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Expecting The Playboy's Baby

Patrick took the paper from his father and stared down at the woman he’d connected with.

“A vomiting incident at a seafood place is not going to be good press,” Robert said.

He wasn’t listening to his father. Rubbing his thumb over the page, Patrick recalled the feel of her in his arms. She’d been so damn responsive to his touch. Her cries and screams of passion would stick with him always.

“Do you know her?” he asked.

Robert sat back in his seat. “Yes, her parents are constantly trying to get her married off. She’s a shy little thing. Nothing memorable about her.”

He’d dispute that last part of the statement. Since that night he hadn’t been able to get her out of his head.

“I’ve got to go.” Patrick stood taking the paper with him.

The headline caught his attention far more than anything else. She’d vomited over a plate of seafood, and that night when they’d slept together, he hadn’t used protection.

It didn’t take a genius to work out what was wrong with her. Jennifer Dixon was expecting his child. What he wanted to know was why she still hadn’t approached him about it.

Chapter Two

“It’s all over the papers, Jennifer Dixon. What were you thinking? Now we’re going to be the talk of the city.”

Jennifer listened as her mother screamed down the phone line. She stared at the most unflattering picture she’d seen of herself and cringed. Several days had passed since the incident at the seafood restaurant.

Shaking her head she stared over at Linda who was lifting her arm to show her the time. “I’m sorry it happened. I’ve got to go. Love you, Mom.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me, young lady.”

Unable to stand the telling off, Jennifer put the phone in its cradle.

“You still haven’t told them?” Linda asked, grabbing her coat.

“What is there to tell? ‘Hi, Mom, I’m pregnant by a man you’re never going to believe. I intend to raise this baby alone. Bye.’”

Her friend glared at her. “I think Patrick would like to know he’s fathered a child.”

She followed her friend out of the door. “Why? He’s disputed the other claims of fatherhood attached to him. Why would he think I’m telling the truth?”

“You need to tell him,” Linda said.

They headed out of the apartment. Jennifer kept her head lowered as they made it to her car. Linda was taking her to her doctor’s appointment for a check-up and also to confirm she was in fact pregnant. The tests she’d done several days ago were all positive. She didn’t believe them. There was no way a stick with urine on it could determine pregnancy. That method might work for the rest of the women in the world, but Jennifer continued to disbelieve it.

“You know these tests are going to confirm it as well,” Linda said the moment they got into the car.

“I don’t care. I need to be sure.”

“I think it’s so cute. You’re going to have a little you and Patrick. Your baby is going to be adorable.”

“Please, Linda, I love you like a sister, but shut the hell up and get me to my appointment.” The words were said with all the love Jennifer could muster.

Linda patted her knee and then negotiated the city traffic. While her friend drove, Jennifer took the time to sit back and think about everything that had happened. Her mother would be on her case for the vomiting episode. The restaurant had phoned offering her a free lunch.

She gazed out of the window trying to process her thoughts.

“If Patrick turns his back on you, I’ll help you raise the baby, Jen. We’ll live very happily in our apartment.”

Jennifer turned to her friend. “I love you,” she said.

They openly admitted their feelings. They knew they loved each other as friends, not as lovers.

“BFF’s forever, sister. That’s what we are, right? No one is going to ruin us.”

Smiling, Jennifer sat patiently. She knew she was pregnant. There was no denying the morning sickness or her tender breasts.

“Even if Patrick wants to be a father, which is highly unlikely, you’ll still be my best friend, Linda.” She squeezed her friend’s hand trying to offer her comfort.

They were at the doctors several minutes later. Linda went inside with her. Her blood was taken, and they even asked her to give a urine sample.

She did everything they asked, and finally at the end, the nurse confirmed it with the urine sample.

“What about my blood sample? Won’t that be more concrete? I mean, pregnancy tests can give a false positive, right?” Her heart was racing. Part of her had hoped the appointment would tell her she’d done the test wrong or something.

“Pregnancy tests are accurate. The blood test will confirm it, Miss Dixon. Congratulations, you’re going to be a mother.”

Congratulations? What kind of advice was that?

Linda helped her back into the car. The nurse said they’d call when the tests came in and what they said.

“It can’t be true,” she said when they were back in the car.

“Jen, you took over ten different tests. The doctors have confirmed it. When are you going to realise you’re pregnant?” Linda asked.

Her cell phone started ringing. Jennifer handed the phone to Linda to answer. She couldn’t talk to her mother now. What the hell was she going to do? Pressing a hand to her stomach she stared out of the window. She wasn’t ready for a baby. Shit, she wasn’t ready to talk to the man responsible for putting it there.

She was given her cell phone, and then Linda shut her door.

“What did she want?” Jennifer asked.

“Your mother is demanding your presence at the manor.”

“No, don’t take me there. I can’t face them knowing this.” Linda pulled out of the parking space and began driving in the direction of her parents’ house. They lived outside the city in an eight bedroom manor with a front entrance that reminded Jennifer of an entrance to a hotel. She loved her parents. They didn’t like the way she was living. Even though Linda was from a similar background, they felt she was a bad seed for their prospective daughter. Linda’s mother had been a model. Jennifer never understood what was wrong with Linda’s family. Jennifer had been accepted from a young age into their family.

“I’ve got to take you, Jen. You know they hate me, and it will just give them more arguments when they’re at a gathering with my own parents. I’m sorry.”
