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Fearless (Ruin #2.5)(14)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“I’m not sure if I should be horrified that you think I’m a one-man team…” Wes slowly lowered his head to my thigh and winked. “Or amused.”

My body arched as he bit the garter, his tongue dancing around the inside of my thigh as he explored every inch of territory, his teeth emerged, nibbling the same place he’d just kissed.

I let out a moan.

“Teeth, tongue…” Wes peered up at me and crooked his finger. “And imagine, that was just my mouth.”


He silenced me by very slowly peeling down the stockings, throwing the garters behind him, and then tilting his head as he examined my lacy white underwear.

I shifted uncomfortably. It was nerve wracking having a man that beautiful stare at me like that.

“Remind me…” He leaned down, kissing the white lace at the top of the panties. “To buy out Victoria’s Secret.”

“Hilarious…” My raspy laugh turned into a gasp as he slowly peeled the panties down and continued kissing.

“Nothing funny about it.” He blew across my skin. “I just want to see you in nothing but this for the rest of my life—that too much to ask?”

“N-no.” His fingers grabbed the thin piece of material holding the underwear in place, and slowly slid them off. What I saw in Wes’s eyes made my heart soar. It wasn’t just approval, it was awe.

Chapter Thirteen

Every touch. Every caress. Every brush of skin against skin was like getting a shot of electricity directly into my heart. It was like being brought back to a world of light, after a lifetime of darkness. –Wes Michels


There were no words I could use to explain to Kiersten what I saw when I looked at her.

I’m sure they existed. I just didn’t know them yet or hadn’t been gifted with adequate logical thought to pull them out of the air and use them. I was too distracted by her red hair and green eyes, and the white garters that seriously almost stopped my heart all over again.

And then her tan skin against the white? It was too much. I actually wondered if it was possible for a man to have a stroke just because his sensory organs were taking in too much all at once.

Like being placed in front of a strobe light or something.

My eyes couldn’t open wide enough.

My hands couldn’t explore enough.

Damn, but God had had perfection in mind when he’d made this girl. She was….just…beautiful, effortlessly so.

From her high cheekbones to her mop of red hair spilling all over the white satin pillowcase.

I hadn’t really had a lot of control to begin with. So I knew I was on borrowed time as she tilted my chin up and then leaned down to kiss me.

That one touch. That one innocent kiss. Was enough to set me on fire.

With a growl, I pushed her back onto the bed, pressing her body into the mattress, covering her with my own. With one hand I cupped her face while my other caressed her side.

Kiersten’s hands moved to my pants. I lifted my body off her briefly so that I could slide them off.

But sliding hadn’t been her plan. She broke off our kiss and with a jerk used both hands to tug my pants down. I didn’t have time to stop her or tell her to go slower or try to be romantic—because her next action rendered me unconscious, or maybe just speechless?

Boxers? Gone.




If there was ever a time to cry tears of joy—now would be it. Kiersten wrapped her arms around my neck, and our bodies fit, so perfectly that it had to be a trick of the mind. How was that even possible?

I tried slowing down my kiss, the retreat was so hard it was painful, but Kiersten held onto my head so tight that I couldn’t help but plunge my tongue into the depths of her mouth and lose myself.

Kiersten let out a tiny moan as my hands moved to brace her hips, and then I slid inside her, slowly at first, only because I knew if I went any faster, I would cease to make the night memorable for her.

Kiersten’s hands dug into my back, causing me to arch up and take her with me… “Shit,” I muttered through clenched teeth. The friction of the movement almost made me black out.

“Oh…” Kiersten’s eyes fluttered open then closed. “Did I hurt you?”

“What?” I roared. “No, no, not hurting, definitely—” I stopped talking. What the hell was I doing? “Yeah, Kiersten, it hurts, right here.” I kissed her softly and then pushed farther into her, then retreated. “Think you could help with that?”

She shrugged innocently, then locked her legs behind my back, pulling me all the way into her body—inviting me in, coaxing me, killing me.

Sweet death.

Everything about her was warm—tight—perfect. I gritted my teeth together.

“How’s it feel now?” Her mouth met mine in a frenzied kiss.

“Like—” Control snapped. I pumped into her, taking her with me. “Perfection.”

The buildup of what we had gone through over the last year…

Exploded into such an intense feeling of satisfaction, belonging, rightness, that when my body reached its tipping point, I physically shook as every muscle tightened and then released. Kiersten’s soft cry washed over me as I carried her with me. Kiersten shuddered, waves of heat rolling off of her as I stayed put—never wanting to move from that position—ever.

Slowly, her green eyes opened, flashing with possession and a fierce type of love that made me want to cry. “I’m yours,” Kiersten whispered, while I caught my breath. “And you are mine.”


We stayed up all night.

And we weren’t playing cards. Not unless cards was a new code word for sex, and the game was to see how many times we could actually participate in said activities until I died of dehydration and/or jumped into Elliot Bay.

At around seven in the morning the next day, I went to make a cup of coffee for Kiersten. At some point in the middle of the night her hair had become possessed with a rat and was now wrapped around her head like a really scary looking towel after Chewbacca had used it.

Once the coffee was brewed, I brought a mug to bed and watched her sleep. Rays morning sun peeked through the window. How had I been so blessed? To be gifted with not only life but with her? A year ago I should have died—instead I had a wife. I had Kiersten. I didn’t want this moment to end, this morning. I wanted a thousand of them, a million, as many as my body could handle, that’s how many I wanted. Sighing with contentment, I pulled up the blinds letting sunlight stream into the room.
