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Everything He Desires

Everything He Desires (Bookkeeper for the Billionaire #1)
Author: Thalia Frost

“You should totally go, Lacey.”

I sighed and threw Alma a look that could kill. “I don’t know, Alms. It’s not really my scene.”

“Who cares? You’re my friend. I don’t have a date, and I want you to go with me.” She grinned at me and shimmied into her tenth red dress of the day.

“Alright, but you’re the one who wanted to bring along an unemployed loser. Wasn’t my idea. Just remember that.”

Alma rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Soon to be employed. It’s just a downturn, a run of bad luck. That’s all.”

“Yeah. I guess.” I wasn’t convinced. My bookkeeping skills were up to par, but my company had downsized and out I went. I was just another Millenial brat in need of a good job.

“Oh, hey. Do you have something to wear tonight?” Alma’s brow scrunched, and she scrutinized me. The shopping trip had been all about her, and I was fine with that. Clothes didn’t interest me much.

“Yeah. I have a little black number that will do just fine.” It was one I’d worn a hundred times before, but what did it matter? I couldn’t afford a new one. I was watching every penny these days.

“Good. I’ll be by to pick you up at 7:00. I’m getting this one. Let’s go.” Alma jerked her head toward the door, red dress in tow.

I slunk out of the dressing room behind her, tucking my hair behind my ears. The mirror had told me all I wanted to know about how I was looking three months after the layoff. Same shiny long brown hair, worried blue eyes, no smile.

“Cheer up, Lacey. It’s going to be fine. I swear. Tonight will be fun. Open bar and all that. You can’t lose.” Alma grabbed my arm, and I let her steer me to the car.

At least I could drink my troubles away.

* * * *

“Oh my god, it’s crowded in here.” I struggled against the press of people at the mansion.

“Well, it’s Rock Weldon’s place. What do you expect?”

I yawned. “Who’s that?”

Alma rolled her eyes as she always does when I say something she thinks is unbelievable or stupid. “I can’t believe you sometimes, you know that?”

I shrugged and grabbed a glass of champagne from the nearest waiter. We’d made our way into beyond the foyer.

“He’s the head of Regal Enterprises. You know, he’s at the top of the food chain where I work. The CEO, the big cheese and so on.”

“Oh, I see.”

“I’ve only seen him in photos. I’m just an editor. You know how it goes.” Alma shrugged.

“I guess.”

“Oh, there’s my manager. I need to speak to him.” Alma hurried away.

“Dont…leave me,” I said and sighed. She’d already gone and was nothing more than a dot in a sea of dresses and tuxes. I glanced up at the shimmering chandelier. The place was gorgeous, but all I wanted to do was find a corner to hide in for a while with my drink.

A plate of shrimp sailed by via a waiter, and I plucked a few of those and started plotting my escape from the crowd.

I could see a staircase and beyond it, a French door. Air. I needed air.

I raced toward it, cursing my three-inch heels. I threw it open and found myself alone on an ornate stone balcony of sorts. The city lay before me. I gulped in oxygen, fighting back tears.

At twenty-five I felt washed up, that only a desert of regret and missed opportunities lay before me.

“Hello. You must be the new intern.”

Through the haze of my tears, I slowly turned. I wiped at my eyes and forced a smile. Then my heart stopped for an instant.

I had seen this man before on magazine covers. Rock Weldon in the flesh.

Now I remembered who he was—the owner of this place. His hair gleamed dark and slick in the light, his jaw strong. The most arresting feature about him, though, was his eyes. I could tell they were clear greenish even in the tepid moonlight.


I couldn’t force anything else out. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot, staring at him.

He cocked his head, lifting an eyebrow. I noticed his perfect body—lean and hard in all the right places. The tux he was wearing didn’t hurt. It must have cost more than my whole year’s salary had.

“Miss Phelps?”

“I think there’s been—“

He held a hand up. “You’re the woman for the job.” His voice was a low growl now, and he stepped closer to me.

I moved into the shadows, my heart pounding so fast I thought my chest would explode. “But I’m not Ms. Phelps.” I choked the words out.

“Doesn’t matter. You’re the one I want, and I think you’ll find that when I want something, I get it.”


He pulled me behind a palm tree I hadn’t even noticed. We were in near darkness now. The only sound was my breathing.

I wanted him to touch me, to do whatever he wanted to do with me. I’d never had a feeling like that about a man, especially one I didn’t know. He exuded power and know how in a way I’d rarely seen from anyone.

“Mr. Weldon?” A voice called from the doorway.

“What?” He ground the word out, glaring. He stood just inches from me.

“They need you for the introduction.”

“Dammit. I’m coming. I’ll be there in a second.”

“Alright, sir.” The voice was meek now.

The sound of the door shutting allowed me to breathe again.

“What’s your line of work?” He crossed his arms, staring me down.

“Bookkeeping,” I managed to squeak out.

“Perfect. That’s all I needed to know. That’s just the beginning of your duties for me.” As he spoke, he bit his lip, and his gaze traveled the length of my body and back up.

I shivered in the warm night air.

“I have to go. Meet me here at midnight. No excuses.” He whirled away and strode off, the door closing as he went back inside.

“My god.” I leaned against the palm tree for support. What was that all about? Did he really want me to do his bookkeeping? Was I qualified?

I knew he wanted more from me than that, and that I’d be there at midnight. Then I realized he hadn’t even asked my name.

* * * *

“Where were you? You missed a great speech,” Alma chirped, spearing cheese with her little fork.

“I just needed some air.” We were sitting on the couch now. The crowd had already thinned out a little. Apparently, some of the guests had only come to hear Rock Weldon give his speech.

And was going to be working for him.

The thought blew me away.

“Yoohoo. Earth to Lacey.” Alma waved her hand in front of my face.


“You’re just not here, are you?” She frowned.
