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Embrace The Darkness

Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(23)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

The gray eyes narrowed. "I asked if she would be safe."

Viper slowly smiled. For all his fussing Levet was male enough to sense the hunger that flowed through Viper’s blood.

"She is under my protection. I would never offer her harm, nor allow anyone else to harm her as long as it is within my power to keep her safe."

The gargoyle considered his words a long moment, perhaps pondering whether he could force a more specific promise from Viper. At last he gave a slow nod.

"You would offer your pledge to that?"

His demand caught Viper off guard. "You would accept the pledge of a vampire?"

"I would accept the pledge of a clan chief."

Unconsciously, Viper touched the dragon tattooed across his chest. He had forgotten that gargoyles were so sensitive to demon marks.

"Then you have it."

"Good." The long tail gave a sharp twitch. "Then I shall leave her in your care and find myself something to eat."

"There is ample food in the kitchen."

"Bah." Levet grimaced in disgust. "I have had my fill of human food."

Viper regarded him steadily. "You intend to hunt?"

"Of course. It has been too long."

"I would suggest you remain near the estate until we can determine what is stalking Shay."

The gargoyle shrugged. "It is too close to dawn to go far."

"And no humans or vampires on the menu," Viper warned in stern tones.

The gray eyes widened. "Sacrebleu. Do I look like I often eat humans or vampires?"

Viper hid a smile as he glanced down at the tiny demon. "I prefer the rules to be clear."

With a flutter of his pretty wings, Levet turned on his heels and stomped toward the nearby stairs. Muttered curses floated behind him, most of them in French, but clear enough for Viper to realize he was being unflatteringly compared to a jackass.

Ah well.

He gave a shrug as he turned toward the door leading to Shay’s rooms. He had been called worse, And probably would be again.

No doubt from the woman awaiting him behind the door.

Shay paced her room for over an hour before she felt comfortable that they weren’t under attack. Obviously the waiting vampire had dropped by for a late-night chat, not a late-night snack.

Thank God.

She had had quite enough bloodbaths for one day.

Confident that Viper was properly distracted she had stripped off her clothes and climbed into the shower. She felt an overwhelming need to scrub away the ghastly images of dead trolls.

Shay sighed deeply as the hot water cascaded over her knotted muscles. She sighed even deeper as she discovered the large stash of soaps and oils that lined the glass shelves in the back of the shower.

It had been far too long since she had been able to indulge in such luxury, she acknowledged as she washed her long hair in a flowery scented shampoo.

Too long?

A wry smile touched her lips.

Closer to never.

Lingering until her skin was wrinkled and scrubbed pink, she at last reluctantly wrapped a towel about herself and returned to her bedroom.

She had expected to discover Levet on her bed awaiting her return. He had been oddly reluctant to leave her side since they had arrived at the house.

But what she discovered wasn’t Levet.

It wasn’t even a gargoyle.

Instead it was a tall, silver-haired, midnight-eyed vampire who made her breath catch in her throat and strange things flutter in the pit of her stomach.

Damn, damn, and double damn.

Clutching the towel tight about her naked body she glared into those sinful eyes.

"What do you want?"

With an elegant motion Viper rose to his feet, his gaze taking a full, blatant inventory of her slender form.

"I thought you might wish to know that my guest has left."

His voice held a smooth darkness that slithered straight down her spine. The flutters beat all the harder.

"Is that all?"

"My housekeeper has left dinner for you in the kitchen."

"Oh… thank you." She licked her lips. "I’ll go down later."

His gaze once again roamed downward, lingering upon the small swell of her br**sts. His smile slowly widened as if he could sense her ni**les tighten in response.

Freaking hell.

"Surely you must be hungry?" he drawled softly. "I know you possess a healthy appetite."

With an abrupt motion, she turned her back to him. He might be able to seduce her with a glance, but she didn’t have to let him witness his power.

"I can hardly go as I am."

He gave a smoky laugh. "Why not? I assure you I don’t mind."

"I do."

"Very well." She heard him walk across the carpet and the sound of a door opening. Just for a moment she thought he had left the room and she struggled to deny the faint flare of disappointment that stabbed through her. Then, without warning, there was a prickling chill that raced over her skin and Viper was standing at her side. "Here."

Turning her head she regarded the crimson silk robe he held in his slender fingers. She frowned as she slowly reached to take the robe, absently rubbing the expensive fabric between her fingers.

"You said you never had guests here."

He waved his hand toward the still open closet that revealed a number of obviously feminine outfits.

"I don’t."

"These are yours?" Shay blinked in surprise. "I knew vampires had exotic tastes… but I would never have suspected."

"They are for you."


His brows lifted at her blank disbelief. "Did you think I intended to keep you chained naked in a cell?"

"I. . ." She gave a slow shake of her head as she slowly walked to peer into the closet. There were casual jeans and T-shirts, khakis, soft sweaters, and sophisticated gowns that made her mouth water. Never in her life had she possessed so many clothes. And certainly none so expensive. "I didn’t expect you to buy me a new wardrobe."

"Hardly a wardrobe. Just a few things to tide you over until you can go shopping for yourself." He paused before giving a small sigh. "Speaking of which, Abby wishes to drag you to the nearest mall to indulge in some female bonding."

Still reeling from the thought that Viper would have gone to such trouble for her she turned to regard him with uncertainty.


"You met her while we battled the witches."

Shay’s confusion only deepened. "You mean the Phoenix?"

"I believe she prefers Abby."

She reached out to touch the edge of the closet door. Her knees felt oddly weak as she struggled to make sense of Viper’s words.
