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Fairyville (Fairyville #1) by Emma Holly-fiction

Fairyville (Fairyville #1)(21)
Author: Emma Holly

Bryan didn’t think he’d ever come like this. He cl**axed with a concentration of feeling that stole his breath, and still every flutter of Alex’s ejaculation registered in his brain.

This wasn’t just a good orgasm; this was epic.

The last contraction came for both at the same time. As the near unbelievable pleasure receded, Bryan felt as if he’d come up for air after being tumbled in a huge ocean wave. The veins in his head were throbbing, his hand and belly spattered with seed. When he rubbed it gently into Alex’s silken skin, Alex’s hard-on stopped softening.

Alex drew back and smiled at Bryan’s gasp of astonishment, their gazes meeting for the first time since they’d begun. Alex’s eyes were dark and knowing and hot.

"You are insatiable," Bryan said.

"Uh huh," Alex agreed. "Want to choose what we do next?"

"I want to take you," Bryan said without hesitation, the glow of cl**ax having loosened his tongue. "And then I want to suck you off."

Alex rolled away from him, flopping onto his back in wordless offering. He stretched from fingertip to toe against the white granny cover, a quivering display of just how beautiful and hard and golden his body was. By the time he’d finished, his c**k lay thick and ripe against his admirable abs, not just fallen there but upright. The head was so close to his navel that Bryan wondered if his desire to go down on him weren’t biting off more than he could suck.

He honestly wasn’t sure how many inches Alex was.

"A three-fer," Alex mused. He grinned and stacked his hands behind his head. "That sounds about the right speed for me."

It was hard to f**k a man who preferred being on top as intensely as Alex did. They managed by lubing up Bryan’s condom and having Alex lower himself onto him in a crouch. The position didn’t demand a lot of Bryan except that he enjoy the show. Alex put on a good one, every muscle in his legs highlighted by the effort of raising himself up and down. His strength was great enough that he didn’t need his hands for support, but used them to tweak the nerves of Bryan’s body in places he hadn’t known could feel good.

The tendons under his arms were tingling from Alex’s massages, his Adam’s apple hummed from his kisses, and the back of his knees had gone sensitive from a stray caress. Alex had a knack for tightening his inner muscles around Bryan’s prick that just about spun stars in front of his eyes. If Alex hadn’t been groaning himself, Bryan would have accused him of being too unselfish, but Alex clearly got as much pleasure as he gave.

His enjoyment was inspiring to watch. When Alex brought Bryan off for the second time, the cl**ax was as phenomenal as the first.

Bryan was done for the night then, his prick limp and satisfied. He didn’t, however, have any objection to keeping his promise to suck Alex off. He’d been wanting to run his tongue all over that melting skin ever since their first time. No amount of sensual exhaustion was going to interfere with that.

"Lay back," he said, his tone telling Alex it wasn’t a choice. "You can let me take charge this once."

Alex opened his mouth to protest.

"No," Bryan insisted, pinning him to the bed by his narrow hipbones. "This is my show."

Alex’s breath came faster, telling Bryan he’d made a better choice than he knew. Maybe Alex had been wanting someone to take charge of him. With that in mind, Bryan didn’t play it conservative. He pulled out all the tricks he knew, whether they came from previous lovers or  p**n  movies. Alex writhed and groaned over every one, his reactions too abandoned to be anything but sincere. It was like making love to someone you simply could not displease, and knowing how much Alex was enjoying what he was doing was enough to bring Bryan up again.

"God, you’re good," Alex said, about ten minutes into it. "Oh, yes, suck me just as hard as you can."

Bryan didn’t just suck him hard. Bryan grabbed his balls in one big hand and gently twisted their now-tight sac. This wasn’t something you could do without a hint of pain, but Alex’s reaction confirmed his suspicions. He gave a whimper of pleasure that could have been torn from Bryan’s own throat, his back arching high off the bed. Alex was helpless to resist the rough stimulation, his c**k stiffening in Bryan’s mouth like it hadn’t known what hard was before.

His shaft felt huge, its blood pulsing madly with urgency. Bryan let the crest bump his throat with each digging thrust. He knew he wouldn’t have to tolerate it long. Alex was practically throwing his h*ps off the bed with his need to come. Not wanting to be overwhelmed, Bryan put his weight behind his forearms, trapping Alex’s upper thighs.

Then he rubbed his tongue fierce and hard over the sweet spot beneath his rim.

Alex’s cry of pleasure sounded pretty close to a scream.

His own erection twanged when Alex shuddered into his mouth, as sympathetic as it could get without coming, too. Alex’s cl**ax was nearly dry this time but not shorter because of that.

"God," he finally sighed, his spine subsiding against the mattress. "I needed that."

Bryan crawled up beside him and collapsed on his back. Holding Alex down had taken a lot of strength. If this relationship was going to continue, Bryan might need to renew his gym membership.

"Man," he said, his side brushing Alex’s. He rubbed his aching jaw. "Maybe I should have suggested a threesome instead of a three-fer. I’d have had a better chance of keeping up with you."

Alex squeezed his hand. "You were fantastic. I feel much better now."

"Better," Bryan muttered, "but maybe not completely done."

Alex rolled onto his side to face him. "You’re not worried, are you? I’m this way with everyone. I mean, sex with you was great, but I always need to go more than once."

Hearing Alex try to be reassuring was kind of funny. "You don’t have to flatter me. I could tell you had a good time."

"It’s not flattery. That was out of the ordinary good. I hope… I kind of lost it there at the end. I hope I wasn’t too rough."

Bryan grinned and laid his hand flat on Alex’s chest. Alex really was in Olympic shape. His heart was barely pounding hard anymore. "As long as I don’t have to scream in the next few hours, my tonsils ought to recover."

Alex winced and put his hand on Bryan’s wrist. "Were you serious about a threesome? Because I have to admit I like them."

Bryan hesitated, in part because he wasn’t certain how cool he could be about sharing the object of his longtime crush with another man. He noticed the question had been tentative, as if Alex feared he’d be judged for this secret wish.

"I think I’d be game," Bryan answered as honestly as he could. "It would depend on who the third person was."
