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Embrace The Darkness

Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(20)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

"Shay, no," Levet hissed.

She ignored his warning, her gaze remaining locked with Viper’s dark eyes.

"What would you have of me?"

"Now that is not a question to be answered in haste. There is so much that I want of you," he murmured, leaning ever closer. "Perhaps I should simply require a boon to be given when I have considered more carefully."

Shay licked her dry lips. "You mean I will owe you a favor?"

"You will be in my debt. A debt that 1 can call due whenever I feel the moment is … ripe."

"Don’t do it, Shay," Levet commanded. "Never bargain with a vampire."

Shay was well aware of the risks. Every demon knew that a vampire could twist words until they screamed in agony.

But what did she have to lose?

She was already Viper’s slave and at his mercy. If he truly wanted to force her to do something, no matter how awful, she had little choice but to comply. After all, the amulet made certain she could not escape.

Why not attempt to make the bargain and keep Levet safe?

Of course, there was nothing to say that she couldn’t try and get the better of any deal.

"Can the terms be negotiated?"

"Negotiated?" His gaze drifted to her lips. "That depends. Tell me your offer."

"The debt cannot include blood or sex.*’

He gave a soft laugh as he lowered his head to bury his face in the curve of her throat When he spoke, his lips brushed her skin and sent a disturbing rash of shivers down her spine.

"You have just taken away my two deepest desires. What else can you offer?"

She battled to keep her eyes from rolling to the back of her head. "I am a trained fighter."

"I possess many warriors."

"Warriors that can walk in the day?"

"A few."His tongue drew a warm, wet line to the edge of her collarbone. "What else do you offer?"

Her knees felt weak. "I learned to prepare a number of potions while with the witches."

His tongue stroked her racing pulse. "Intriguing, but hardly worthy of a boon"

She paused, her hands unconsciously gripping the rough bark of the tree behind her. It was that or gripping the vampire in front of her.

Perhaps sensing why she hesitated, Levet gave a low hiss.

"Do not, Shay."

Viper pulled back to regard her with a searching curiosity. "What is it, pet?"

"I.. ." Shay swallowed back her unease. "My father was a Lumos, the healer of our tribe. His blood could cure all but death.*’

His eyes slowly widened. "And you?"

"His… blessing was passed to me."

"A rare gift." Something flashed through the dark eyes. Curiosity? "A rare gift, indeed, but hardly necessary for an immortal."

Her hand unconsciously lifted to touch the spot still tingling from his lips.

"Even immortals can be harmed. My mother claimed that was why my father was killed. His blood was used to save the life of a vampire."

"A vampire?" The curiosity deepened. "You’re certain?"


"Strange mat I never heard such rumors." He pondered the notion for a moment before seeming to dismiss it from his mind. "So, what precisely is it that you’re offering?"

"If… if you are injured, I will freely offer my blood to heal you. But only to heal you. No occasional snacking." Her chin tilted. "Do we have a deal?"

His features once again softened with that seductive amusement. "A bargain," he corrected softly.

"No blood unless absolutely necessary, and no sex."

"I do not need to bargain for blood or sex. You will soon give them freely enough."

He bent to sweep his lips over her mouth, allowing her no opportunity to argue. Back and forth, with exquisite care, he rubbed his lips over hers. An electric tingle followed his touch and before she knew what she was doing she had instinctively opened her mouth at his teasing.

Only then did he claim a kiss that was edged with such possessive hunger it branded its way to her very heart

It was the sort of kiss women dreamed of in their deepest fantasies. Hot, demanding, and utterly consuming. Her hands had actually started to rise to pull him closer when he was stepping back and glancing toward the shadows.

"Ah … Santiago has accomplished his task. Perhaps we should leave before whatever he loosened has the opportunity to eat us."

Hard to argue with that logic.

Chapter Seven

Viper’s thoughts were distracted as they reached his estate outside Chicago.

And not pleasantly distracted.

He wouldn’t have minded a bit of bemusement at the sweet scent of Shay that still clung to his body like a wicked promise. Or the lingering heat that flowed through his body.

It had been far too long since he had enjoyed that sort of distraction.

This distraction came from the darkening certainty that something powerful was hunting his Shalott. Something so dangerous and vicious that it might be more than he could protect her from.

The thought made his heart clench with a fear he could not name.

Still, even with his thoughts clouded, he sensed a presence the moment he stepped through the door into the kitchen.

"Someone is here." Holding out his arm he swept Shay behind him and turned to his guard. "Santiago, search the grounds and make sure we do not have any other unexpected guests."

He waited until the vampire had disappeared before lifting his head and testing the air. Only when he was certain there was no immediate danger did he shift to regard Shay’s pale face.

There was pride etched into her beautiful features, and a grim refusal to reveal the least hint of fear, but not even her staunch will could hide the shadows in her golden eyes. She would stand tall and spit fear in its face. On this night, however, that would not be necessary. She was his. His to protect.

"My dear, I believe it would be best if you return to your rooms and lock the door."

She frowned, her chin jutting to a stubborn angle. It was an expression that was growing familiar to Viper and one he found ridiculously charming.

"Shalotts are warriors. We do not cower behind locked doors."

He allowed a slow smile to curve his lips. "It is not that I doubt your skills in battle, pet, but our intruder is a vampire. I would not wish to be forced to kill a clansman because they find you irresistible."

Her mouth opened and closed before she gave a reluctant nod of her head. She might hate looking like a coward, but she hated the thought of encountering yet another vampire even more.

A small pang shot through his heart as he watched her walk across the kitchen with the gargoyle in tow. She had every reason to hate and distrust vampires. It was a prejudice that would not easily be overcome.
