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Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(8)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken


Words bring both life and death.


SHAKING, I PUSHED the wedding band that I hadn’t even chosen onto Tex’s finger and repeated the vows. My voice was hollow as I promised to spend the rest of my life with him, in sickness and in health. I wanted to collapse under the pressure, the weight, the fear.

When it was Tex’s turn, I looked up.

I shouldn’t have, because his eyes, those green eyes framed by perfect long, dark lashes gazed into mine and I was lost in a sea of desire. It hit me so hard it was difficult to breathe. Gasping was all I seemed to be doing, taking in huge gulps of air only to remind myself I had to actually exhale too.

He’d loved me once.

Would he ever love me again?

Forgive me?

Even though he was looking at me like he wanted me, I knew the truth, I’d driven a wall between us. I wasn’t sure if Tex wanted to scale it—I wasn’t sure I deserved to have him try.

Protect him. At all costs, protect those you love.

That was my mantra, the one my ma had taught me when I was little. And God, I was trying, trying so hard.

“…in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” Tex finished, his voice cracking in the end as my fingers trembled in his hand.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Vito Niscio Campisi Jr.”

Tex visibly winced at the sound of his name—his real name, the one his father had given him, his very dead father. The one he’d shot not three weeks ago.

I gave him a reassuring smile.

It did nothing but turn his eyes to ice.

“You may now kiss your bride!”

Everyone clapped awkwardly while Tex stepped closer to me, tugging my body against his. Slowly, he leaned down and kissed me briefly on the cheek before stepping back.

My body screamed with the injustice of it! Not even a real kiss on my wedding day? Not that I deserved it, but it was Tex. The final nail in the coffin had been smacked into the wood. Tex never did things like that. He was the peacemaker, he was the one that made me feel like everything was going to be okay. He was my constant.

And I’d hurt him.

I would have fallen into hysterics right then, had I not turned around and seen his face.

Swaying, I stopped walking in time to gather myself, but it was too late, he was already walking towards us.

“I think congratulations are in order.” He grinned then pumped Tex’s hand. After a brief exchange he tilted his head in my direction and grinned that devastating grin. “And Mo, looking as beautiful as ever.”

“Th-thanks.” I stepped closer to Tex.

“Thanks for coming, Sergio. “Nixon hit him on the back. “You’re family, you should be here.”

Sergio’s crystal blue eyes cut straight to me. “There’s no place I’d rather be than where I am right now.”

I sucked in all the air I could, and forgot to exhale… only this time, it ended up with me collapsing to the floor.


Truth always finds a way out…


“WHAT THE HELL!” I grabbed Mo’s body right before it crashed against the floor. “Mo? Mo!” I shook her and then pulled her into my chest. “Baby, talk to me…” Panicked, I kissed her mouth, urging her to wake up.

Her lips moved against mine as she let out a moan and then jolted back.

If I was being honest, it kind of scared the hell out of me—I hated not knowing what to do in this situation.

“Mo?” Sergio’s voice was laced with concern as he leaned down next to me and slowly touched her face. It was such an intimate caress that I was momentarily dumbfounded.

And then, like someone hitting me in the chest with a freaking two by four, I staggered back, nearly landing on my ass.

“YOU!” Had Mo not been in my arms I would have shot him. I didn’t give a rat’s ass that we were in City Hall. I’d go to prison. Gladly.

Sergio’s brows furrowed together in confusion. “Me, what?”

“You did this!”

His face paled. “I did not cause her to faint!”

“Not that!”

“Tex.” Nixon put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s been a long day and…”

Mo stirred. “Tex, sorry… I just, so hot…”

“Can you sit up?” I asked in the gentlest voice I could manage, which just so happened to sound gruff and irritated.

“Yeah, yeah, I can, um, I can get up.” Mo struggled a bit as I helped her to her feet.

Chase came up behind us with Mil. Everyone was hovering, and I was sick of it.

“Guys, give her some space.” I kept my eyes locked on Sergio’s. The bastard had no right to be staring at what was mine. I stepped around Mo so I was directly in front of him. With a grunt and a curse, he stumbled back.

“I’m fine guys, really, I’m fi—”

The sound of glass shattering pierced the air. I covered Mo with my body and looked up just in time to see Chase grunt and then fall to the floor followed by the Judge who’d just married us. Only there was no getting up for him.

He’d been shot in the head.

“Chase!” Tracey and Mil yelled at the same time, while he held up his hand from the ground with a thumbs-up.

“Get the girls out!” Nixon roared grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. Mo tripped as I pulled her to her feet. Trace and Mil kept their heads covered as they ran towards the door. Sergio pulled out his cell phone and followed me out then started barking orders in Italian to his men.

Well at least he’d brought backup.

Then again, why the hell would he need it?

Police filed down the hall just as Nixon and Chase emerged. They were both smiling and laughing like they’d just gotten wasted at a party.

“Split up.” Nixon growled, the smile fell from Chase’s lips as he winced.

Mil ran up to him.

“I said…” Nixon’s voice lowered. “…split up, I’ve got Chase. Girls you go with Tex and Sergio, we’ve got this. Make the calls.” He pointed his free hand to Sergio. “Get one of your men in here to look at the cameras.”

An officer ran up to us. “Sir?” He directed his sir to Nixon who sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let the Chief know we were getting married. After the ceremony two shots rang out, silencer.” He tugged at Chase’s shirt.

I pushed his hands away. “Let me.” With a rip, the shirt weakened under my grasp. The bullet had lodged in his left shoulder. “Aw, we’re bullet twins.”
