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Flat-Out Sexy

Flat-Out Sexy (Fast Track #1)(10)
Author: Erin McCarthy

Men could be so arrogant and yet so insecure and what the hell did she really know about seduction? Diddly. A glance up at Elec to gauge his reaction showed that his eyes had gotten even darker and he was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

He didn’t say a word. He just ripped the front of her dress off her shoulders and down past her br**sts. It caught for a second on her hips, but he was having none of it. One more tug and it was at her ankles and she was standing in her bra and panties and high heels. Thank God she’d worn a black lace bra. A quick glance down reassured her she also had on the flattering boy shorts that covered some of those unfortunate stretch marks above the pelvis that her first pregnancy had left her as a souvenir.

Elec popped her bra open before she could blink.

Okay, so maybe she hadn’t given him performance anxiety. That was encouraging.

“Well, let’s make it worth your wait,” he said.

Oooh, she liked the sound of that, especially since his words were followed up by his mouth moving down over her nipple and sucking it. Yeah, no vibrator on the planet could do that, and she let out a low moan, gripping his arms to keep herself standing. She had missed that feeling, that hard tingling pull on her br**sts that echoed low in her belly and made her drop her head back automatically. That sensation of a man over her, surrounding her, his grip tight on her arms, his breath tickling her flesh, making her appreciate it all the more for having gone without.

Her bra had slipped down her arms and Elec managed to divest her of it altogether while still licking and sucking, moving from one breast to the other, his free hand cupping the weight of the breast he was working on. Tamara fought for air as he moved faster, tugged harder, nipping at her, then startling her by sliding his fingers down into her panties from behind, clear down into the divot of her bottom. She wasn’t expecting that, or that she wouldn’t be freaked out by it, but she welcomed it, enjoyed the boldness of it, the intimacy, the sensuality of him confidently exploring her body.

She jerked involuntarily at the jolt of pleasure she felt from that simple touch as he traced all the way down and around to her wet core, and she wondered how she was going to see this through to the end without shattering like glass. If he so much as brushed against the front of her, she wasn’t sure she would be able to stay standing. More likely, she’d just puddle on the floor in boneless, gooey ecstasy while he stared down at her in total confusion.

Figuring if he had the right to touch her butt, she could certainly check his out, Tamara snuck around the side of his jeans and lightly rested her hands there, a little unsure. She couldn’t say that anytime recently she’d just blithely groped an unknown ass and she wasn’t sure how to proceed.

Then he bit her nipple, not hard, but with enough force to send a sharp throb rushing through her body, and she instinctively grabbed on to his butt and shoved herself against him. Whoa and whoa. He had some nice muscle definition on his back porch, and an even nicer muscle on his front, and she greedily ran her hands all over him, squeezing and exploring, enjoying the hitch to his breath. Forget hesitation or modesty when he was sporting a body like that, and she was all too aware it could be her one and only chance at it, so she might as well touch it all and then some. When she bumped against him a second time, he actually moaned out loud, and Tamara joined him. Damn, despite being so out of practice, she’d managed to hit her clit dead-on, and even with his jeans and her panties in the way, she felt the force of that collision all the way to her toes.

“Tamara,” he said in a low voice, undoing his belt with quick, urgent movements. “Do you have a condom?”

She froze. Oh, damn it all to hell and back. “No,” she said, stepping back so she wouldn’t be tempted to touch him again. She was as fertile as the freaking Nile and she might be taking a walk on the wild side, but she wasn’t insane enough to risk getting knocked up with a younger pit crew member’s illegitimate child. The very thought of the scandal, of having to explain that to her seven- and nine-year-olds, and to her own mother—good God, her mother—was almost enough to douse the fire of her desire. Almost.

“Isn’t there a drugstore up the road?” she asked. He had to have a car, right? Maybe.


“Yeah.” Elec ran his hand through his hair, making the long front ends stand up at a funny angle. He looked a little crazed and she almost laughed. “But this is Ryder’s coach. He’s got to have condoms around here somewhere, don’t ya think?”

Good point. Suzanne’s ex-husband was never lacking for female companionship. “You check the bathroom. I’ll look in the nightstand.”

“Okay.” He turned and headed to the bathroom, his unzipped jeans riding low on his hips.

Oh, my. That was one fine-looking butt she’d been feeling up. Tamara just stood still, struck dumb at her good fortune, and glanced down at her tummy pooch. She should have been going to the gym. Eating better. She was past thirty now after all.

“Are you even looking?” Elec called from the bathroom, the obvious sound of drawers opening and closing accompanying his voice. “Cuz I’m not finding anything in here and I don’t have my car at the compound, and I’m about to crawl to the damn store if I have to.”

Her tummy pooch, poor diet, and advanced age clearly didn’t seem to be bothering Elec, so she kicked off her heels and high-tailed it into the bedroom in nothing but her panties. But she still dashed past the bathroom at high speed so he wouldn’t have time to see her almost-naked self. It was one thing for him to see her bare br**sts when he was licking them, it was another altogether to just be strolling around demonstrating the effect gravity and breast-feeding had had on them. “I’m looking.”

Ryder was one messy boy. Glancing around the room, Tamara saw his bed wasn’t made, his clothes were scattered all over the floor and on an easy chair, and he had nothing short of three thousand ball caps crowding his dresser in stacks at least ten high. It took her a minute to wade through the flotsam to the nightstand, but the second she yanked the drawer open, she knew she’d hit pay dirt. There was not one, but three boxes of condoms. With spermicide, ribbed for her pleasure, and extrasensitive. Options. How considerate of Ryder.

Lying next to the condoms was a pair of fur-lined handcuffs, lubricant, and a rubber whip.

She’d just leave those right there for Ryder. She didn’t think she and Elec were to the bondage stage yet, and she had absolutely no need for the lubricant given how damp her panties were.
