Read Books Novel

Fate's Edge

Fate’s Edge (The Edge #3)(61)
Author: Ilona Andrews

Ahead, the double doors opened, and Ed Yonker entered the hallway. He looked exactly like his photograph: well-groomed, tall, with clear blue eyes and a well-oiled smile. Kaldar disliked him instantly.

"Paul, what’s going on here?"

"Immunization," Audrey proudly told him, and kept walking.


Kaldar sighed.

"She means emancipation," Paul said helpfully.

"I see. Who is being emancipated?"

Paul launched into a long explanation, complete with arm waving. Kaldar studied Ed Yonker, and Ed was clearly doing his best to study him. His gaze slid from Kaldar’s shoes, to the expensive suit, to the Rolex on his wrist, to the three-hundred-dollar tie, then, finally, to his eyes.

Paul was winding down.

"You must excuse my wife," Kaldar said. "She has a soft spot for underprivileged children, and she gets carried away. We’ll be on our way shortly."

"It’s no trouble. No trouble at all." Ed Yonker stuck out his hand. "Edward Yonker. Everyone here just calls me Ed Junior. We’re not very formal here."

Kaldar took the hand and shook it. "Jonathan Berman. As I said, Mr. Yonker, we’ll be on our way soon."

"Please, just Ed will do." All three of them looked after Audrey’s retreating behind, clasped in a skintight skirt. Yonker raised his eyebrows a bit, appraising Audrey like a piece of meat in the market, and Kaldar felt a powerful urge to hit him in the mouth.

"If your wife wants to make sure the boys aren’t mistreated, then I say more power to her. In our day and age, it’s so rare to find people who take interest in God’s less-fortunate children."

"Thank you for understanding," Kaldar said.

"Come, I’ll show you around." Ed strode next to him, shoulders back, firm gait. No trying to dominate, but secure in his authority all the same. They went through another set of double doors, down the hallway, and entered a small dormitory.

Ahead, Audrey called, "Y’all don’t rush now, I don’t want any of you falling."

"Is that a Southern accent, if you don’t mind my asking?" Ed asked. "Georgia perhaps?"

"Florida," Kaldar said, just out of spite.

"Oh. What brings you to sunny San Diego?"

"Business. Real estate."

"There is plenty of that around here." Ed gave a hearty laugh.


Audrey inspected the dormitory, letting the boys lead her.

"Your wife is very passionate about doing good works, I see."

"She is very generous," Kaldar nodded. "Luckily, I’m in no danger of bankruptcy."

Ed chuckled. If he had been a cartoon, his eyes would’ve ignited with dollar signs.

Audrey came full circle and headed back toward them. Her eyes shone, and her face was slightly flushed, just enough to put all sorts of interesting thoughts into a man’s head. She held on to Jack and ruffled his hair. "Isn’t he just the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen? I want to take him home."

"Feel better, doll?" Kaldar asked her.

Audrey let go of Jack, leaned forward, and Kaldar kissed her, carefully so as not to smudge her lipstick. Their lips barely touched, but for once he was grateful for the tailored trousers of his suit. Most men didn’t go erect from a casual kiss from their wives.

"Yes, I do. Thank you, darling."

"Livie, this is Ed Yonker. He’s in charge here."

"Nice to meet you, preacher."

Audrey beamed. Kaldar was prepared for the smile, but it took even him off guard. Ed Yonker blinked. Paul had to have a private moment studying the floor. Kaldar slid his arm around Audrey and cupped her butt possessively, a fact Ed Yonker noticed and obviously filed for further reference. Dear Gods, Audrey had a nice ass.

"I do miss going to church," Audrey prattled on. "Jonny has been so busy lately. One day we’re in Seattle, then in Nevada, now here. We never get to worship anymore. Especially in such a lovely church. Y’all seem like such nice people, and your kids are darling."

Ed finally collected his wits. "As you can see, only a small group of our younguns stay here. Most of them stay with us at the camp."

Audrey opened her eyes wider. "What kind of camp?"

"That’s where most of our services take place. The Blessed Youth Witness Camp and the Wooden Cathedral."

Audrey turned to Kaldar. "Can we see the camp, darling?"

"Not today, doll," he told her. "I have a business meeting."

"I don’t mean to be rude or to upset you," Ed said. "But the Wooden Cathedral is a special place for our congregation. That’s where we worship and meet in fellowship. One must aspire to be a member of our church to visit there."

They were losing Ed’s attention.

Audrey pretended to pout and made a small dog noise. Nicely done, but Ed still didn’t seem involved.

"No, Livie," Kaldar shook his head. "As I said, I have an auction to attend today. Ed has his congregation to look after. He can’t exactly give us a grand tour. I do apologize again for the interruption."

"No problem at all." Ed nodded, amicable. The hint had flown clear over his head. Ed was swimming away and fast. "What is it you said you did?"

"Real estate," Kaldar said.

"My husband provides housing for poor people," Audrey said proudly, petting his shoulder. "He owns apartments, and when people can’t pay their rent, he buys them back and turns them into stores."

Kaldar grimaced. "Livie . . ."

"It’s something to be proud of," she said.

Slum lord, tons of money, beautiful wife without a brain, and loads of guilt. Come on, Ed. Come on. Take the bait.

Ed considered it. The thought flashed in his eyes for a moment and dulled. "Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you folks. Paul here will show you out."

Damn it.

"Later!" Kaldar raised his hand and steered Audrey to the exit.

"I really wanted to see the camp," Audrey pouted.

"Sorry, doll. Besides, tonight we have to go visit Magdalene, remember? Your brother recommended her?"

Behind them, Ed Yonker came to life like a shark sensing a drop of blood in the water.


Kaldar put a little pressure on the small of Audrey’s back. And we’re walking away. Walking away . . .

Audrey let out a cute sigh. "I suppose. It will be boring. Those people are always boring."

"It’s supposed to be inspiring," Kaldar said. "I’m sure you’ll like it. Supposedly, she gets great results. One session, and your mind is sharper. Your brother swears by her."
