Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(31)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Our lips touched again and I felt his tongue slide over my bottom lip. “You have no idea how much.”

I got ready to say something, but I heard the word ‘whore’ being yelled and saw that friend of Ty’s walking past us and purposely graze him in the back. At the same time he turned to acknowledge her, I pushed him aside. “What did you just say?”

The bitch didn’t back down, but dammit, where I was from, neither did we.

“I called you a whore.”

I looked her up and down. “I ain’t no whore you stupid bitch!”

She flung herself at me. “Who. Are. You. Calling. A. Bitch?”

I grabbed her by the arm and shoved her ass down on the floor. People started forming a circle around us. I didn’t give a shit about my saran wrapped outfit or the fact that it could be pulled apart easily, but Ty must of. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my waist, backing me up. “Show is over people,” he announced. When he knew I was out of danger, he turned to face Heather. I expected him to help her up, but he leaned down closer to her. “I told you before that we were f**king done. Stay the f**k away from me and from my girl, you stupid bitch!”

He referred to me as ‘his girl’. Squeee!

His strong hands wrapped around my waist again as he pulled me close. “I am so sorry about her. She just doesn’t give up. I tried to end things so many times, even before Van found out about us.”

I was shocked. “She is who you cheated on Van with?” I hadn’t put two and two together.

He nodded and looked ashamed. “When I threatened to end things, she threatened to tell Van all about us. At the time, I thought I still had a chance. That night was when I found out. We hooked up after that a couple of times, but only because I was so lonely, and honestly, she was always offering.”

“Maybe she is in love with you.”

“I don’t give a shit how she feels. It was never anything but sex for me. I have never felt anything for her. She puts herself out there with no self respect for herself. That is pathetic.”

I looked past Ty and noticed that Heather was being comforted by a few other girls. She had ruined the hot moment between Ty and I , but part of me felt sorry for her. I knew why she wanted him for herself, because I wanted him too.

“Maybe we should just head out of here. I think we have caused enough drama for the night,” I suggested.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry I suggested playing around. I didn’t bring you here to make you almost fight with a girl that can’t take a hint.”

The animosity in his voice was different than the Ty I was used to. He definitely had no feelings for that girl at all. If there were ever a doubt in my mind about him with the girls from the other night, it was gone. That was her last attempt to get him to succumb to her. She had failed because of me then, and because of me tonight. No wonder she hated my guts.

We held hands to walk out to the car. He didn’t bother saying goodnight to his friends, just gave them a quick wave as we exited the frat house. He walked to my side of the car and opened the door for me. It broke my heart to let go of his hand. Our little pretend relationship was officially over, there was nobody left to make jealous.

As he started the car and began our journey home, my swollen lips reminded me of our hot kisses. Unknowingly, I reached up and touched them, closing my eyes and playing out how awesome it had all felt and how hot it made me. Before I was finished reliving it all in my mind, I felt the car pull over. I opened my eyes to Ty staring at me. “I lied.”

I turned my body to mimic his position. “About what?”

He took my hands and held them. “Just promise me that this won’t change our friendship if I tell you.”

I nodded. “Tell me what Ty?”

“Oh f**k, this is harder than I thought,” he shook his head.

Seeing his frustration I gripped his hands harder. “Is this about Heather?”

“Hell no!” He scrunched up his face. “Just tell me one thing. Did you want to kiss me tonight?”

He was calling me out. My lips were aching for his touch, but I was so afraid of admitting my desire for him. “Ty, I…….”

He interrupted me and started shaking his head. “I knew it. I knew I f**ked up our friendship. GOD DAMMIT!” His fist went into the steering wheel and he jumped out of the car in the pitch black of the night.

I jumped out and followed him toward the back of the car. “Ty please calm down.” I grabbed his hand to get him to look at me.

“No, just let me calm down. I am just so pissed I ruined our friendship. I should have never thought I could trick you like that.”

Trick me? “What do you mean?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I did Miranda. I wanted you to play that pretend game because I wanted to be the guy who was touching you tonight. You have to know how f**king hot you are. You flaunt that body of yours in front of me and I feel like I need to take a million cold showers to relieve the ache I have for you. I wanted you for so long, even back when I visited Kentucky. That night at that bar when we were dancing, I was so pissed when that girl came between us. I could have sworn there was something between us back then, but everything happened and you stopped talking to me. I just …… I saw an opportunity and I took it. Now I ruined our friendship over a couple of damn kisses and a set of blue balls.”

Blue balls….

He thought I was mad at him. He thought he was playing me.

I thought I was playing him.

Ty wanted me. He wanted me for so long.

“I lied to you too.”

He looked up at me with a questionable look. “About what?”

“I lied when I said we were just friends. I only agreed because I thought that is all I was to you. I know how much you love Bella and I just thought you were bein’ nice to me.”

His mouth dropped open. “ Every second I spend with you makes me want you more.” He kissed me softly and then pulled away. “I have never wanted someone like the way I want you right now.”

A car passed and honked at us before either of us realized how ridiculous we were dressed, standing out on the dark road. Our hands were entwined together and his thumbs were stroking mine. “Take me back to your place and show me how much,” I taunted him.

It was going to be good and we both knew it.

We made a beeline for the car and once we were inside, Ty pulled back onto the road. His hand reached for my thigh and I used my hand to slide it further up underneath my plastic skirt. It didn’t take him long to figure out that my plastic outfit didn’t come with panties. He let out a moan as his fingers traced the smooth skin between my legs, getting a hint of how ready I was for him. He started to swerve off the road. “Holy shit, you are so wet.” I giggled when I felt the car speedin’ up.
