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Eternal Kiss of Darkness

Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Night Huntress World #2)(47)
Author: Jeaniene Frost

He drew his mouth away from hers, staring into her eyes while he slowly pulled out of her. His thumb traced her lip as his other hand held her aloft, keeping their hips together.

Deep, bone-melting pleasure surged through Kira’s subconscious as he thrust forward again, almost causing her to shout at the crush of rapture filling her.

"That is what I feel when I’m inside you." His voice was low, eyes lit up with blinding green. "And you will feel every measure of the same, I promise."

A curtain fell over his emotions then, until the sensations Kira felt were hers and hers alone. She curled her hands into his hair, about to tell him to drop that wall so there were no barriers between them, but a clench of pleasure gripped her before she could speak.

It cleared her mind of thought, wringing a cry from her instead of words. Mencheres slowly began to move, his mouth parting as he stared at her while his body merged into hers. Another clench of pleasure seized her, causing her to gasp out his name while those rapturous bands inside her tightened.

He smiled, so sensual and beautiful, it was another form of bliss just looking at him.

Kira’s hands unwound from his hair to caress his back, growing more excited by every flex of his muscles that meant another amazing thrust inside her. His mouth closed over hers again, his kiss somehow darker and richer. Their tongues twined together with the same silkiness as his movements within her, Kira’s heightened passion making her body able to smoothly receive all of him.

His hands traveled over her while he slowly began to increase his pace. Her moans were smothered by his kiss, joining the hoarse, throaty noises Mencheres made as they moved together. Each new thrust built the intensity inside her, spreading it until her whole body throbbed instead of just her loins. Even her skin ached with a beautiful torment for more contact with his, making her grasp him even more feverishly while her legs slid around to encircle his hips.

He caught the back of her thigh in a strong grip, holding her closer as his thrusts intensified. The waves of pleasure cascading from her core had her crying out against his mouth, her fangs cutting into his lip as her head began to toss with growing urgency.

His hand tangled in her hair, keeping her steady, while his kiss became scorching, his mouth ravaging hers with a hunger that was too fierce to be contained.

Her nails dug into his hips as he began to move even faster, shattering her reason with that ceaseless rhythm. The sensual pressure built until it felt like she’d explode if he didn’t stop – and she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted him to take her past the edge, into the free fall beyond.

Mencheres tore his mouth free with a shout that echoed inside the small room. His pace suddenly increased to a degree that would have frightened Kira were it not for the ecstasy blasting through her. Her eyes closed while her loins finally convulsed from the overwhelming bliss, flooding a sensation far too great to be called pleasure through her.

Words spilled out of Mencheres’s mouth in a language she didn’t understand. She clutched him as the orgasm continued to throb inside her, shocking her with its intensity.

She wanted him to feel the same thing she was feeling. To have him let go of that last bit of control.

"Come inside me," Kira gasped, her voice almost raw. "I need to feel you come now, Mencheres . . ."

Another slew of words she didn’t recognize hoarsely tumbled from his lips, but then he kissed her with a passion that matched the burning demand of his body. She locked herself around him, moving with him, her mind sliding away from reality into pure sensation.

She felt the tremor deep inside her then, the shudder that passed from his body to hers. It flexed and contracted even as a harsh shout tore from his throat. Mencheres arched, thrusting inside her so forcefully that she gasped. His head fell back, dark hair fanning behind him as another, longer groan came from him. It matched the spasms reverberating within her, his climax thundering through her loins with powerful, rhythmic vibrations.

Her arms curled around his neck as she savored the tremors that still shook him. A profound sense of belonging filled her, as if something long restless inside her had found its home. For several extended moments, she didn’t even want to speak, lest words break the rightness she felt.

Then she looked past Mencheres’s face to see the pile of their clothes directly under them. Several feet under them, in fact.

"What?" she gasped. A glance around confirmed what her eyes first told her. That wasn’t the wall brushing against her back anymore. It was the ceiling.

A low laugh shook him even as their distance to the ground began to dissipate, their bodies floating down slower than a drifting feather.

"Did you think I’d let you fall?" he asked huskily, kissing her throat with a languid thoroughness that took away her flash of anxiety. He settled them on top of the soft pile of clothes without once turning around to see where it was. It left her on top of Mencheres, her knees sunk into the pall et of fabric around them, his hair framing his face like black silk. His hands trailed along her back with firm, smooth strokes, pausing on the rounder part of her hips.

"I’ve heard the expression climbing the walls, but I never thought I’d experience it, let alone like that," she murmured, her mouth curling into what was probably a dreamy smile.

He smiled back, an unfiltered, wide stretch of his lips that reminded her how even more gorgeous Mencheres was without his usual impassive expression. She stroked his face, tracing her fingers over his high cheekbones, those dark thick brows, that full mouth, and his proudly sloped nose.

"What are you thinking?" she asked, leaning forward to brush her br**sts against his chest.

"That I would stay like this with you always, if I could," he replied, his smile fading a bit.

Was the shadow that passed over his face due to their lack of time because they had to meet his co-ruler soon? Or because of Radje’s frame job implicating Mencheres in murders he hadn’t committed? She didn’t want to ask. She wanted to keep this moment just between them, without other people or things intruding on it yet.

"Why did you close yourself off from me so I couldn’t feel you?" she asked, resting her elbows on his shoulders.

His gaze slid over her br**sts, compressed now against the wall of his chest. "It is a poor lover who ensures his lady’s pleasure merely by letting her feed off his own," he replied with the hint of a grin.

Kira chuckled. "I don’t think you need to worry about that. Ever."

"Then next time," he replied, his voice deepening, "we will share it together." A rush of anticipation filled her, making her want to turn next time into right now. But another clench inside her, a more dreaded one, made Kira glance around the room in consternation. Aside from the machines, Mencheres’s coat, and the Disney paraphernalia they were lying on, the room was empty. And she was getting very hungry.
