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Evidence of Passion

Evidence of Passion (Shadow Agents #7)(27)
Author: Cynthia Eden

I’m sorry, Rachel, but I’m benching you.

She wouldn’t like it. But she’d be safe. Dylan knew that if he didn’t get Rachel out of there, she would be at his side when Jack came again. Only she might not walk away with a bump on the head. She might not walk away at all.

That wasn’t a risk he was willing to take.

“The transfer is set,” Mercer said slowly as his gaze drifted to Rachel. “And the doctors agreed with your assessment.”

Rachel’s fingers tightened around the armrests. “What’s going on?”

Mercer’s fingers stopped tapping. “You came back to work too quickly after your last attack. Those stab wounds were severe, Agent Mancini. And now, in light of the concussion you just suffered, it’s clear that you shouldn’t be back in the field just yet.”

She immediately surged to her feet. “No, Mercer, you can’t—”

“You suffered a vicious attack a few months ago, Rachel, when the rogue agent—”

“I know exactly what the rogue agent did to me.” Rachel cut off Mercer.

The EOD director raised an eyebrow.

“After all, I was there,” Rachel continued, body tight. “I was there, fighting, when he stabbed me again and again. I was there when he rushed away, and I could only lie there, bleeding out on my apartment floor. I. Was. There.”

Dylan’s hands had fisted.

“I was the one in the hospital, hooked to machines. So believe me, I know just how vicious the attack was.” She huffed out a breath. “And I know I survived. I’m back here, ready to work—”

“But you collapsed last night,” Mercer told her. His voice was soft, mild, and Dylan actually saw a hint of sympathy in the man’s normally cold gaze.

“A small bump on the head.” She waved it away. “I didn’t—”

“If you’d been fully recovered, you might not have needed a civilian to pick you up from the street.” Now the sympathy was gone from Mercer’s voice.

“But I—”

“Dylan was right. You’re not ready.”

Oh, hell.

Rachel’s head swiveled toward him. Her gaze—shocked, hurt—held his. “Dylan? You think I’m not ready for this?”

“Um, Agent Foxx is the one who told me that you needed to be transferred to desk duty for a few more weeks. Under the circumstances, I do think it’s for the best.”

Rachel shook her head.

Thomas glanced at Dylan, his gaze knowing.

Yes, I’m trying to protect her. I’ll do anything to keep her safe.

Even, as Rachel had said, pull rank.

Even hurt her. Because Dylan could tell Rachel was hurt. And furious.

Noelle shifted slightly, moving from her left foot to her right.

Dylan didn’t move at all. He couldn’t. Not with Rachel’s stark gaze on him.

“Don’t worry,” Mercer told Rachel. “You know Agent Foxx can handle this case. He’s been after Jack since long before you even joined the EOD. He’ll do what is necessary to bring the killer in, you can count on that.”

Rachel flinched. “What is necessary?”

No, oh, no, she’d better not be thinking—

“I think he already has,” Rachel murmured. Then she shook her head and faced Mercer once more. Her chin was up, her shoulders straight. “I want you to reconsider.” Just like that, the emotion was gone from her voice. She’d soldier on. That was Rachel. Always so strong. “I know Jack. I can—”

“Jack has taken the bait that Dylan provided. We’re confident that he will be apprehended soon.” Mercer was obviously finished with that discussion. “My assistant, Judith, will give you new orders, Agent Mancini.”

Rachel stiffened.

“But…” Again, a hint of sympathy flashed in Mercer’s eyes. “Perhaps you’d rather just take a few days off before starting your new assignment? You’ve been through quite a lot lately.”

She glanced down at her hands. “I joined the EOD because I wanted to make a difference in this world.”

“You have,” Mercer assured her. “But this particular case is over for you.” He straightened in his chair. “You’re dismissed now, Agent.”

“Yes,” Rachel murmured. “I guess I am.” She turned and headed for the door. She didn’t glance over at Dylan even though—damn it—he wanted her to look at him again.

She walked slowly. She kept her head up the whole way. Not bowed. Proud.

The door closed behind her.

Thomas exhaled slowly. “You didn’t ask for it, but I’m telling you all…that was the wrong move. That woman deserves to be on this case, she—”

“Jack isn’t going to hurt her.” Noelle advanced and took the chair that Rachel had vacated. “She won’t be his next target. He’s clearly shown us that he will protect her.” Her gaze cut to Dylan. “And he’ll eliminate the man who he views as taking Rachel from him.”

“You think you know the killers, don’t you?” A hard edge entered Thomas’s voice. “But what happens if you’re wrong? What if we don’t always act just like you think?”


Dylan glanced toward Mercer and found that the EOD director was staring straight at him.

“Right about now,” Mercer murmured, “Rachel is discovering just what her desk duty entails.”

It wasn’t just about being pulled off the case. It was about Rachel being temporarily relocated to the EOD’s smaller facility in Atlanta.

She’d be safer there. Out of Jack’s sight.

“Are you quite certain,” Mercer asked Dylan quietly, “that move was the best one? Rachel Mancini isn’t the type of woman to cower in the corner when danger looms.”

No, she wasn’t. She was the type of woman who would risk her life. For me. Just like she’d put herself at risk when she rushed out of her apartment and insisted on coming with him to that meeting with Jack. She’d been so worried he was in danger.

She hadn’t thought about the risk to herself.

“It’s the only move that I have,” Dylan said.

Mercer inclined his head. “Then I hope you don’t live to regret it.”

* * *

RACHEL FELT AS if she were about to explode. Just breathing was an effort, and the pain—the betrayal—twisting inside her was like a red-hot poker in her stomach.

She waited in Dylan’s office. She knew he had to show up there as soon as he was finished with Mercer. A meeting that no longer included her since Dylan had had her removed from the case.
