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Eternal Hunter

Eternal Hunter (Night Watch #1)(45)
Author: Cynthia Eden

Erin’s head jerked to the right. She really didn’t need to see this scene. Watching others screw wasn’t her idea of a good time.

“So what, drinking from the idiot isn’t enough? You’re robbing him, too?”

Now that had her gaze flying back toward the couple on the ground.

The blonde’s head snapped up and she glared at them with—was that blood dripping down her chin?

The guy on the ground gave a weak moan and whispered. “Don’t…stop…don’t—”

“Get out of here!” the woman screamed, her barely covered br**sts heaving. Erin noticed that the hooker had the guy’s wallet in her right hand. Ah. So that was what she’d been looking for in his pants.

Jude took a step forward and a rat raced across the alley.

Not my kind of place. Erin braced her legs apart and tried to look like she wasn’t in the middle of hell.

The woman swiped her hand over the back of her mouth, leaving a red swatch on her chin. “Unless you’re a cop, you ain’t got no business—”

Jude growled. A low, menacing rumble that wasn’t human. Not even close.

The woman rocked back, eyes widening. “Wh-wh—”

“Don’t stop!” A fierce cry from the man. His eyes were open, but he didn’t seem to be staring at anything. Erin wasn’t even sure he’d noticed them.

The woman’s lips peeled back, and Erin caught sight of her teeth.



The hooker shifted, moving like a snake on the ground as she sized them up and put her prey between them.

Her eyes—why hadn’t Erin noticed the woman’s eyes before? They were black. A vamp in hunting mode.

Erin’s breath jerked out. She’d only ever seen two vampires— okay, three now—in her life. The ass**les she’d seen before had done nothing to make her like the bloodsuckers, or even to have vague semi-warm feelings for them.

The first guy had jumped her in a park when she’d been in New Orleans. Her first week in the city. She’d broken his nose, possibly given him a concussion, then she’d run like hell.

And she’d run right into another vamp. The two had been some kind of sick team. Caging in their prey.

They’d picked the wrong prey.

That guy had gotten tossed ten feet. By the time he’d gotten up, she’d been gone.

But Erin had never forgotten their eyes or the stench of death that clung to them like a second skin.

“Come closer, and I’ll kill him,” the blonde grated, lifting her claws over the man’s throat.

Erin believed her. One swipe would be all that was needed to cut open his jugular and—

Jude lunged forward. He grabbed the man’s arm and jerked him away from the vamp in a lightning fast move. The vamp’s claws raked across the john’s neck and shoulders, drawing blood and eliciting screams from him.

Jude snapped, “Shut the hell up!” Then he shoved the guy away from him and away from the rising vampire.

The man’s eyes were finally open and aware. He raised a trembling hand to his throat and touched the trickling blood. His saucer-sized eyes stared first at Jude, then the vamp. After a few stunned seconds, he turned and ran.

“Now what are you gonna do?” Jude put his hands on his hips and sized up the vampire. “’Cause I doubt you’re gonna be able to take me.” Erin saw that his claws were out. “But, just for fun, why don’t you come and try?”

Well, damn.

So much for using the victim.

The vamp’s chin lifted and her eyes narrowed. “You know how hard it is to find a donor in this city? One who likes the bite?”

A donor. Nice way of putting it.

“Do I look like I give a shit?” Jude demanded. “Besides, I get the feeling you don’t care if your donors are willing or not.”

A smile from the vamp. One that probably would have been pretty, if the woman hadn’t been flashing bloodstained fangs.

“No, I don’t.” Then her gaze shot to Erin.


That toothy grin widened. “Hello, there.”

Jude’s hands flew up, and those claws were wicked sharp. “I don’t have much use for vamps, so let’s make this short.”

“Umm…and I don’t have much use for shifters.” Her gaze was still on Erin. “Even those who bring me pretty presents.”

Pretty what? Presents? And why had the blood ho been looking at her when she said that?

“She’s not for you.” Jude moved a bit to the right, putting himself between Erin and the vamp.

“Oh?” The woman’s voice was low, taunting. “And I’m to think she’s for you? Humans don’t go for shifters. Everyone knows that. They hate the beasts in you.”

Jude just shook his head. “I don’t have time for this shit.” He flew toward her. Seriously seemed to fly although Erin knew he had to have jumped or—or something. His hand locked around the vampire’s throat, and he lifted her up into the air. Her feet kicked out at him, her claws ripped at the flesh on his arms, but he didn’t even flinch. “I need information.”

She stilled, her claws buried in his arms. “And I need you”—she spat at him—“to get the f**k off my street!”

His fingers tightened.

She laughed. “Can’t…kill me…this way.” Her voice was hushed, broken, but her lips were still twisted in a smile.

Erin stepped forward. No, this wasn’t what she wanted, there had to be—

Jude lifted the vamp higher, then threw her back.


The vamp twisted in midair, and landed easily, too easily on her feet. Then she charged, running fast for her prey.

Not Jude.


Jude snarled and reached for the vamp, but she struck out, swiping her claws over his chest and arms and sliding right through his grasp. She came toward Erin, laughing, mouth wide, fangs bared, eyes too dark and—

Erin punched her as hard as she could, right in the face, aiming for that wide, gaping mouth and those freakishly long fangs.

There was a crunch, then a crack, and something flew to the ground.

Then the vampire fell backwards, hard.

Before she could rise, Jude was there, crouched over her, his claws at her throat. “Never said she was human,” he murmured.

The vamp stared at Erin in horror. There was more blood on the vamp’s mouth now. No, more blood coming from her mouth.

Erin glanced down at the broken cement. What was that? Was it a—
