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Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(12)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Hey,” she said while crying.

I looked behind me to make sure that we were alone. “You look just as happy as I am.”

“Guess you heard the big news.”

“You should have told me last night. Maybe I could have prepared myself more.”

“Sorry. I had a lot goin’ on last night. I guess I just figured you knew, but from the look on your face, I can tell that you didn’t.”

I ran my hands through my hair and looked behind me, just making sure nobody was following. “Yeah, they kind of told me that they had news when I got here. I figured it would be that, but nothing can prepare you for handling it.”

“You really do still love her?”

I sat down next to Miranda. “She is the only girl that I have ever told that to. If I hadn’t been such an idiot, I would have never lost her in the first place. She would be wearing my grandmother’s ring and planning our wedding instead of theirs. It doesn’t matter. I cheated and the rest is history. Maybe I don’t know what love is.”

We were both quiet for a few seconds. Miranda was looking down at the water in the pool. “Conner is callin’ the police and reporting Tucker for vandalism. He wants me to get a restrainin’ order.” She shook her head and covered her face. “I just can’t believe that just yesterday I thought we had a chance for a future together.”

“I know how much it must hurt, but you have to know that he isn’t any good for you. I heard the way he talked to you, and it ain’t right.”

She started crying again in her hands. I wanted to reach over to comfort her, but the last thing she wanted was someone like me touching her, someone that she compared to the douche bag. To Miranda, I was the same type of guy as Tucker. I hated it, but I had made my choice to live my life the way I had been. No one could be blamed for my actions except me.

I stayed there next to her as she continued to cry. What she was going through sucked big time. She had a baby that needed a father, unfortunately he wanted nothing to do with either of them. It really pissed me off. He had no idea how lucky he was. I was alone and wished I had someone that wanted to love me back. It was a shame.

I was considering what I could say next, when Conner and Colt came rushing out of the door. “Randa, we already called the cops. They are headin’ over to take our statements. You best tell them the truth if you know what’s good for ya. They need to catch him and put an end to all of this nonsense,” Conner said rudely.

“Whatever Conner,” Miranda said rudely. “It isn’t like they are goin’ to catch him. He is just goin’ to get more pissed off about it. You are adding fuel to the fire.”

“I don’t give a shit what you think about it Miranda. I want this guy away from my niece and I would expect you to want the same for your daughter. He is bad news and that is never goin’ to change.” Conner stated.

“Why are you even tellin’ me then. You have made your mind up. Just leave me alone. You obviously can’t understand what I am goin’ through,” Miranda said before walking back into the house.

“She knows he is a loser. She just needs some time,” I suggested.

Conner looked from me to Colt. “What’s this new interest with my sister Ty? Don’t get it in that head of yours that you can get into her pants next. It ain’t happenin’,” He threatened.

Colt shook his head as I didn’t back down from Conner’s threat. “Not that it is any of your business, but we are just friends. I never said anything about being with your sister.”

“You think that we haven’t noticed how you have been acting around her and Bella?” Conner said accusingly.

“The only thing I am guilty of is loving that little girl. I was there when she was born and I feel close to her. As far as your sister’s pants…well they are safe around me, because I am not interested!” I pushed past my family and walked into the house. Once inside, I looked around for anyone, but I was alone.

I was already making myself a sandwich when Colt and Conner came walking back into the house. I tried to ignore them the best that I could, but Conner came to lean against the opposite side of the kitchen island. “Look, I am sorry that I got in your shit about my sister. You need to understand that neither of you have the best track record. For a while that girl was givin’ herself out to anyone. I know she is an adult, but she needs someone lookin’ out for her. I am not sayin’ you are a bad guy. We have always been on good terms and I’ve considered you family, but my sister is off limits. She doesn’t need to be in any kind of relationship. So, it wasn’t personal.”

“I know. I can assure you for the third time that I did not come here to get into your sisters pants. She and I are just friends. I talk to her about V……well about things that upset me, and she talks to me about the same things. Just friends!”

Colt rattled his hands on the countertop like it was a makeshift drum. “When ya’ll are done, I need to talk to Ty alone.”

I stuck out my hand to Conner, who started to shake it then gave me a friendly nudge. “You up for goin’ out tonight? My girlfriend has this friend goin’ out and I told her I may have someone to come with us too.”

Wasn’t he just threatening me about pants?

“Yeah, I guess that would be cool.” I turned to Colt. “You guys coming out too?”

“Savanna wants to,” He replied.

“Let me guess, you’d rather stay home alone?”

“Not like your thinkin’. It just isn’t my scene anymore.”

“Nine months ago you were all up in that shit. I recall the night pretty clearly.”

“Speaking of that, we need to talk.”

I rolled my eyes and walked back outside with Colt. “Whatever you have to say isn’t goin’ to change my mind. I can’t stand up there and watch her promise to love you forever.”

“I thought we were past this. You know how much it would mean to Savanna. She cares about you.”

I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, trying to grasp the words that needed to be said. “It still hurts. I know that she and I are over and honestly I don’t know if I even want to be with her again, but the fact that she is with you is what drives me crazy. If it was some stranger, I think I could have let go by now. You were my idol and now you are marrying who I always thought was my dream girl. It’s like a kick in the balls.”
