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Ever After

Ever After (The Hollows #11)(26)
Author: Kim Harrison

Nina sniffed, clearly uncomfortable in the sun, but I leaned back against my car, enjoying the stored heat it was giving off. "Most has already evaporated with the sun," Nina said. "The evaluation is still being scored, but even though neither I nor Nina is rated for the courts it’s obvious that there was violence, determination, frustration, and panic in large amounts. Mostly violence between two people."

"Gee, you think?" Jenks smart-mouthed. "You come up with that all on your own?"

Quen and Ku’Sox, I thought, seeing frustration cross Trent’s face.

"It seems," Nina said, idly looking at her perfect nails, "as if Ceri did nothing. Perhaps she was knocked out or protecting the baby."

Trent turned away, the rims of his ears red in the sun. Jenks had taken wing, hovering protectively. Seeing it, Nina smiled like a cat who’d cornered a mouse. "I sensed three, maybe four auras present, but only Quen and one other were active. I’d be comfortable guessing that there was one person who abducted Ceri and Lucy, someone proficient in magic. Quen fought him or her, realized he couldn’t overcome them, and the two females were taken."

How can she just stand there and say it? I thought, my frustration bubbling up. Lucy and Ceri were gone! Quen was possibly dying, having tried to save them. Trent . . .

I glanced at him, wishing he didn’t have to deal with this. Demons sucked.

Nina was silent, reading the emotions as neither one of us said anything. Ray was slumped against Trent’s shoulder, Jenks a silent presence of support I didn’t understand. It was obvious that Trent had never admitted to himself how much Ceri and Lucy had come to mean to him. He might not even know it now, so wrought with the pressure of dealing with the present that he couldn’t see clearly. He was suffering, though. He had no one. I didn’t think he realized it yet-he wasn’t angry enough. I could feel his realization coming. Maybe in a day. Maybe two.

Trent had always seemed to be alone, but he’d always had his assistant, Jonathan, as well as Quen. Then Ceri. Even Ellasbeth, though that hadn’t turned out very well apart from Lucy. And now even Lucy was gone. Soon he would understand that the demons had taken everything but a child who would remind him of what he lost. Things would get ugly then as the worst parts of Trent warred with the best.

A chill went through me, and Nina looked at me in question, her eyes dilating in the strong sun as I shivered. Trent had power on multiple levels and he wasn’t averse to using it. I didn’t know which side of him would win. I’d seen both. There was little I could do. Except perhaps be there so he didn’t feel so alone.

"Then you have nothing more to add?" Nina asked, her voice oily as she soaked in my sudden fear.


"I’ll see you tomorrow, Rachel," she said, and I looked at her outstretched hand, refusing to take it. She might kiss it or something. "Trenton." Nina hesitated, inclined her head, and then spun slowly. Trent shifted to me slightly, and we watched her walk to the cars. You could tell when Felix left her: her head came up and she breathed as if coming out from a hole. As she paced faster, her heels clicked on the pavement until she got in a car.

Arms still over my chest, I watched her slowly pivot the big car back onto the road, headed for the gatehouse. I’d stopped sneezing. That was good, right? "She thinks I’m not telling her everything," I said, and Trent’s shoulders slumped.

"Are you?"

I touched Ray’s hair, smiling faintly. She hadn’t let go of that amulet, and it was still in her tight little grip even as she slept. "I don’t know. It’s ingrained not to tell the I.S. squat."

I opened my car door to leave, and Trent lingered, Ray in his arms and the sun glowing on him. "Felix is teetering on insanity," he said, eyes concerned as he watched Nina’s car go through the gate. "You’ll be okay tonight?"

"Sure, unless they decide to blame it on me." I got in, finding my keys in my bag. Sitting there, I looked up at him. "It would be easier if Ellasbeth planned it," I said, wanting to believe that. I didn’t like the woman, and by Jenks’s scoff as he darted in to sit on the rearview mirror, I knew he didn’t hold any love for her, either.

"I called her from the hospital," Trent said, a surprising tone of compassion in his voice. "She seemed shocked, and she doesn’t lie that well. Even if it were ten against one, Quen wouldn’t have-" His voice broke, and I felt a surge of pity when his jaw clenched and released. "He would have prevailed."

"I’m sorry."

His breath coming in was shaky, but it smoothed out when he exhaled. "Me too."

My chest hurt, and I watched him hold Ray. I knew he loved her, but the feeling that he had failed Lucy must be overwhelming. He had risked his life to find Lucy and bring her home, promised that she would be safe with him. "You’re a good father," I said suddenly, and his lips parted. "No one can stop a demon when they make half an effort."

"You can," he said quickly, and Jenks made a pained sound from the rearview mirror.

The self-recrimination in Trent’s voice made me feel worse. "True, but I’m a demon."

Trent blinked with a sudden thought. His shoulders eased, and the horrid tightness to his jaw let up. "You are, aren’t you?" he said, as if I’d given him something new to consider, a fragment of knowledge that he could use as he began scheming, looking for a way to fix this.

"What?" I said, hoping he’d tell me what my words had sparked, but he shook his head.

"Nothing. Ellasbeth has promised to take Lucy from me, even if I can get her back. She’s already filing papers."

I wondered why he was telling me this, even as my heart went out to him. "You will get her back. Ceri too." But I didn’t promise it.

Still between me and my car door, he swallowed hard. I wanted to reach out to touch him, but didn’t know how he’d take it. Putting the key in the ignition, I sneezed. Then I sneezed again, jerking so hard my forehead almost hit the dash. Scared, I looked at Jenks. His eyes were wide. Shit. I’d waited too long to get to my scrying mirror.

"Bless you," Trent said dully, not paying attention. My eyes widened, and I sneezed again. Mouth dry, I grasped his free wrist.

"Trent. I’m sorry," I said, knowing I couldn’t stop this. He was going to lose me, too.

He stared at my hand, and then his eyes widened as I sneezed again. "No . . ."

I let go of him, sitting in my car afraid to move. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t outdistance the summons. "I’m being summoned," I said, turning away to sneeze again. A nauseating, pulling sensation had started. It was soft right now, but if I didn’t submit, it would grow until I had no choice. For a second, I panicked, thinking it might be Ku’Sox, but Al was the only one in the ever-after who knew my summoning name. And Nick.
