Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(13)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Colt got one of his famous half smiles. “I can’t force you to change your mind, but I hope by next summer you will have. I love her and I want her to be happy. She wants you there with us. Just think about it.” He put his hand on my shoulder. “When I was younger and got engaged you were the one person I wanted standin’ next to me. I know the past year has been hell, but I haven’t changed my mind. You are like my brother and my best friend. I hope you reconsider.”

Why was it that he and Savanna could make me feel bad for them?

“I will man. I promise I will.”

Chapter 9


I wish everyone would just leave me alone. Couldn’t they see how much they were adding to my frustrations? I needed time to get over the shock of the previous night and what happened this morning, before dealing with even more drama.

My brother was getting on my last nerve. He needed to understand that my heart was breaking for myself and my daughter. I could tell that he was lookin’ out for me, but he needed to back off and let me breathe first.

While the baby took her nap, I sat in my room as Van lectured me on what I need to do next to keep me and Bella safe. She didn’t have a kid. She had no idea what it was like being responsible for a child. She meant well, and I could tell she believed she was doing the right thing, but it wasn’t helping me at all.

The father of my child had said the most painful words that a mother wants to hear. He didn’t want our child. He didn’t even love her.

The stinging of my eyes felt like it was going to be permanent with my new found drama. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I asked Van to give me some time alone. I appreciated her, just not right now.

While burying my head into my pillow, I heard the fancy doorbell ringing. Voices followed the sound of the door opening and I knew it was only a matter of time before they called me to come down. This was a bad idea with a capital B. This would push Tucker over the edge. They thought the vandalism was major. I had no idea what would come next.

Two hours later the officers made their way out. My brother looked far too pleased at what he had done. I felt the knot in my stomach tightening. The repercussions of his actions were not going to be what he thought. Conner always had to be in control. This was going to end badly.

The officers said that since they were familiar with Tucker and his family, they would pay his mother a visit later in the day. He didn’t talk to her much, but she would make sure he knew what my family had done to him. It was a good thing that my mother and aunt were due home sometime in the evening, otherwise I wouldn’t have even considered going out tonight with the whole gang.

I hadn’t seen Ty since we were outside together, but I was actually happy about that. While he and Conner were having words, I was upstairs standing at the bathroom window being nosey. It wasn’t like I wanted there to be something between me and Ty. He was telling the truth about our friendship, but for some reason it hurt my feelings. I didn’t understand why, but it just did.

He was such a big help with Bella and everyone could tell that he loved her. In light of my newest daddy issues, it made me happy that someone cared about my daughter. I always had my family and that meant the world.

Knowing that my family wanted to go out to one of our local establishments meant that I needed to get my ass in gear and find something to wear. Since this was the first official night in months that I was single, I wanted to take advantage of the situation. I picked out a tiny little black dress. The bottom was a short skirt that puffed out a bit, but the top was just two separate pieces of black fabric that covered each of my br**sts and tied around my neck.

I had these great red high heels that I had never worn before that popped with the dress, so I knew I had to wear them with it. I pulled my hair up and had small curly pieces falling out of the up-do. I did the makeup around my eyes to look smoky, making the blue color in them pop, and added just a bit of powder and lip gloss. For an added touch I put on some of the lotion that my aunt had gotten me on my birthday. Last night I had gotten dressed up to seduce my then boyfriend, tonight I just wanted to forget he ever existed. I needed to feel eyes on me and know that I didn’t have to answer to anyone. I deserved to have a little fun or at least feel better, even if it was temporary.

There was a bunch of commotion when I finally walked downstairs. It seemed that everyone must have been waiting on me and Ty to be ready. I hadn’t even noticed that he was getting ready upstairs, my only focus had been on myself. Van was holding Bella and pointed toward me when they saw me walking downstairs. My little girl got the biggest smile on her face when she saw me. A part of me just wanted to stay home and cuddle with her all night.

Everyone’s eyes were on me as I grabbed my daughter and showered her with kisses. The front door opened and my mother and aunt came rushing in the door causing their own interruptions. They immediately snatched up my daughter and began telling us about everything they had bought for her while they were away.

I was used to them spoiling her. It was just what the two of them loved to do.

When I noticed Conner moving in on them, I grabbed him by the arm and shook my head. “Not tonight, please.”

He shook his head, but didn’t say a word.

We were all standing around chatting when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Ty was in dark jeans that had holes randomly placed on them. His hair was disheveled all over his head and down around his ears. His shirt was tight against his hard chest and it was a dark red like my shoes that popped against his olive skin. The V shape in the neck showed off some of the definition to his chest. I tried not to be obvious about checking him out, but as he caught my eye, I caught the scent of his cologne. He smelled better than any smell ever to exist on a man. I felt like one of the girls in those Axe commercials. I wanted to pounce on him right there in front of everyone. With no regard to anyone else, he looked at me and got a huge grin on his face.

Our eyes froze into each other for only a few seconds before Van cleared her throat. “You two ready to go?”

Without turning around again to see his face, and give away any obvious signs that I was swooning over him, even when I shouldn’t be, I kept my eyes fixed on my daughter as I kissed her goodbye. I caught up to everyone outside. Conner had to pick up his girlfriend, so Ty and I rode with Colt and Van. Colt gave me a dirty look as I climbed into the backseat behind him. Van let Ty sit in the front seat because he was so much taller. The Mustang didn’t have that much leg room in the back.
