Read Books Novel

Fake Fiancée

It may have only been a few days apart from him, but it felt like a lifetime.

I let go of my luggage, sucked in a deep breath, and prepared myself.

What was going to happen to us?

“Sunny,” he called, his eyes full of questions as they roamed my face. He came to a halt in front of me. “I’m so damn glad you’re back where you belong.”

I nodded, feeling anxious and trying to shake it off. We had so much to talk about. “I just got in. It was a long trip.”

“But you’re here now.”


A loud cheer came from his house, and I looked over his shoulder, taking in the line of cars and the glow from the lights in his backyard.

I started. Oh.

I looked back at him. “Max! The announcement . . . I’d almost forgotten. Are you a finalist?”

He shrugged broad shoulders. “I don’t know.”

My mouth parted. “You don’t know? Why not?”

His gaze zeroed in on mine. “Because I wanted to see you. Everything else can wait—even the Heisman.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“I’ve thought about us a lot . . .” he said, sticking his hands in his pockets. “I guess we should talk.”


“I found your pregnancy test. I—I guess that’s what you wanted to tell me. Right?”

My eyes widened. What? How had he—

“I found it when you asked me to make sure you’d locked up. The only thing missing is the test strip.”

Oh. I nibbled at my bottom lip, picturing his reaction. “I packed it with my stuff when I was getting ready to leave. I took the test and then Mimi showed up to tell me about my dad. Things got nuts.”

He reached out a tentative hand and caressed my cheek, but let it fall as if he didn’t know quite what to do with me. “It’s not your fault. You were on the pill, but we were going at it like crazy.”

I sent him a small smile, recalling several of those moments. “I’m not pregnant. If I had known you’d find the package, I would have told you sooner, but I was waiting until we were together so we could discuss things.”

A myriad of emotions flitted across his face, but I couldn’t pin them down. “It would have been okay if you were,” he said softly. “We can handle anything. You and me.”

I glanced up. “You’re not upset at the close call? Even after Bianca . . .”

“You are not her. You’re trustworthy and beautiful and the person I want to be with.”

My stomach fluttered. God. I needed to hear these words. I needed him.

He continued. “I freaked, sure, but I was never angry. I was worried about you, but I didn’t want to bring it up with everything else you had going on.” His hand lifted again, this time more confident as his fingers glided into my hair and tugged me closer to him. “Let’s put the baby scare aside. I’m sorry I roped you into being my fake fiancée—no wait—I can’t say that because I don’t know if things would have turned out like this.”

“Like how?”

“I love you, Sunny.”

Such simple words. Words I needed.

My insecurities slipped away and elation flew over me. I put my hands on his shoulders. “Say that again.”

His blue-green gaze searched mine. “I love you. I have for a long time. I was scared it would screw up my game, but life is crystal clear now. It’s just taken me a while to wake the hell up.” His voice was fierce, almost gruff in the delivery. He swallowed once and then twice, the lines of his throat moving. “Since the night I pulled you out of that car and brought life back to you, you gave life to me.” He looked at me certainty. “You’re mine. You always will be.”

“It’s about time you told me, Quarterback,” I said, my voice thick. “I love you so much. You’re everything to me. You were meant to be mine since the night you saved—”

His lips stopped my words.

We kissed in the street, our arms tight around each other.

I was never letting him go.

Another cheer, louder this time, came from across the street, and I glanced over his shoulder.

Tate appeared on the edge of the their property, the streetlight illuminating the little smile he wore. He yelled out. “Hey, Sunny! Glad you’re back! Sorry about your dad.”

“Thanks,” I said softly.

He looked at Max. “Dude. I know you’re in the middle of making out, but they called your fucking name! You’re one of the finalists! We’re going to New York! You’re fucking in.” He whooped. “There’s people waiting to congratulate you, mate. Just, um, whenever you two get done with all the mushy shit.”

I laughed as he walked away.

“You should go back over there,” I said. “They’re all waiting. I need to freshen up and unpack anyway.”

He laced our fingers together. “I’m not going anywhere without you. In fact, I have a surprise for you.”

He tugged me toward his house, and I followed my heart skipping.

Had I ever been this happy? Ever? No.

We popped into the party through the back gate and the entire place erupted in cheers. Max garnered backslaps and congratulatory man hugs. His dad embraced him. Isabella and Ash ran up to me and asked about my trip. He kept me firmly by his side the entire time, refusing to let my hand go. I didn’t mind.

Ten minutes later, much to my surprise, he announced we were leaving. Most begged him to stay, except for Tate and Isabella who seemed to be in on the surprise.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he led me to his car, which had brand new tires on it. I didn’t ask about Felix. He’d told me most of what had happened and no way did I want to bring him up when this was our moment.

“You’ll see,” he said as he tucked me in the passenger side, and once again I was reminded of that first day when he’d given me a ride to class. I grabbed his hand, tugged him to me and kissed him hard. My hands squeezed his face and poured everything I had bottled up for the past few weeks. Our mouths clung. Hot and fast.

He growled under his breath. “You keep this up and we won’t be going anywhere.”

He drove out of the parking spot, and a few minutes later we pulled up to the Leland football stadium.

I quirked an eyebrow as he parked. “You know it’s closed, right?”

“Cookie, please. I know people. This is my turf, and if I want it opened, they’re gonna open it. See, the lights are even on.”

We got out and walked into a brightly lit stadium. He led me to the entryway to the stands and over to his Dad’s season seats. The very same place where I’d watched his games.

“You just can’t get enough of this place, can you?” I teased.

He just shrugged. “Will you sit down?”

I did.

He knelt down in front of me—and my heart flew away.

I couldn’t breathe. “Max?” Only it came out as a wheeze.

He gazed at me with tremulous eyes, his face as serious as I’d ever seen it.

“I asked you to marry me here, and it nearly messed everything up. I used a fake ring that my best friend picked out.”

I swallowed.

He eased the engagement ring he’d given me off my finger, slipping it in his pocket.

He pulled a small black box from his other pocket. “But this . . . this is a ring that I picked out yesterday. I searched every jewelry store until I found the perfect one. The idea that you might be pregnant had nothing to do with me buying it. Maybe that was another reason I didn’t ask you about that test strip. I wanted this moment to be about us—nothing else.” He paused. Our eyes locked. “I love you, Sunny Blaine, and I want you to marry me. For real.” He opened the box, revealing a heart-shaped diamond ring.
