Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(22)
Author: Jennifer Foor

When I saw that horse that he had made himself, I felt like crying. He had put so much work into that thing. The details were insane and I was sure it had taken a long time for him to do.

Bella fell in love with it, and cried when he picked her back up and sat her in front of her food. She kept pointing down at the wooden rocking horse as she cried with a mouthful of food. I think between the long ride and her being hungry, she was just in a really foul mood.

When I realized that she was wasting more food than she was eating, I cleaned her off and let her play with her new toy. Ty cleared my plate, but quickly made a beeline for the floor where Bella sat. He slid the horse around the carpet while she held on and giggled. It was so funny seeing the two of them together. Colt and my brother were the only two men that she saw on a day to day basis, and Bella always seemed shy around other men, well except for Ty. Obviously it didn’t matter how long of a time period the two of them spent apart, she always went to him with welcome arms.

Watching the two of them play made me feel happy. Our ride here was horrible and she had gotten herself so worked up. I half expected her to have fallen asleep by now, but she was having too good of a time to do something like that. Ty was so amazed by the way she was walking around by herself. He walked around the room grabbing everything within her reach after she grabbed the cord to his Xbox and sent it flying across the room. I wanted to laugh, but his face looked like his best friend had been killed. I thought he would be angry, but he smiled as he moved it up to where she couldn’t reach and went back to playing with her again.

Finally, she started yawning an awful lot. I knew she was ready for bed because she was grabbing for her ninny and laying her head down in random places. Ty thought it was cute and took a dozen pictures of her doing it with my new phone.

When he finally sat down on the couch, she climbed on to his lap and fell fast asleep. “I have no idea how she remembers you and takes to you every time you are around.”

He played with one of her long curls. “I was the first guy she ever met. She probably just can’t forget my handsome face,” He teased.

I let out a little laugh. “I don’t think she thought you were handsome, in fact I am pretty sure she has no idea what that even means.”

“Are you mad that she loves me so much, like are you jealous?” He took his leg and kicked me so that I would look at his snarky grin.

“No, I am not jealous that she loves you. Obviously she does.”

“I think she really likes the horse.”

“I still can’t believe you made that for her. It is so perfect. If you would have come to her birthday party, nobody else’s presents would have been appreciated. She loves it!”

“Thanks. I spent a bunch of nights working on it. I couldn’t wait to give it to her. I am sorry I didn’t make it. I had just started my new job and I couldn’t take the time off.”

“I hope that was the reason.” I put my head down and couldn’t look at him. I had left things badly with Ty and I had a feeling that he was avoiding me the past few months as a reaction to how I had been.

“I have to be honest. I didn’t understand why you stopped talking to me so much. I mean, we were really good friends and then you just stopped talking to me. I know lately things have been better between us, but what happened? Did I do something to make you mad?”

I shook my head, but refused to answer him. I had just arrived at his family’s farm. I wasn’t ready to tell him the real reason I backed off of our friendship.

Bella was fast asleep against Ty’s chest. He noticed me looking and smiled when he saw she was asleep. “Looks like I still have the magic touch.”

“I guess so,” I said as I grabbed her gently and carried her into the bedroom. Ty followed behind me and at first I assumed that it was going to turn into something, but he started picking up the room and removing things within her reach.

“There are some extra pillows in the closet if you want to put them around the bed. I don’t want her to roll off,” he whispered.

I grabbed the pillows and positioned them around my daughter. “If she wakes up she will just climb out of bed and find me. She has been sleeping with me a lot lately.”

We walked out into the living room and I slowed my pace when I realized that for the first time in a long time, Ty and I were completely alone together. He must have got the same feeling, because he quickly walked into the kitchen and started cleaning the counter off.

I sat down at the breakfast bar and played with my fingers, trying not to make eye contact. It wasn’t like Ty was still wearing just a towel, but the t-shirt he did have on hugged his arms and every time he moved his muscles would flex.

“Did you get a new tattoo on your arm?” I asked as I noticed one peeking out from his sleeve.

“Yeah, it’s just a tribal design with my last name in it. I didn’t want anything like Colt has. That one on his back is giant.”

“I have a couple. My newest one is Bella’s name.”

Don’t ask where it is…

“I want to see it.”

Of course he would. I should have just not said anything. I climbed off of the stool and took a deep breath as I lifted up my shirt to reveal my hip and abdomen. In fancy letters surrounded by hearts was the name Bella.

I don’t know why I was being so shy. This guy had seen parts of me that I didn’t even want to know, but for some reason showing him seemed so much more of an intimate thing.

“That looks awesome! I like where you put it too.”

“Thanks Ty. So are you sure it is okay if we stay here for a while? I mean they say just a few weeks and I can probably head home.”

“Stay as long as you want. Tomorrow I will move some of my things back into my parents and be out of your hair.” He looked away from me when he said it.

“Bella likes it when you are around.” I admitted.

“God, I really miss her.” He leaned against the countertop. “I miss you both.”

I wondered if he was being honest. Didn’t he say the same things to Van?

I smiled but didn’t answer.

“Miranda, I need to talk to you about what happened. I need to talk to you about that night.”

I couldn’t talk about it. I never should have gone out to that parking lot with Tucker. I should have never assumed that he wouldn’t hurt me. I put myself in danger and I was tired of everyone telling me about it. I was here now because of that loser. There was no need for constant reminders. “Let’s not rehash the past Ty. Let’s just never talk about it again. It was a mistake. I know that now.
