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Fall With Me

Fall With Me(18)
Author: Bella Forrest

“Some day you will,” he snaps. “I hope to god that someday, somehow, something will make you realize that this wasn’t just an accident.”

He gets in his car and peels away, leaving me standing there in a cloud of exhaust.


Bill and Lorrie have taken the kids on a hike, so Karen and I stay back and work in the kitchen to get things ready for the cookout we’ll have later. This cookout is a more toned down version of the Beach Party BBQ. There won’t be any camping out on the beach and everyone will probably be back and in bed by ten, but we still have an enormous amount of food to prepare. Karen is making a giant bowl of fruit salad and I’m patting out circles of ground beef into burgers.

“I just feel so fortunate for this opportunity,” Karen says as she slices strawberries. “Especially since Griff got here.”

I squeeze the handful of ground beef that I’ve got and feel it ooze through my fingers. Better than a stress ball. “I didn’t realize him showing up would drastically alter the quality of your time here.”

“Well, it’s just that I get to work with someone who’s clearly so gifted in . . . many areas, really.”

I stifle a laugh. “And you too,” Karen adds quickly. “I mean, you’re so great with the horses. And he’s so great at so many things. Did you see him swimming today?”

“No, I missed out on that exquisite pleasure.”

She stops chopping fruit and leans toward me. “I think he’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Allison is so lucky!”

The screen door peels open and Griffin walks into the kitchen, alone.

“Where’s Allison?” I say.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I heard you ladies might need some assistance in here getting the stuff for the cookout ready.”

He walks over to where we’re standing and grabs a handful of raspberries from one of the containers.

“You’re not going to wash that first?” Karen asks. “You don’t know what pesticides it’s got on it.”

He pops the raspberry into his mouth. “Sweetheart,” he says. “I smoke cigarettes. Do you think a chemical or two on a piece of fruit is going to bother me? You should be congratulating me for making healthy eating choices.”

She blushes. “Congratulations.”

I roll my eyes. “You shouldn’t smoke. It’s disgusting.”

He leans against the refrigerator and tosses a few more raspberries into his mouth. I look down at the burgers, but I can see him watching me.

“Why Jill,” he says. “I didn’t realize you cared. I’m touched.” He smiles.

“I don’t care about you,” I say. “I care about the fact that you’re smoking around the horses, and setting a bad example for the kids here.”

“I’ve actually cut way back,” he says. “It must have something to do with being out here in all this fresh air. My lungs just don’t know what to do with themselves.”

“Well, you and your lungs could come over here and help us get the rest of this food prepared, if you’re looking for something to do.”

“Sure,” he says. “You’re the boss.”

“Actually, I’m not.” I push the bowl of ground hamburger toward him. “Because if I was, you wouldn’t still be around. Here, you can help me make the burgers.”

He grins and starts to reach for the bowl. “I’m happy to squeeze some beef for you, baby—”

“God, can you just shut up? Do you have to act like such a moron all the time? And wash your hands first! I don’t even want to know where they’ve been.”

Karen is staring at me, her mouth hanging halfway open. I shoot her a look. Griffin slinks over to the sink, but I know he’s still got a smile on his face.

“It’s unhygienic,” I tell Karen. “You of all people should care about that.”

“It’s just . . . you don’t have to be so harsh,” she says.

“If he’s going to be working here, he’s got to set a good example. The campers look up to him. Why they look up to him still remains a mystery to me—”

“Hey, hey, easy,” Griffin says. He runs his hands under the water, soaping his arms all the way up to the elbows, like he’s a doctor about to go into surgery. “Sweetheart, you need to settle down. I’m not trying to get anyone worked up here or anything, okay? I just wanted to—”

“You just nothing. Don’t come in here and start telling me what to do. In fact, we don’t actually need your help in here; why don’t you go back out and find some adoring campers to fawn over you, because that’s clearly where you excel. Your presence is not needed or wanted in here.”

He finishes rinsing the suds from his forearms. From the corner of my eye, I can see Karen giving me a horrified look.

“Okay,” he says slowly. “I guess I will go do that, then.” He slinks out of the kitchen.

“What is your problem?” Karen asks. “Why did you yell at him like that? He just wanted to help!”

I grit my teeth. I can feel the stress building in my neck and shoulders. “I think we can handle it in here,” I tell her. “As long as we stop talking about it and just get to work. Okay?”

She nods but then looks at the door where Griffin has just disappeared.

Great. Someone else who is on his side.

Chapter 11: Griffin

The phone that Cam sent me arrived, and I might be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure he did in fact address the envelope himself. I choose a whimsical ring tone and leave it my pocket, though it hasn’t rung yet. Allison has been bugging me to give her the number, but I don’t, claiming I don’t know, which actually is the truth.

Later that night, I see Jill heading to her cabin. I watch her as she walks, the big strides she takes with those long legs. She’s wearing cutoff jean shorts, with probably a four- or five-inch inseam, but there’s still a lot of slender thigh there on display.

I jog after her. “Hey,” I say as I approach.

She turns. “What do you want?”

I smile. “Nice night for a walk.” It’s foggy and there’s a fine mist falling, but whatever.

She doesn’t look amused. “So take a walk, then.”

“Care to join me? I’m not really that familiar with the area. I wouldn’t want to get lost.”

“I’m tired. It’s getting late. I want to go inside, take a shower, and go to bed.”
