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Embrace The Darkness

Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(57)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

Realizing that the charge was bound to throw him backward into Shay, and perhaps knock her off balance at a critical moment, Viper smoothly moved to the side, luring the beasts with him. At the same moment he pointed at the ground, murmuring beneath his breath.

There was a sharp crack as the dirt beneath the pavement abruptly bulged upward. It was nothing dramatic, but enough to trip up the first troll who went down with a startled growl. The second fell over the legs of the first and ended up on his knees.

Viper was moving before the troll hit the ground and had his dagger shoved into his stomach while the troll blinked at him in amazement. He even had the decency to fall forward to trap his brethren beneath his twitching body.

Good troll.

With a moment to spare, Viper allowed his gaze to dart toward his companion.

Shay already had her first troll dead on the ground, and was circling the second with a sinuous grace. The sword was too long, and the balance wrong for her, but she moved it like an extension of her own arm. The mark of a true swordsman.

Or woman.

A taunting smile curved her lips as she baited the increasingly frustrated troll. Over and over she slipped close enough for him to take a swipe at her with his massive hands, and over and over she managed to dart away untouched. There were growls and rasps and sounds that were no doubt curses coming from the troll as he began to swing with an increasing carelessness. More importantly his fury and frustration was bringing him ever closer to the sword held in Shay’s hand.

The troll at Viper’s feet began to struggle from beneath his dead companion and never allowing his gaze to stray from Shay he planted his foot on the thick skull. He had more important matters on his mind at the moment.

Unaware of his fascination Shay made one last feint and danced backward. The troll stumbled after her, his arms outstretched. It was all Shay needed as she held the sword high, and then swept it downward in a motion too fast for the troll to counter. He was still moving forward as she plunged the blade deep into his stomach and gave it a deadly twist. There was a grunt of surprise as the troll gazed down in disbelief at the wound. Then he was falling forward to hit the ground with a resounding thud.

Bending down Shay efficiently wiped her sword on the troll’s tattered tunic before straightening to regard him with a lift of her brows.

"Are you going to play with that troll all night or are you going to finish it?" she demanded.

Chapter Eighteen

Shay was relieved when Viper dispatched the troll with swift ease and turned to lead her through the dark street without comment. It was too-much to hope that he hadn’t noticed the dark bruise already forming on her cheek. The first troll had only managed a glancing blow, but it was enough to prick her pride and was no doubt the reason he had halted his own attack to watch her so intently.

He had to be thinking she was a rank amateur, damn him.

Why it mattered that he should consider her a warrior worthy of respect didn’t bear thinking about.

At least not now.

With an effort she speeded her steps so she could walk beside Viper rather than behind him.

She didn’t hide behind anyone. Not ever.

Ignoring his sidelong glance she forced her gaze to take in their surroundings, determined to be prepared for whatever might leap from the heavy shadows.

And anything might leap in this neighborhood, she acknowledged with a faint grimace. They had left the elegant mansions and trendy businesses behind, replacing them with narrow buildings and empty lots that carried the stench of decay. Even the streets were beginning to crumble and she jumped over potholes that were capable of swallowing a small car whole. This part of the city was dying a slow death, conveniently forgotten by all but those forced to live among the rubble.

Oddly saddened by the sight Shay briefly assumed that the cold chill prickling over her skin was merely a reaction to her surroundings.

It was only when Viper came to a sharp halt that she realized the truth.

"Vampires," he breathed.

"Damn." She instinctively reached to give her braid a nervous tug. "I don’t suppose that they’re your vampires?"


Of course not.

It seemed the night for unpleasant surprises. And what could be a more unpleasant surprise than encountering vampires on a dark street?

"Maybe they’re just passing through?"

He gave a shake of his head, his features hardened to that chilling mask that reminded her precisely of what and who he was.

"None would dare to enter Chicago without my permission. Not unless they were declaring war."

She swallowed heavily. "How many?"

"Six." He tilted his head back, sniffing the air. "And one is a chief."

"So we’re screwed?"

Viper cursed beneath his breath as he searched the shadows for the hidden vamps. Not a good sign. She didn’t want to see him worried. Not now. She wanted that arrogant, superior, utterly confident man who set her teeth on edge.

"Dammit it all, I’ve been a fool. A stupid fool," he muttered.

"Not that I intend to argue, but what have you been a fool about on this occasion?" she demanded in low tones.

"The hellhounds and trolls were merely a ruse to flush us from Dante’s mansion." He gave a low growl. "We walked straight into their trap."

Shay froze, recalling the chaotic panic that had set in when they had sensed the approaching trouble. He was right. My God, they had been fools. If they had any sense at all, they would have waited until they were certain that the danger behind them was worse than the danger before them.

Of course, in all fairness, who wouldn’t flee in panic after the Lu? The thing had scared the bejeezus out of her.

"Do we run or fight?" she muttered.

"I know this vampire," he rasped, reaching out to grasp her hand. "We run."

It sounded like a damn fine idea to Shay. The best warriors always knew the wisdom of a strategic retreat. Holding the sword to the side so it didn’t trip her, Shay allowed Viper to pull her down the dark street. She didn’t know where they were headed, but anyplace had to be better than here. Or at least she hoped so.

Never losing stride Viper darted down a side alley and smoothly grasped her about the waist as he vaulted over the looming security fence. Shay swallowed her gasp of shock as they landed on the other side and turned toward an abandoned warehouse.

She could run fast and jump higher than humans but… damn. She almost felt as if they were flying.

Entering the warehouse Viper slowed his pace, his head tilted as if he were sniffing the air.

"What are you…"

"Shhh." He pressed a finger over her tips before tugging her toward the back of the building. "This way."
