only he scooted it to me and nodded. “Blood always wins.” He lifted his glass and clinked it with my shot. “Cheers.”


People fear death even more than pain. It’s strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend. – Jim Morrison


MY HEADACHE HAD EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I wouldn’t know what choice Phoenix made until it was too late.

“Don’t interfere.” Luca had instructed, like the freaking Godfather himself. I wasn’t an idiot; I knew Luca thought of Phoenix like a son. Really, good for them, they had a life and death bonding moment and now he was trusting Phoenix to be the man he hoped he’d saved, not the one who had died that day.

I wasn’t sure who to trust.

Maybe a bottle of Jim? Yeah, that sounded good.

Bottles never let me down.

Like women, like Phoenix, like Luca, Frank, hell I came out of retirement to help them save The Family not put it in more danger and wave a red flag in front of the Feds.

Nixon walked into the room with Trace close behind him, they were laughing about something and then he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her mouth.

I looked away as knives of jealously surged through my body. I’d never wanted Trace, yeah she was beautiful, but it had always been Mo.

The same girl who was not but an hour ago wrapped up in enemy territory with stars in her eyes.

That girl had no idea the lengths Tex would go—I did. I knew. I knew that in the end you could deny your blood all you wanted, but it still flowed through your veins, a daily reminder of the person you were destined to be.

He was a killer.

The enemy.

So the way I saw it, we were putting our lives in the hands of two of the most messed up people in the world. Tex and Phoenix.

That bottle of Jim Beam was looking better and better.

“…Maybe he needs a girl.” Trace whispered.

My head jolted up. “You guys talking about me?”

“Never.” Nixon smirked. “You okay, man?”

“Nothing a bottle or two can’t fix.”

Nixon winced, his eyes taking in my bouncing knee and inability to focus on anything for more than three seconds before looking back at the bottle.

“Trace?” Nixon turned to her. “Why don’t you go see what Mil’s doing? And tell Chase I need him.”

“Yes, master.” Trace rolled her eyes. “Where’s the please?”

I coughed to hide my laugh as Nixon clenched his jaw tight. “Please.”

“Better.” She grinned and skipped away down the hall.

“Someone’s got your balls in the palm of her hand.”

“Let’s leave my balls and her hands out of this.” Nixon grabbed the bottle from me and retrieved two glasses. “Mind telling me why you look like shit?”

“It’s a new style I’m trying.” I pulled at my long hair and winced. “Jared Leto meets Sicily.”

“Try harder.” Chase said strolling into the room. “Or at least put eyeliner on.”

“Right, that’ll make associates quake in their boots. Long hair and eyeliner.” I rolled my eyes. “Why hadn’t I thought of that?”

“I got the brains in the family.” Chase grinned. “Simple.” He angled his head. “Mind telling me why you look like shit?”

I groaned into my hands.

“Great minds.” Nixon elbowed Chase.

“No sleep?” I offered. “It takes a toll.”

“So does sex, but I look awesome.” Chase popped his knuckles. “What do you know, man? It’s better to tell us.”

“Can’t,” I snapped. “Just be prepared for Tex to be different when he gets back, that’s… that’s all.”

“Where is he?” Nixon pushed away from the table and looked around. “Shouldn’t everyone be sleeping anyway?”

“Out,” I seethed. “Drinking and whoring? How am I supposed to know?”

Nixon’s eyes narrowed in on me. “Frank and Luca?”

“Sleeping.” I shrugged. “They’re old.”

“I’m old.” Chase groaned. “My knees cracked today… it was sad.”

“Vitamins.” I snapped my fingers. “Like Centrum Silver?”

“I said they cracked not that they needed replacements, you ass.” Chase got up from his chair. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?”

“Other than surviving?” I grinned.

Nixon stared hard at me, making my comfort level basically dissipate into thin air. “People start arriving tomorrow, we’ll make them as comfortable as possible… actually.” He grinned. “I think a good old fashioned family dinner is in order.”

“Please tell me you’re drunk.” I rubbed my face with my hands.

“I’ll cook.” Chase rubbed his hands together. “Besides it’s only a few of Luca’s men and The Alferos that will be here that early.”

“Fantastic. What? Do we pat them down at the door?”

“What’s a family dinner without a little gunfire?” Nixon slapped my back and stood. “You worry too much.”

No sooner did the words leave his mouth then Tex barreled through the door looking a hell of a lot worse for the wear and ready to shoot anyone in the face who as much as breathed in his direction.

“Rough night?” Chase piped up.

Tex’s eyes narrowed in on Chase, without saying a word he stomped towards him, punched him in the face and then spat on him as Chase tumbled to the floor. To be fair, it was a total sucker punch, unlike Tex.

“What the hell?” Chase roared from the ground.

“You dare talk to me like that?” Tex sneered. “I have more blood in my pinky finger—more freaking royalty then you do in your entire body. Next time you address me as Sir or I shoot you. Understood?”

Chase’s face twisted in rage, his eyes narrowing into tiny slits as he clenched his fist at his side. Any minute the guy was going to launch himself at Tex and try to break his jaw in half.
