Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Van and Colt came walking in the door about ten minutes later. I could hear the loud voices coming from the foyer as Ty and Conner explained everything that had just happened. Because Tucker threatened the ranch, Colt was going all hog shit over it. I took Bella and carried her up to my room. I just wanted to be alone with my baby. She was all that I needed in my life. I couldn’t regret her for a second.

Chapter 8


I had a hard time sleeping with Miranda crying down the hall. I don’t think she even realized how loud she was being. A part of me felt so bad for her. My friends used to joke about girls with kids, claiming they were a no no. In light of my new found affection for Izzy, there was no way I would ever feel the same about that statement. Miranda was smoking hot and she was a great mother. It wasn’t her fault that her pansy ass boyfriend couldn’t act right.

I loved that little girl so much, in fact when I heard her cooing this morning, I couldn’t help but go into her room and play. I hadn’t expected that Miranda would come in looking like death, but at least she knew that Izzy had a clean diaper and a smile on her face.

I thought about how my friends would chew me a new ass for being such a sap about that little girl, but I didn’t give a shit. Every time I looked into that little girls eyes I knew that she was special.

After the douche bag came and busted up my mirror, Conner demanded that Miranda tell him what was really going on. Since Colt and Van had showed up, I suggested that we go into the other room and give them some alone time. Colt wanted to hear about the drama, but Miranda seemed to genuinely be upset about the whole ordeal.

Once we got into the family room, Van pulled me to the side and gave me her accusing eye.

“Don’t I get a hug?” I said grabbing her and pulling her into my chest. Colt rolled his eyes.

“We thought you were getting in yesterday. I tried to call you all night.” She said.

“I did get here last night. I uh, well I got caught up with Izzy and after Miranda went out we fell asleep on the couch together. When I woke up I saw all the missed calls.”

“Wait. Who did you sleep with?” Colt asked accusingly.

“Izzy. Miranda went out to see that dickhead,” I explained.

“You babysat?” Van asked with a smile on her face.

“Lucy was here too, although I told her to leave us alone and that I was fine. Obviously I was.” There was no need to say I wasn’t capable of taking care of her. She was easy to watch.

“What has happened to you?” Van joked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “What can I say? The kid likes me.”

“I don’t think that is what Savanna means. I think she is sayin’ that you are not the type of guy to play with kids and be so caring. It’s kind of disturbin’,” Colt admitted.

“Screw you guys. It doesn’t matter what any of you think. I love that kid and she loves her uncle Ty too.”

Colt changed the subject immediately once he sensed my anger. “What’s up with Tucker now? Man I am tellin’ ya, that guy is trouble. He has been caught stealin’ and I think the police came lookin’ for him last week. He has Miranda brainwashed. That girl needs to stay away from him.”

“He seems like a real douche,” I added.

Colt gave me a funny look then let out a cackle.

“What?” I asked.

“I just think that is funny comin’ from you.” He held up his hand. “No offense.”

He really just called me a douche!

“None taken. Look, I know I am not the best boyfriend, but my family has always been important,” I argued. “That little bitch is nothing like me. Tell him Van.”

She sat beside me on the edge of the couch and patted my back. “Calm down. We know you aren’t like him. I think Colt is just worried you might want to …I don’t know…hook up with Miranda.”

I looked from Colt to Van and shook my head. “Is that what you both think? You think I came here to screw around with Miranda? Are you f**king kidding me right now? We are just friends.”

I put my head down and shook my head again. I didn’t want to talk to either of them about this anymore. I hadn’t come here to sleep with Miranda. I wanted to see Van and Colt and of course Izzy. “Miranda and I are just friends. We are practically family. Nothing is ever going to happen between the two of us. I can promise you that.” Not like I had never thought about it before, but it couldn’t happen anyway. Damn I was thinking about it again…..

I started to get up and walk out of the room, but Van grabbed my shirt and pulled me backwards. “Wait! We have to talk to you about some things.”

Could this conversation get any worse?

“Ty, look, I am sorry if I made you mad. Miranda is my cousin and I just get sick of her goin’ down the same path time and time again. She needs to stop goin’ for guys that are nothin’ but trouble. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just think she shouldn’t get involved with anyone right now.” Colt’s words weren’t making things better, but I decided to keep my cool for Van.

“Whatever dude. What do you have to talk to me about? When is the date?” I was already guessing it was a proposal since Van had her hand stuck in her hoodie since she had been around me.

Out came her hand, revealing a giant rock on her second finger. I swallowed the painful lump that managed to creep into my throat. I gave a fake smile and avoided eye contact as I hugged Van and shook Colt’s hand. “Congrats guys. So when are you taking the plunge?”

“Next June. Right after graduation. We want Izzy to be the flower girl,” Van noted.

“And I want you to be my best man,” Colt added.

I was flabbergasted. “That isn’t a good idea guys. I appreciate the thought, really I do, but I just can’t be in your wedding.” I looked over to Van who seemed genuinely upset. “I’m so sorry. I just can’t do it.”

This time she didn’t grab my shirt as I walked out of the room. I passed by Conner walking toward where I had just come from, but kept walking to go out back. I just wanted to be alone. They had a lot of nerve asking me something like that. Everyone knew I wasn’t over Van leaving me. I couldn’t watch her promise to love my cousin forever. I may have been okay with not trying to interfere, but I couldn’t promote it. It was like they were dangling their happiness in front of me.

Fuck that.

I found Miranda out by the pool. There was no way for me to know she would have been there, and I was just as shocked to see her there as she was to see me. I wasn’t crying, but I certainly wasn’t displaying a happy face.
