Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(20)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Who the f**k is this?” I gestured to the girl.

“This is my roommate Lauren. She has been dying to meet you,” Heather introduced us and stood behind her friend. Slowly she removed the girl’s jacket to reveal a very tight, very leathery corset and panties.

Heather’s hands reached for her friend’s waist and she slowly took her fingertips and slid them over her friend’s br**sts. “Isn’t she hot?”

Holy hell!

“Is this for real?” I asked, trying really hard to not look at Heather feeling up her blonde roommate.

“That depends on what you want,” Heather teased.

“You aren’t playing fair.” I needed to think of something non-sexual, like chairs or picture frames.

“You have two choices Ty. You can drop the towel and join us, or tell us to leave, in which we will go home and enjoy ourselves without you.”

Oh shit! Don’t picture them touching…….Stop thinking with my cock…Stop thinking with my cock!

Without saying a word, I stood up and headed to the fridge to grab a new beer. I knew what decision I had to make, but my body was putting up a fighting struggle with my mind.

I didn’t have to answer to anyone. It was just one night of fun. One night to forget about everything I had lost and all that I didn’t have.

Just a one-time thing.

Fuck it!

I headed toward the girls and grabbed the towel to release it from my waist, when suddenly; knocking came at my door again.

The girls looked confused as I walked away from them and opened the door without even looking to see who was on the other side. I didn’t even think to turn around until I heard a crying sound entering my place.

Miranda stood there, with Izzy in her arms, staring at the two half naked chicks in my living room.

“Miranda? What are you doing here?” I was without words. I looked around toward Heather and Lauren and they both just stood there with their hands on one another.

“I…..your mother was supposed to tell you we were coming,” She stuttered, never taking her eyes off the girls.

Izzy started crying again and I reached my arms out to her. At first, the little one reached back for me, but Miranda pulled her into her chest. “I think we will just take our things to your parents place.” She turned and started heading out of the door.

I grabbed her by the arm. “Please wait. This isn’t what you think.”

“Yes it is! Who is she Ty? Do you have some kid by this little tramp?” Heather’s words were the last and final straw for me. Nobody had the right to talk to Miranda like that.

I held on to Miranda’s arm, while I took my other hand and pointed outside. “Get the f**k out of my house!”

“I ain’t leaving until you tell me who this is? Do you have a kid? Does your precious Van know?”

What the f**k? Couldn’t she get a hint?

“I am serious Heather. Leave now!”

“Screw you Ty. You don’t know what you’re missing. Call me when this bitch leaves,” Heather yelled as she started walking out into the rain.

About time!

I slammed the door just as they hit the threshold then turned my attention to Miranda. “Please let me explain.”

She shook her head. “I am so sorry Ty. I didn’t mean to interrupt your night. They made me come here.”

“Who did? What is going on? Why are you here?” She hadn’t even been close to me. She had no reason to visit me, really.

“It’s Tucker. He is gettin’ out of jail early. He called and threatened me and Bella.” She started to cry and held her daughter tighter. “The things he said implied that he wanted to hurt us. Kill us.”

I clenched my fists just thinking about that dick head threatening them. “What the hell did he say?”

“He says they wouldn’t be able to identify our bodies when he got through with us.” The more she started to cry the more Izzy cried.

“Jesus Christ! Give me her so you can get that jacket off,” I offered.

She was still crying. “You aren’t even dressed. I am not handing you my daughter while you are in a towel.”

I looked down and remembered she was right. “Give me a second!” I said as I headed into the bedroom to grab some shorts and a shirt.

When I came back out she was taking Izzy’s sweater off. She was still screaming though. “Okay, are your things in the trunk or the backseat?”

“Both. Just grab the stuff in the backseat for tonight,” She suggested.

I ran out in the pouring down rain and grabbed the bags out of the back. When I came in, Miranda was on the phone. I sat down the bags and held my arms out for Izzy. She reached right back for me and I grabbed her into my arms, giving her a great big kiss.

“Hey pretty girl. I missed you so much.” She put her hand over my mouth and squeezed my lips while laughing for causing me pain with those tiny little nails of hers. “Ouch! You are hurting Uncle Ty,” I joked.

She giggled more.

Miranda hung up and sighed loudly. She ran her hands over her face.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Not really. I just drove the longest ride ever with a screaming baby. My ex threatened my life and I walked in on you having a threesome. My night can’t get any better.” She said sarcastically.

“There was no threesome.”

“Spare me the lies Ty. I pretty much just caught you red handed. Besides, you are a grown man. You can sleep with as many women as you like.”

I loved the twang in her southern accent. I could listen to her talk for hours.

“Believe what you want. I am not going to argue about it. I was telling you the truth and that is all I can offer.” I swung Izzy between my legs and pulled her back up to my lap. “How are you doing other than what you told me?”

“I thought I was doing good, but now I don’t even know. I mean one second I am getting my cosmetology license and the next I am running from a convict. How am I supposed to be?” She asked rudely.

“I wasn’t asking to piss you off. I was asking because I wanted you to know you could talk to me,” I admitted.

“I’m sorry! God! I keep pissin’ off everyone I care about. I just don’t know what is going to happen. They packed me up and sent me on my way. Bella cried the whole way here practically. I don’t understand what is wrong with me tonight. I think I am just tired.”

“Why don’t you take your things in the bedroom and take a nice hot shower. The water should have heated back up by now. Izzy and I will make us all something to eat,” I offered.
