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Fall with Me

Fall with Me (Wait for You #4)(86)
Author: J. Lynn

He stared at me, a mixture of amusement and disbelief written across his face.

I grinned. “She also told me once she was drinking moonshine a relative brought her from the South and she ended up in the woods and talked to fairies all night. And then this other time, she told Nick that he already met the chick he was going to be with, and he looked like he wanted to run for the hills. So maybe that’s just her M.O.? Wait! She also said—”

“Back to the you loving me part,” he corralled me back in. “She really said that to you years ago?”

“Yes, she did.”

“Oh, babe.” He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine as he curved a hand around the back of my neck. He kissed me, and I melted like an ice cube in the sun. “Katie really does have psychic powers.”

Chapter 27

I supposed it was a good thing that my stomach had stopped hurting, because I was on my fourth or so death grip hug, and I was sure all the excess air had been squeezed right out of me.

It was Friday night, almost two weeks after what I was now referring to as Monday Suckday. I’d returned to Mona’s that past Thursday even though Jax insisted I could take off as much time as I needed, even a month, but I needed to get back to my life and I needed the money. The whole gang was there, hanging out at Mona’s for the night before heading back Sunday morning. They were staying at Jax’s house, camped out in the guest bedroom and the couch.

“I think you kind of look badass with the black eye,” Katie said as she hitched up her neon-blue halter top. “Like I should be afraid that you could kick my ass.”

Calla leaned against the bar beside me, folding her arms along the top. Her blond hair was pulled up in a high ponytail. “She could probably kick all of our asses. The skinny ones are always the scrappy ones.”

My black eye had all but faded to a pale bluish purple and it probably should’ve been completely gone by now, but there were some broken blood vessels. But it was barely visible. I wasn’t worried. “It’s true,” I told the girls. “Watch out.”

Avery laughed as she held a refilled glass of Coke. “I took Teresa out last weekend.”

My brows flew up as I looked at the stunning dark-haired girl. “I feel like I need details on this.”

Teresa laughed as she swiveled around on the bar stool. “I found these boxing gloves of Jase’s and we had a match. I was going easy on her, though, only popping her in the arm.”

“Whatever.” Avery glanced over to where Cam stood with Jase and Jax. They were fanboying over Brock. “I thought Cam was going to have a heart attack when we started.”

“Yeah, I thought we were going to have to call nine-one-one.” Teresa snorted. “It was funny, because I’m pretty sure Jase thought it was like watching some kind of pervy fantasy come true. Two girls with boxing gloves.”

Calla laughed as she poured a shot. “Poor Cam. Gotta suck when one of those girls is your sister.”

“You know, I think that would be a great show to do at the club. The girls could be in bikinis. Or topless.” Katie took the shot and downed it in an impressive swallow. Smacking her lips and sighing happily, she placed the glass back on the bar. “I’m totally going to pitch that to Larry. He liiiiikes my ideas.” Katie shimmied her hips.

I arched my brow as I looked at the two girls. “What have you guys done?”

Avery giggled.

“Anyway guys, I’ve got to get back and make some mon-nay! Peace out—oh wait!” She spun to where Nick appeared behind the bar. A bushel of fresh limes was in his hands and his dark brows rose as he met Katie’s wide stare. “You!” she shouted, hopping forward, her breasts defying gravity and the halter top.

He set the limes on the bar. “Me?”

I grinned as Calla pushed back, curiosity settling into her features.

“Yes. You!” She pointed at him with blue nail polish that matched her top. “I have something to tell you.”

“Oh no,” murmured Calla while I barely refrained from hopping with excitement.

Katie wiggled her fingers like she was about to break into a jazz hand routine. “She’s coming tonight.”

Nick arched a brow. “I don’t know who the lucky lady is, but I sure hope so.”

I snorted.

Undeterred, Katie waved her hand. “It’s her. The one you’re going to fall for and fall hard. Oh, boy, you have so met your match. Totally.” Beaming at a now silent Nick, she spun toward us and laughed. “Toodles, my bitches.”

We watched Katie strut her way out of the bar in five-inch platform heels, then I turned to Nick, tapping him on his arm. “Oh, snap. She’s totally right about these things.”

Nick paled. “Shut up.”

“No. She was right when it came to Jax and me,” Calla confirmed. “She’s like the stripper love psychic or something.”

He looked horrified. “Both of you shut up.”

I giggled gleefully. “I cannot wait for this.”

Nick scowled.

The door to the bar swung open and all of us whirled toward it. A laugh burst out of me, a high-pitched cackle when I saw who it was. “Oh my God.”

Aimee with two e’s Grant walked in, frowning in our direction. Her golden-blond hair was styled in pretty waves and her uber-tanned midriff was on full display. The girl was hot, but she also had no concept of personal space, plus she’d been a total bitch to Calla, and I was so not okay with that. But the idea that Nick would fall for her? I about died. Laughing so hard, my stomach hurt as I smacked my hands down on the bar top. “Oh my God, it’s her!”

Calla folded her arms when Aimee started toward the guys and then grinned like the cat that ate an entire cage full of canaries when the girl veered off at the last minute. “That’s sick,” Calla said to Nick. “I don’t know if I can be friends with you now.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “I can tell you right now that Katie’s juju is broke as shit because no part of my body is getting near that.”

“Whatever,” I sung loudly. “It’s true love.”

The look he shot me was dark, but it didn’t wipe my grin off my face. Eventually Avery and Teresa joined the guys, and when we had a down moment behind the bar, Calla got all serious-face with me.

“Are you really okay?” she asked. “I mean, I know what you’ve gone through is crazy, and I’ve been through some crazy myself, so I know it can be hard.”
