Read Books Novel


Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(52)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

I followed, wincing as the smell of food hit my nose. I hadn’t had much of an appetite since my meeting with Tex and the closer The Commission got, the sicker I felt.

“Who’s this?” Mo was the first to see us, her smile was bright, fake, but bright.

“Bee,” I said as Tex’s sister opened her mouth. “This is Tex’s sister.”

“Bee?” Mo tilted her head.

“It’s my nickname.” Bee elbowed me in the ribs. “From this one.”

“I like it.” Mo smiled and shook Bee’s hand, “Why don’t I introduce you to some of the girls?”

“No.” Bee snatched back her hand. “I mean, no thank you. I really, um, I would really like to see my brother.”

“Oh.” Mo’s face lost some of its color. “Well he’s in the living room talking with some—”

“Phoenix?” Tex stalked towards me. “Is this?”

Bee launched herself into Tex’s arms. “You look like me!”

Tex’s face broke out into a smile as he returned the hug then set her away from him. “Yeah well, I think that means we’re related.”

Bee laughed, the first time I’d actually heard her laugh, and it was Tex who got it out of her. Of course.

“We should talk.” Bee’s face was so animated it hurt to look at her. “I mean, later, I know you have lots going on and—”

“I’ll make time,” Tex interrupted. “For you I’ll make time, it’s good to see you healthy and happy?”

She nodded slowly.

“Phoenix kept his hands to himself?” Tex leveled me with a glare.

Bee shook her head. “No he kissed me like fifteen times.” She leaned up and whispered loudly. “With tongue.”

“No!” I held up my hands. “She’s lying, she tends to exaggerate.”

She let out a little laugh and crossed her arms while Tex’s frozen glare never left my face.

“Shit.” I gulped and looked away. “I swear man, I didn’t touch her, I don’t touch girls, you know that.”

“You’re g*y?” Bee gasped.

Moaning I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen. She was his problem now, not mine.

The minute I poured myself a glass of wine I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned it was to see Tex chest to chest with me. Great.

“I need you to watch her.”

“I’m more of a delivery type of service.” I tried to side step him. “I don’t babysit.”

“Please.” Tex’s eyes pleaded. “These men… I don’t trust them, not yet, and I need to be able to focus. You know I do. I’m having a hard enough time focusing with Mo in that damn dress.”

Dress? What dress?

I shrugged. “Fine, I’ll watch her for the night then I’m done, she can move in with Luca for all I care.”

Tex snorted. “That would be the day.”

“Don’t knock it till you try it.” I threw back the glass and set it on the table. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go put on a cup… last time I wasn’t prepared for the kicks.”


“You really don’t want to know.”

I walked off down the hall with the sound of male laughter behind me, yeah he laughs now. Just wait. Bee was a freaking force to be reckoned with. I couldn’t wait to rid myself of her.

Right, just keep telling yourself that.


Sicilian Mafia rule number 8: When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth.


BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, damn it! People were talking to me, touching me, offering me cigars, time at their vacation homes, their freaking daughters and all I could think about was Mo.

In that black dress.

Officially my favorite color of all time.

On her, and only her.

Being impassive when she was in the room was like denying the sun was shining. Deny it all you want, but at the end of the day you’re still going to get burnt if you don’t have sunscreen.

She was searing me.

“More wine?” Speak of the damn devil. Mo carried a bottle in one hand and a little tray of shrimp in the other.

“Lovely.” Frank Alfero winked at Mo. “You read my mind.”

“I try.” She smiled and offered us all food.

“My daughter.” One of the men whose name escaped me began chomping on the shrimp. “She is very beautiful.” He nodded. “Would make a good wife.”

“He’s married,” Mo said through clenched teeth.

“Oh…” The man held up his hand. “I meant no offense.”

“Of course.” Her smile was syrupy sweet.

“Mo.” Sergio walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Why don’t you go put that down and get some food in your stomach.”

“Oh.” Her brows furrowed. “Okay.”

“I’ll take it.” Sergio sent her on her way and elbowed me while nobody looked. Bastard.

“An attentive spouse is hard to find.” The man lifted his cup to Sergio. Hell. No.

“Isn’t it though?” He tilted his head and walked off, which probably saved his life considering I was contemplating about a thousand different ways to strangle him with my bare hands.

“The Commission.” Frank cleared his throat. “Should be good for us old men to discuss the new bosses.”

“It should.”

They continued to talk, boring me to tears, I tried to appear interested. When the conversation shifted to the Nicolasi family I excused myself and went into the kitchen.

Mo was sitting on one of the barstools laughing while Sergio lifted a grape to her lips.

Was he freaking kidding me?

“Eat,” he commanded.

Mo rolled her eyes and took the grape from his hand popping it into her mouth. Good girl.

She reached for another one, her hand colliding with his. Bad girl, bad, bad, girl. Jolting back, she apologized.

“Never apologize for holding my hand,” he said sternly.

She wasn’t holding your hand jackass, she was reaching for a grape!

“You’re beautiful.”

What right did he have to tell her that? My blood boiled as he tucked a piece of hair, my hair, behind her ear and leaned in.

“Sergio,” I said in clipped tones. “Frank needs you.”

“You’re sure?”

“Go.” I barked.
