Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(35)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I am so sorry about this morning. After everything that happened last night, it must have slipped my mind.” He grabbed my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

I gave him a smile and grabbed his hand into mine. “You look really happy.”

“You’re the reason.”

I felt my cheeks flush, but I didn’t know what to say.

I realize that thinking about sex in a church was probably a horrible sin, but as the reverend discussed his lesson on unanswered prayers, lasts nights actions kept running through my mind. The lesson discussed praying for something to happen for so long and being so upset when God didn’t answer them. He explained about a man who was involved with a woman all throughout high school. That woman went off to college and left him behind. He prayed and prayed to have her return so that they could have a life and a future together. After years of hoping he ended up meeting someone and falling in love. They were married and had three great children. After being married for twenty years, the woman from his past came back into town and tried to rekindle their relationship, even though the man was married. Despite her attempts the man realized that because of his unanswered prayers he was already with his real true love.

I thought about all of the times I prayed for Tucker to change and want us to be a family and how those prayers were never going to be answered. Then I looked over to Ty, with Bella on his lap, and my hand in his. My heart felt so full of love. Last night wasn’t a one night stand and Ty wasn’t using me for sex while I was here. This was much more than that to him. Him protecting me and feeling jealous when other people looked at me, he obviously wanted me to be just his.

Bella was exceptionally well behaved during service and even more so when a bunch of nosey people noticed that Ty and I were there together and I had a child. I had no clue what they were thinking or saying about me, but Ty never let go of Bella, or my hand, even after we got outside of the church.

“So we have exactly five hours before dinner will be ready,” Ty said as we headed out of the church parking lot.

“What are we havin’ for dinner?”

“Mom always makes something big on Sunday’s. It’s a family tradition.”

“I don’t want to keep imposin’ Ty.”

He pulled the car over slowly and put it in park. After taking my hand and kissing it, he looked me right in the eyes. “You know we should have been a couple for months now. If it wasn’t for your c**k block brother, it would have happened sooner. Now, I can’t change the past Miranda, and maybe waiting all these months gave us the time to get our heads on right, but now that the cat is out of the bag, I’m not holding back. I am crazy about you and I want you to be a part of my life. I don’t want this to be temporary. I am sorry if you think I am rushing, but dammit, I have never felt so happy before and I’m not about to let it go.”

I honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I just sat there, staring at him.

“Please say something baby, you’re making me nervous.”

I looked down at our intertwined hands and started to tear up. I was far from sad, but after everything that I thought I wanted for so long, I realized it was finally happening. “This is usually the time where I tell you that I have a baby and if you can’t handle that, then we probably shouldn’t see each other anymore, but since you love my child almost as much as I do, I think we can skip that conversation,” I joked. It was the best I could do. I think I was still in shock.

“Does this mean I don’t have to sleep at my parents anymore?” He teased.

“I guess it does.”

He leaned over and kissed me full on the lips. “Then don’t fight me about family dinners.”

“I wasn’t fightin’ you. I just don’t want to be needy.”

He started pulling back on the road. “You can need me all you want. I’m not kidding Miranda, I am tired of being alone. Spending the past few days with my two favorite girls has made me the happiest I have been in over a year. Waking up next to you this morning was fantastic, even with your wild hair.”

I rolled my eyes. “Should I cut it?”

“Hell no! Sometimes I need to be able to grab it.”

We both started laughing.

Sunday dinner turned into late night cards. Ty and his parents entertained me with stories of Ty when he was younger and things that Bella had done while they were babysitting. Before we got ready to head back over to the carriage house, I headed into the kitchen to help his mother with getting everything cleaned up.

She smiled when she saw me coming in the room. “My son is smitten over you.”

I smiled and grabbed the dish towel to start drying. “If I can be honest, I am pretty crazy about him too.”

She turned the water off and looked directly at me. I actually felt scared. “Ty has been through Hell this past year and one thing that has always put a smile on his face is when he talks about you and that little girl. I know that you are only supposed to be here for a short time, but I have to ask that you will consider his feelings in all of this. I’d hate to see him heartbroken again.”

“Mrs. Mitchell…”

“It’s June or Mom, not Mrs. Mitchell when it’s family dear.”

“Sorry, June, I …well Ty and I just started whatever this is between us, but I can promise you that I have no plans of hurtin’ him. I really care about him. I have for a long time.”

She shook her head. “I can tell. I just know my son and I have never seen him look at anyone like he does you, not even Van.” She reached over and touched my chin. “Do you hear what I am saying?”

No! Say what you mean in English…..

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“When you first came here I thought he was getting in over his head, but after I saw him with the two of you, I realized he was already starting to fall in love. You are good for him Miranda, you and Bella.”

Love? He couldn’t love me….

I had been here for three days and already been accepted by his parents. Ty made it clear that we were a couple. I felt his arms wrapping around me before I could answer his mother. “You ready to head over. I need to go to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow.”

Ty let go of my waist to grab Bella and after he had walked away, I reached over and hugged his mother. “I won’t break his heart, I promise,” I whispered.

She gave me a smile and grabbed my hands. “Do you want to go into town tomorrow? I have to grab some groceries and a few other things.”
