Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(10)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I didn’t know whether to be more mad at myself or Tucker. I had been such a freaking fool to not consider that everyone in my family had been right about him from the beginning. I should have done things so differently. I let my love for him blind the truth about the kind of person he really was.

After an extra ten minutes, I climbed out of the shower feeling determined that things were going to change for Bella and I. She was my life now and I would do everything I could so that she would have a good life as well.

I threw on a pair of yoga pants and a sweat jacket and headed downstairs. Ty was leaning against the kitchen counter while Lucy was sitting in front of the high chair feeding Bella. “You guys didn’t have to do that. Go on about your day. We can manage from here.”

We heard the front door shut and all of us turned to see my brother walking into the room. “The douche bag just pulled in. I told him he couldn’t come inside, but he is insistin’ on seein’ you Miranda.”

“I have nothin’ to say to him.”

Before I could give Ty a warning look, he threw me a wink. I appreciated that he wasn’t going to tell Conner. My brother hated Tucker and his temper would get the best of him.

Conner grabbed an orange off of the counter and started walking out of the kitchen. “I’d be happy to tell him that.”

I followed him to the front door and noticed that Ty had caught up to him. “Conner wait up. I want to hear what this dumb ass has to say.”

Great now I had the two of them to worry about.

They walked out the front door and headed in the direction of the driveway. I spotted Tucker’s car and him leaning against it. My heart started pounding when I saw what was in his hand.

A baseball bat.

I went running out of the house trying to reach my brother and Ty before Tucker had any opportunity to hurt them. “Guys wait!”

They turned around to see me running toward them, but doing that caused Tucker to have the upper hand. He started walking toward them pointing his bat. “Your little bitch sister keyed my car last night. I want her to f**kin’ pay for what she done to it.”

Ty stood in front of me, sheltering me from being able to see Tucker.

“Don’t you dare threaten my sister you common freak!” Conner shouted.

“Fuck you Conner. I ain’t scared of you. Walk a little closer and I will prove it.” Tucker threatened.

“STOP IT!” I screamed. “Just go wait inside while I talk to him.”

Conner and Ty just stood there staring at me like I had three heads.

“Just go. I don’t need you both gettin’ into my business any more than you already are. I can handle this myself.”

“I ain’t leavin’ you out here alone with this scum bag,” Conner said, not budging from his stance.

I looked over to Ty. “Please help me here.”

“I’m not okay with this ass**le being around you with that bat,” He admitted.

I grabbed them both by the arm and pulled them in the direction of the front door. “Seriously you two, get a grip please. I can handle him. Go wait inside before things get ugly.” I said in a whisper.

They carried on about it, but finally went inside. I could feel them staring from inside of the house as I walked back in the direction of Tucker and his car.

I stood about a foot away from him and tried to really study his body language. He was pissed. “I know you keyed my car you bitch.”

“I am not sayin’ whether I did it, but you probably did deserve it.” I stared him right in the eye.

He scrunched up his face and walked toward me. “Let me tell you somethin’. There ain’t no way I am leavin’ here without getting paid for the damage you did to my car. Go inside and get your damn aunt’s checkbook.”

“I am not givin’ you shit! Do you know how much it costs to raise a baby?”

“GIVE ME THE MONEY DAMMIT!” His eyes got big and I actually felt scared.

“Back away from me before my brother comes out here and beats the shit out of you,” I threatened.

I took a step back trying to keep a good distance from him. His hand clenched the bat and he kept hitting it against his boot, to remind me that he had it.

“I ain’t scared of your brother, or that punk ass cousin of yours.”

“So you just came here for the money? What about apologizin’ for what you did? I will never forgive you Tucker.”

He looked down to the ground and started laughing. “You catchin’ me was the best thing that could have happened. She and I are together now.” He waited a moment to let his hurtful words sink in. “You should have never had that kid Miranda. I told you it wasn’t goin’ to work, but you just couldn’t get it through that thick head of yours. Look, I don’t have time for this. Just go get me my money so we can just be done.”

I was fuming. He called my daughter that kid. “You will not get a penny from my family. Get the hell off of my property before I call the police and tell them where to find you,” I threatened.

“You want to play it like that? Okay. You will pay for this you little whore.” He started to climb into his car and I backed away.

While hanging his head out of the window he spit at my feet. “You were never more than an easy f**k. Tell your family that what comes next is all your fault. See you soon bitch.”

I watched him drive past me and then heard a loud crashing. He had taken the bat and smashed the passenger mirror on Ty’s parked Jeep. I heard the guys come running out toward me.

“What the hell? He busted out my mirror dude,” Ty said to Conner.

“You need to call the police Miranda. Get a restrainin’ order before he does worse. We can’t afford to have him messin’ with this ranch. You should have never been with a guy like that in the first place. We warned you this would happen. How could you be so irresponsible?” My brother’s words were like daggers. I should have known better.

“Where is Bella?” I asked in a panic.

“She is with Lucy. Are you okay? Did he threaten you?” Ty asked while grabbing my arm.

I just pulled away from him and shook my head while I ran into the house without answering. Tucker’s words hurt me. How could I have been so blind? They were together now?

By the time that my brother and Ty came back into the house, I had already heard enough Spanish from Lucy to sing the LaBamba forty times. She only did that when she got really mad, so I knew she had had enough of my boyfriend drama. What everyone didn’t realize was that behind the anger, I was devastated. I opened my heart to this guy whether he was a bad person or not, I still loved him, or I thought I did.
