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Find Me

Find Me (The Found Duet #2)(95)
Author: Laurelin Paige

“I’m not willing to take that chance. Not if it’s not my kid.”

I wanted to keep arguing with him, but there was some validity in his thinking. Even though I was sure I wouldn’t resent him, I knew enough about Chandler to know he wouldn’t be happy if I took his baby away. And with the Pierce name and power on his side, it wasn’t crazy to think that he’d pressure whomever he needed to in order to find us. Taking Chandler’s baby away could put all of us at risk.

I wanted to kick something. Wanted to punch the mattress or the wall. How long would I have to pay for my relationship with Chandler? Would it always interfere with going forward with JC? Would I forever be steeped in such deep regret?

While I didn’t know the answers to those questions, there was one thing I knew with firm certainty—I would not lose JC again.

My only hope was the paternity test. “If you knew it was yours, would you let me come with you then?”

JC ran his hand across his forehead. “If we found out for sure that the baby was mine, then it would be another situation entirely.”

I tried to appreciate his cautiousness. He wasn’t willing to let emotion guide him. That was usually my position on matters, and he was usually the one telling me to let go and feel and trust.

This time I had to be the one who trusted. I trusted my instinct—the baby was JC’s. It had to be. I could believe in that enough for both of us, if I had to. “All we have to do is wait until the end of the business day tomorrow. The results should be in, and you’ll see. Then we can focus on protecting our family. Our family. Our child. Trust me.”

Before JC could respond, the door opened behind us, and I turned to see Drew had returned. “When do we have to act if we want to take you up on protection?”

“Well. The doctor wants to keep JC for observation tonight, so we are planning to get out of here first thing in the morning. The sooner we get moving, the better.” The way he rubbed his chin as he spoke, I could tell that he was anxious about even having to wait the night.

“Can’t you just give us until tomorrow evening? If you keep him in ICU with a guard at the door, what difference will another eight hours make? Please just wait until then.” I was practically begging. I’d beg for real if I had to.

Drew let out a heavy sigh then looked to my fiancé for the answer. “JC?”

“Gwen.” His face was pained and his voice soft and full of love. “There are so many unknowns. I don’t want to put you in danger. I don’t want to be the reason you take a stray bullet, and I don’t want you to have to have a baby away from your family.”

“Shut up. You’re my family.” I sat down on the edge of his bed, facing him. “I need you. I need to be with you.”

He was still hesitant, but I could see he wanted to give in as much as I wanted him to. I knew that the reasons he was torn were noble. He wanted me safe because he loved me. He wanted me with him because he loved me.

Finally, he said, “If the results come back saying that this baby is Chandler’s, you have to stay.”

I wouldn’t make that promise. “It’s not his.”

JC reached out and ran his hand down my face. “I know.” To Drew, he said, “We’ll wait until tomorrow night.”

My entire body sighed in relief, almost as great as the relief I’d felt to find he’d survived the shooting with little injury.

Drew clapped his hands together. “Tomorrow night, then. Got it. Here’s how we’ll proceed. Gwen.” He waited until I’d shifted to face him. “You’ll need to come by after visiting hours. You have clearance to be here at all times, but the hospital will be quieter then. Bring only your essentials. No suitcases or duffle bags. You can pack something small that appears to be items from home for JC. That’s it. Come alone and tell no one the truth about JC’s condition or what the plans are from there. We’ll have a team waiting here to escort you to a safe house and then your new location.”

A bubble of sadness formed in my chest for all the people I’d have to leave, the people I couldn’t say goodbye to. But I pushed it away and held on to the knowledge that I’d be with the person I loved most. If I had JC, I had everything. “I’ll be here. Is there anything you want me to bring for you?”

“I don’t need anything.” JC put his hand on my knee, stroking it tenderly. “If we decide that it’s just going to be me, Drew, how do you want Gwen to handle that?”

“I’m going with you.” It wasn’t an option.

“It’s a backup. That’s all,” he reassured me.
