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Embrace The Darkness

Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(71)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

"Has he found the master?"

"Yes. They have traveled across the state. We must leave at once."

The vampire touched the heavy sword that was sheathed at his hip. "The clan awaits your command."

Taking a step toward the nearby stairs Dante came to a sudden halt. Shit. He had almost forgotten the most important thing.

"Santiago, I need someone to return to my estate and tell Abby what is happening. I can’t have her fretting over my absence."

The vampire took a sharp step back, his eyes widening with horror.

"Are you mad?"

Dante frowned. "What?"

"You want someone to confront the goddess and tell her that her mate is charging off to risk his life against dangerous enemies?" Santiago regarded him with an expression of martyrdom. "I may be young by your standard, Dante, but I’m not stupid."

"Abby would never harm you."

"She might not intend to harm me, but I have no intention of being around a woman who has a history of setting things on fire when she loses her temper."

Dante’s lips twitched. His mate was a beautiful, intelligent, extraordinarily kind woman, but there had been moments when her control of the Phoenix was not completely perfect.

Over the past months she had managed to singe a demon or two in public, which had unfortunately lingered in the minds of many.

"She almost never sets things on fire anymore," he protested.

"Almost, is not never, my friend." The dark eyes narrowed. "And when she discovers that you have slipped out of town without her… well, you must understand my concern. Have the gargoyle use the portal to contact her. I don’t think mat gargoyles are flammable."

Dante gave a snort. "Coward."

Santiago shuddered. "Oh yes."

"Fine." Reaching for the cloak he had thrown over a delicate satinwood chair Dante swept it around his shoulders. "Take the clan to the edge of Rockford and I will meet you there."

Santiago gave a choked cough. "You intend to tell the Phoenix yourself?"

"I intend to pick her up and take her with us." he said dryly. "Not even I am stupid enough to tell her that she must stay behind."

Santiago gave a sudden laugh. "Age really does bring wisdom."

"Pathetic," Dante muttered as he marched from the room.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Shay struggled to crawl her way out of the clinging darkness. Not a pleasant task as she realized there was a crick in her neck and every muscle was cramped from sleeping on the hard, damp floor.

Of course it wasn’t all bad, she had to concede. Nothing could be truly terrible when her head was resting on Viper’s shoulder and his strong arms were wrapped about her.

Allowing herself a moment to simply drink in the scent of his skin and the feel of his body next to her own, Shay at last forced open her eyes.

"What time is it?" she demanded in a husky voice.

"A half hour past dark."

The cobwebs were wrenched from her mind as she abruptly sat upright. Below her Viper remained stretched on the hard rock, his beautiful ivory face and long silver hair only thing visible in the darkness.

"Why didn’t you wake me?"

"I did try on several occasions, but you refused to obey," he murmured. "In fact you called me a number of quite disturbing names and threatened to stake me."

She narrowed her eyes. "I don’t believe you."

His lips twitched. "Very well, if you want the truth I was enjoying watching you sleep."

"Ew. Don’t do that"

He gave a lift of his brows. "Do what?"

"Watch me sleep. It creeps me out."


"Because I know I must be drooling."

"Only a little and it was very cute."

A reluctant smile touched her mouth. "Stop that."

Viper slowly lifted to sit beside her. He reached to cup her face in his hands.

"Shay, it wouldn’t matter what you do in your sleep. Having you in my arms, feeling your warmth, is a joy that I treasure. Surely by now you know that I would sacrifice everything for you?"

Her breath caught and the mere chore of breathing became difficult "Viper?"

The dark, mesmerizing gaze flared over her face, his expression impossible to read.

"Am I frightening you?" he asked.

Her mouth was dry and her heart lodged somewhere in her throat. But frightened?


"If you haven’t noticed, I’m not that easily frightened," she forced herself to say.

His fingers tightened. "I’ve noticed that you are annoyingly eager to risk your life, but you are much more cautious when it comes to your heart."

Her gaze lowered to the full, sensual curve of his mouth. "The wounds of the heart are far more difficult to heal than wounds of the body."

He pressed his forehead to hers. "I would never hurt you, Shay."

His lips whispered over her skin sending a tingle of magic down her spine. She wanted to kiss him and show him precisely what burned in her heart. To softly run her hands over his hard, muscular body. To offer herself without reservation.

That was a simple thing.

It was getting the words past her lips that was proving to be the problem.

She just felt so… sappy.

"What do you want of me?" she at last demanded.

"Your trust, your love, your very soul. I want all of you."

Her laugh came out as a breathy whisper. "You don’t ask for much."

"It is what all vampires demand of their mates "

She pulled back, her eyes wide. "Mate?"

He studied her deer-in-the-headlights expression with a faint smile.

"Yes. You are my mate, Shay. You are the woman destined to be at my side for all eternity."

"But…" She floundered to discover a reasonable thought floating around her brain. "We don’t even know if I have an eternity."

"None of us can say precisely how long we have. Fate is fickle even to immortals," he said softly. "But for whatever days and nights we have I want you to share them with me."

She lowered her eyes as a surge of emotion threatened to make her bawl like a baby.

"This is hardly the time or place for such a discussion."

"Perhaps not, but I need to hear the words from you, pet." He smoothed a stray curl behind her ear. "I need you to tell me that you care for me."

She squirmed with unease. It was stupid. Beyond stupid. But she would rather face the Lu before admitting the truth etched across her heart.

"You know that I do."
