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Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(71)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Nixon was the first to step forward, dropping his gun onto the ground. “We’re with you.”

Chase followed, then Mil, Luca, Frank, the rest of the associates nodded their affirmation.

Tension released from my shoulders. “No more.” My voice was hoarse. “Vito Campisi is dead, his legacy dies with his men, it died with Alfonso, I stand before The Commission demanding a new era. One filled with pride, not secrets or deception. One that brings powers back to the family.” I locked eyes with Phoenix. “Instead of shame.”

The men nodded their agreement.

The two Campisi targets stood in front of me, their heads bowed. I didn’t want to kill anymore, I was already numb with guilt, anger, sadness… I had done what had to be done and I would have to live with it for the rest of my life.

Swallowing I pointed my gun at the first one. “Will you return with me as a witness, or do I end you here? Lie and it will be the last thing to cross your lips.”

“I return.” The man trembled. “With pride, I return with the Cappo di Cappo.”

Nodding, I moved the gun to the other man. He lifted his head and sneered. “Rot in—”

I pulled the trigger, just once, as he fell to the ground.

With a grimace I turned. “Anyone else?”

The room was silent. Luca was pale as he made his way towards me, it didn’t register that he was limping. With a grimace he reached for my face and kissed me on either cheek. “May God bless the new Cappi Di Cappo, may he protect our families until the end.”

The men repeated. “Until the end.”

“Amen.” Luca whispered, a single tear rolled down his face. I gripped his arms as he slumped against me. With a curse I pulled him to the floor looking for injuries.

When I ripped his jacket open, it was already too late.

Two bullets had torn into his stomach. His eyes closed.

Luca Nicolasi, boss to the second most powerful Family in Sicily had just died in my arms—after blessing me as the new leader of the five families.


When a boss dies, his legacy dies with him, the men… they are lost.


I FOUGHT TEARS as I watched the life leave Luca’s body. What had I done wrong? I’d tried to protect him, pushed him out of the way, instead I must have pushed him in the line of fire. Guilt swarmed my every thought as I tried to take a breath only to need another and another. On legs heavier than lead, I walked over to the body and slumped to my knees. The man who had been closer to me than a father, the man who had saved my life, possibly my soul, had just died.

And to mourn him showed our connection.

So I kept quiet while my insides screamed with injustice. It should have been me. Men like Luca, you never knew if they were good or bad. One minute they were spouting such wise nonsense that you had to respect them, the next moment their words were lethal.

For the last month Luca had been my only friend. The only person who saw me for me and didn’t turn away.

I’d just lost everything.

And I couldn’t even cry.

Frank wrapped his arm around me and squeezed. He knew. Frank knew. I lifted my gaze to Sergio, he’d been standing near the Abandonato family during the fight. His face was pale as he bit down hard on his lower lip.

I’d done everything right.

And someone had still died by my hand. It had been my plan after all, make them fear Tex. Luca had said to invite the Alfonso and his men as a way to make for a way to make peace with Tex, he wanted them to discuss logically what should happen and who should take the place as head of the family.

And I’d gone against that, telling Tex to do the opposite, knowing this was a situation where words wouldn’t work.

“Not your fault, son.” Frank whispered. “He trusted you, this was his plan all along.”

Tex’s eyes flashed.

I swallowed the giant knot of guilt in my throat. “To die?”

Frank smiled sadly. “For you to live.”

We didn’t rush as the bosses all shook hands and made arrangements with each other. Numb, I watched as each boss kissed Tex’s right hand. We’d done the right thing. In the end, order had been restored.

At the cost of Luca’s life.


Maybe, just maybe, the ending isn’t all bad. Which isn’t to say it’s happy… but perhaps not being bad is all we’re given.


SHOCK COURSED THROUGH me as I rode home with Mo. She gripped my hand and said nothing. It terrified me that she’d witnessed that side of me, yet I was comforted that she was alive, breathing, okay.

We all decided to let the associates go back to the hotel while the bosses met. It was only four now. It should have been five.

I sent Mil and some of the De Langes to take care of the body, knowing full well that because of their interesting background, they’d be able to keep it on ice while we planned the funeral.

When I walked into the house it was to find Nixon beating the shit out of a wall.

Chase pushed Nixon towards a chair and yelled. “Calm down, man.”

Nixon pushed Chase away and jerked out the chair, sitting in it and crossing his arms.

Sergio and Phoenix were discussing amongst themselves, Frank stood near the kitchen.

“Enough,” I said softly.

All eyes fell to me. Mo squeezed my hand and walked down the hall.

“That was your plan all along,” Nixon whispered. “Why?”

“It was my fault,” Phoenix said. “Luca, Frank, and I… we knew that Tex had to make a stand, we knew it had to be in front of the entire family.” His shoulders slumped. “Luca wanted to use words. Sergio slipped me an invitation to Alfonso and his men. They thought they were coming to The Commission to celebrate gaining control of The Family—officially.”

Sergio groaned. “Actually…” He coughed and looked around. “Luca knew talking wouldn’t work.”

“What?” Phoenix hissed.

With a curse, Sergio slumped into one of the chairs and spoke in a wooden voice. “He knew Phoenix needed to prove himself again, in order to gain back the self-respect he lost. He knew you—” Sergio glanced quickly at Phoenix. “Knew that you wouldn’t like the idea of Tex walking into a room only to most likely be shot… along with the rest of the Family. Luca discovered that Alfonso meant to make an example out of Nixon, Chase, the wives, Frank…” His voice broke. “So he gave Phoenix the choice, do the job you’ve been told, or make the call, only the call a boss could make.”
