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Ethan's Mate

Ethan’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #1)(3)
Author: J.S. Scott

Rory and Liam were twins, and almost impossible to identify from just a glance. All of the brothers were similar in general appearance. Muscular. Tall. Dark hair and the signature brown vampire eyes. And at the moment, somewhat frightening in their unity and intensity.

“Has she answered?” Nathan demanded in his booming, low voice.

Ethan clenched his fists, feeling helpless and frustrated. “No. Nothing.”

“She’s probably not sleeping yet.” Liam answered quietly, always the voice of reason in the terrifying quartet.

“I can’t wait,” Ethan decided as he paced the floor, his body tense, his emotions barely in check. “She’s weak and in some sort of danger. I don’t know exactly what. I have to find her.”

“What can we do?” Rory queried gruffly, knowing his brother was in pain. Rory was generally the cheerful one, but he didn’t appear quite certain how to deal with Ethan in his current condition. None of the brothers were used to seeing Ethan in any kind of emotional chaos.

“I need to know that she isn’t in danger from a fallen. She talked about being sought by another. Something evil. Find out if there’s anything going on with our brethren or another that might cause them to seek her out.” He struggled to think rationally as he added, “Anything out of the ordinary.”

“Done,” Nathan answered. “I’ll investigate the possibility of it being a fallen, while Liam and Rory check with the others.” He motioned to his two brothers who nodded once in agreement. As the eldest of the four, Nathan was good at giving orders. It often caused conflict between the brothers, but not now, not when they needed to come together to help Ethan.

“I’ll try to reach her, try to find her. I’ll call you.” And just like that, Ethan disappeared without a sound, leaving no evidence that he had ever been present.

The three brothers were silent for a moment, each beginning to absorb the significance of what was happening to Ethan.

Liam was the first speak, stating nervously, “He can’t fail.”

“Ethan won’t fail,” Nathan replied sternly.

“If he does…he won’t survive.” Rory voiced what the other two brothers could not and did not want to say.

“Then let’s make sure that he doesn’t fail,” Nathan demanded and he flashed away, the others following seconds later.

Chapter 2

Ethan stood in the heart of the city, a place where most normal people feared to walk alone after darkness had fallen. He had fed well, knowing that he needed to be at full strength for whatever lies ahead.

Any creatures in the area, human or otherwise, fled as he stalked down an alley. It was as if they could feel his anger and frustration. He was dangerous. There might be some mad, bad creatures in this part of the city, of both the immortal and human variety, but nothing could compare to a vampire seeking his mate, especially when said mate was in danger.

Come to me.

Ethan stopped, his heart pumping, his adrenaline on overload. “Talk to me. Help me find you.”

The connection was a little stronger this time.

He took a deep breath and opened his senses, trying to find her essence.

I don’t know how.

“Just keep talking to me,” he demanded as he moved steadily north, following her psychic trail.

I’m… afraid. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am.

Ethan’s heart ached as he heard the vulnerability, something he had a feeling this woman normally wouldn’t admit to. “Of what?” He gentled his thoughts, trying to send her comfort.

Ethan knew he was drawing nearer and her spirit was stronger. He continued to travel faster than a human eye could detect, trying to zero in on her location.

There’s something evil here. I know it sounds… gothic… but I can’t explain it any other way. Even my cat, Mr. Wiggins, is huddling under the covers with me. His fur is standing up on end.

He was close, so very close. “Hold tight. I’ll be there soon.” Ethan changed direction slightly and asked with amused smile. “You have a cat named Mr. Wiggins?”

Don’t laugh at my cat. I’ll have you know he is named after a very distinguished man. Wiggs is a very dedicated companion.

“I’m not laughing.” Actually, he was, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. Her indignant reply amused and delighted him.

You’re laughing. I can feel it. Who are you?

Ethan sobered as he felt her anxiety. “I’m here to help. I would never harm you.”

I believe you. I’m not sure why… but I do. What’s happening to me?

The connection was strong and Ethan floated down to the window of her house, finding it easily as the connection strengthened even more. He flashed himself into her bedroom and immediately felt the sense of evil that was stalking her. He braced to confront it but as soon as he’d flashed into the bedroom the presence seemed to flee, completely and totally, leaving only the essence of his mate.

“I’m here now. Everything will be all right. You’re safe.”

It’s gone. Thank you. I’m so tired…

Her voice trailed off and the connection broke. She slept the sleep of the innocent.

Ethan moved soundlessly to the side of the bed, looking down to get his first glimpse of his mate. His heart ached, beating in a wild rhythm as he saw her light blonde hair peeking out from a mound of blankets. She was beautiful and more precious to him than anything he had ever coveted in his entire existence. She was the one who held his soul and his future sanity in her fragile hands.

She looked so…delicate. Ethan glimpsed the dark markings around her eyes, taking in her slight weight, and the worry lines around her mouth, present even in her sleep.

He reached forward to touch her temple lightly. It was rude to invade her thoughts, but he wanted to know what caused her angelic appearance to be marred with worry.

Whatever was worrying his mate would soon be gone. He’d make certain of it.

Pain seized his body and he grunted as his fingers found and sought a mind connection. She’s sick. She’s dying. He felt the pain of her treatments, the torture her body had been through. She had fought bravely… but she was losing the battle.

He watched as her other memories sprang forth, most of them happy. At least she had led a peaceful life until the mysterious illness had hit her. He removed his hand, reluctant to invade too much into her thoughts without her permission.

Dying. Dying? That was so not going to happen. Ethan knew exactly what she was dying from, and it wasn’t the rare blood disease her doctors had diagnosed. She needed to bond with her mate. She was twenty-eight years old. Almost twenty-nine. Damn it! Why hadn’t he heard her sooner?
