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Fairyville (Fairyville #1) by Emma Holly-fiction

Fairyville (Fairyville #1)(51)
Author: Emma Holly

"Don’t stop," Bryan begged before he could.

The plea sent its own claws into Magnus’s loins, pulling his c**k longer and thicker. Whatever his purpose, he saw he wasn’t going to remain unmoved by this.

"You will be my stand-in," Magnus reminded him, letting the energy of their lust bind them together. "Your eyes will be my window when you pleasure the one I love."

"Yes," Bryan gasped as Magnus dragged his tongue up the thickened ridge that ran beneath his shaft. He jerked when Magnus reached the head. "Whatever you want."

Satisfied that his magic had the permission it required, Magnus tipped Bryan’s erection to a better angle and swallowed half.

"Jesus," Bryan groaned at the immediate strength and wetness of his suction. "Mary and Joseph, look at you take me."

Magnus was too busy concentrating to check out the visuals. Relaxing his throat was easy, and ensuring that Bryan was enjoying himself a piece of cake. The challenge lay in forming the tiny ball of consciousness that Bryan would carry inside him. It needed to hold just enough of Magnus’s awareness and no more, because Magnus had no desire to make himself a permanent hitchhiker in Bryan’s brain. This was a one-shot deal, one night with Zoe and no more. Not that there would be more. Bryan’s taste in partners tended too strongly to the male persuasion for Magnus to worry on that score.

Pleased with his choice, he swirled his tongue around the satin of Bryan’s glans. Bryan’s whimper of need couldn’t help but arouse him, but this wasn’t about him. Ignoring the intensifying throb at his groin, Magnus dipped his head until his lips hit the other man’s abdomen.

This visual was too alluring not to send Bryan through the roof. Completely into it, but too considerate to clutch a stranger’s head and risk choking him, his fingernails pricked Magnus through his collar hard enough to hurt. Magnus was both oddly touched and incredibly turned on. Bryan’s girth was swelling, his stomach muscles tensing as Magnus pulled his lips tightly up again. When he flicked his tongue across the little slit, a sweet tinge of pre-come spread across his taste buds.

Knowing the end was near, Magnus spun a filament of charm off his own supply. He wrapped it around his proxy spell until the thing began to tug its imaginary tether like a trapped falcon.

His preparations ready, Magnus curled two fingers around the bottom of Bryan’s shaft, holding any loose skin taut. The time for deep-throating was over. Now he needed to focus on the more sensitive upper regions of Bryan’s cock. Now he needed to bring this magical agreement home. Bryan’s h*ps began to buck against the vigorous tonguing Magnus was giving him, his whimpers speeding up as well. Magnus increased his suction and rubbed Bryan’s glans even harder with the flat of his tongue.

Bryan groaned at this sudden increase in stimulation. Politeness forgotten, he began to thrust, the nerve-rich tip of his penis strafing Magnus’s palate.

Magnus gripped Bryan’s hips, but only to steady him. His responses weren’t those of a human, or even a young fairy. Bryan could have shoved his whole c**k down Magnus’s throat without hurting him, something he was very nearly trying to do.

"God," Bryan said, his voice rising. "God. God. Fuck."

Magnus gave his balls one firm squeeze, and then the man was gone. His energy poured out of him with his seed, blending their life force in a flare of light. Taking both with more enjoyment than he expected, Magnus released his hold on the proxy spell.

The magic orb soared up Bryan’s prick, potent enough to make him shudder at its passage. Caught in that pleasure, Bryan took at least half a minute to stop twitching in Magnus’s mouth. His limbs were shaking when Magnus let him slip free.

"That was incredible," Bryan murmured. "You got me off in, like, three minutes."

Magnus stood, his knees stiff from the tension of his own arousal. His erection was too big for even Bryan’s glazed eyes to miss, but he caught the other man’s hand before it could cup him.

"We’re finished here," Magnus said, careful to hold his eyes. "When I step out that door, you’ll forget what happened between us. All you’ll remember is how you’ll never be satisfied until you get your hard-on in Zoe’s pu**y. Once you’ve had your night of sex with her, the spell that allows me to ride your consciousness will deactivate."

Bryan wet his lips nervously. "What if I can’t seduce her?"

"You can," Magnus said, sending him a mental wave of confidence. "Listen for what she wants and hold her gaze. My charm will help you persuade her—guaranteed."

"Right," Bryan stood a little straighter. He didn’t appear as convinced as Magnus would have liked, but at least he seemed determined.

This will work, Magnus assured himself.

A shiver of sensation rolled down his spine. He wished he could have said whether fear or anticipation powered it most.

Zoe stood with her feet straddling the track to her sliding doors, watching the steady downpour fall on her deck. Lightning forked over Mitten Butte, approaching Fairyville but not here yet. The monsoons were coming, she supposed, and this was their first salvo. The sound quieted the unrest inside her, the questions she couldn’t answer however hard she tried.

Did it really make a difference if she ran away from Alex and Magnus to protect her heart? Or if she let herself plummet without a safety net? Either way, the earth would turn. Heaven would be heaven regardless of whether she was enjoying it.

It’s my choice, she thought, which brought her no closer to making one.

The sound of footsteps slapping her wet walkway brought her out of her reverie. She turned her head to find Bryan climbing the wooden stairs to her deck, soaked to the skin in jeans and a black T-shirt. He had muscles on his muscles, big, meaty slabs that wrapped his chest and thighs. His face was beautiful washed in the rain, his cheekbones and jaw as hard as his expression. Seeing him was like having Fate rub her nose in the inevitability of her own downfall. Of course Alex went for Bryan. Anyone who even sort of swung that way would.

"What’s wrong?" she asked, though she couldn’t muster the concern to go with the words. "Couldn’t you and Alex find a new hotel?"

"I found one," he said. "I left a text message on his phone. I expect he’s on his way there now."

"You left a text message."

Bryan came to a halt a single step from her. He put his hand on the adobe beside her head. "I figured out what happened between you and him."

"Did you." She couldn’t make it a question. Instead, she pressed her lips together and stared at her painted toes. "I don’t think what happened means what you guessed."
