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Fall (Seaside #4)(43)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

And then Jaymeson ran into the restaurant nearly colliding with a waitress as he made his way over to our table. “Bloody hell.”

“You did this!” Smith reached around Angelica trying to grab Jaymeson.

He took a step back and sneered. “You did this to yourself!”

“Let’s go, Pris.” Smith reached for my hand but I jerked back. Horrified, by what was taking place. Could I trust anyone?

“She doesn’t want you!” Jaymeson shouted. “Just leave her alone. Haven’t you done enough?”

“Me?” Smith’s eyes widened.

“Stop.” Angelica held up her hands. “Damn, I’ve never been accused of being the voice of reason.” She turned to me. “Look, local girl, I’m Smith’s ex, and we’ve been dating on and off for eight months. We were going to meet tonight since I was back in town meeting my counselor for the weekend. This guy…” She pointed to Jaymeson. “…panicked, and called me because the idiot I used to call my boyfriend let it slip about who I was. And… yeah, I think you’re all caught up.”

I was so embarrassed I almost couldn’t speak. Jaymeson had rejected me, Smith was basically occupying himself with me until Angelica was back, and that left me.


And ashamed.

And feeling like a fool.

“Excuse me.” I stood, grabbed my purse, and walked to the bathroom, locking myself inside. Tears poured down my face as I tried to catch my breath, but it felt like my chest was going to explode.

“Pris!” Jaymeson knocked. “Pris, I know you’re in there. Come out, love, we need to talk. We should talk.”

“Give me a minute.”

“Fine, but if you don’t come out I’m just going to stalk you.”

“Jamie Hudson Jaymeson!” a voice shouted. “Get your ass over here and say thank you.”

I froze.

Jamie Hudson Jaymeson?

Jamie Hudson?

Oh no, no, no, no, no. With shaking hands I pulled out my phone and looked at my instant messages.

Jamie Hudson.


Movie Industry.

Feeling like I was going to be sick I leaned over the sink and gripped it with my hands.

“I’m back,” Jaymeson said softly. “I’m not leaving until you come out.”

He wanted me to come out?


Me: Rough day.

I wanted to swear. No wonder he always knew where I was, and what I was doing. It was almost like he could read my mind.

Jamie Hudson: Aw, babe what happened?

I pulled open the door and glared.

“Some ass**le pretended to be my friend, lied to me, lied to me some more, and then rejected me… oh, I don’t know, is it three times now?” I grabbed his phone out of his hand and slammed it onto the ground shattering it on contact.

“Pris, I can explain—”

“Go to hell, Jaymeson.”


Her cowboy boots slammed against the wood floor as she walked out of the restaurant, away from me, away from the fake me.

Leaving me with nothing.

“Ouch.” Angelica whistled. “What did you do? Try to take her pants off?”

“No.” My voice broke. “I lied.”

“Was it a big lie?” Angelica asked curiously. I noticed that Smith was nowhere to be seen.


“Want a beer?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I want a do-over.”

Angelica’s face fell. “Jay, I’m not Dr. Phil, but maybe you should go after her, try to explain why you did what you did.”

“That’s just it.” I sighed. “I did it out of purely selfish reasons — and I can’t even feel sorry, because lying to her was the best time I’ve had with a girl. She didn’t treat me any different, she treated me like I was normal.”

Angelica’s hand moved to my shoulder. “Not to be a smart ass, but looks to me like she treated you pretty normal when she stormed out of here.”

I gave her a small smile. “Thanks, Ang.”

“Yeah, well…” She rolled her eyes. “New leaf.”

“I like this leaf.”

Her smile was warm. “I do too.”

With a sigh I stared at the door. “What do I do now?”

“It’s called apologizing. Men often engage in such activities after they’ve stuck their own foot in their mouths.”

“Great. And just how do I go about doing… that.”

“Truth.” Ang slapped my back. “Always the way to go.”

“And if she doesn’t listen?”

She held up her hand. “That part I do know. You kiss her.”

“I kiss her even when she’s mad?”

“You may get slapped.” She shrugged. “But it will be worth it.”

“Alright.” I stared at the door. “I’m going into the lion’s den.”

“Go get ’em, England.”

I made it as far as the door before turning around. “Where did Smith go?”

“He made a grand exit.” Angelica’s face lit up with humor. “And I flipped him off when his back was turned.”


“Always.” She winked. “Now go get your woman.”

I saluted and ran to my car.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I walked to my house.

I just wanted to be home. I didn’t want to be at my cousin’s condo and I didn’t want to be anywhere near Jaymeson. He’d just try to break in now that he knew where the stupid key was. And I was pretty sure that if he started talking to me, I’d cry.

And I’d just suffered enough embarrassment to last me forever.

Sucking my tears in, I finally made it to my house and froze.

Construction workers were everywhere.

“Um…” I grabbed the first hard hat to walk by me. “What’s going on?”

He gave me a curious look. “There was a fire, we’re fixing the house.”

“I know there was a fire. It’s my house.”

His face lit up. “Oh, well did you want to see our progress?”

“No, that’s fine.” I crossed my arms and chewed my lower lip as people filed in and out of the house. “Do you know who’s in charge?”

“You’re looking at him.”

“Oh.” I shook my head. “Sorry, long day, um, so who told you to work on the house? Is this some sort of community donation or something?”
