Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(51)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I headed back out to try and locate Miranda. My petite little wife couldn’t handle her alcohol. Neither of us really drank a lot anymore. We were so happy that we didn’t ever need to. When I approached her, Van gave her a little push. “How much did she drink?”

I laughed. “Maybe two beers and one or two shots.”

“For the past ten minutes she hasn’t shut up about how amazing you are at…..nevermind, I can’t even say it out loud.”

I busted out laughing. I knew one thing she thought I was amazing at and it was something I barely ever did to Van. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“Am I in trouble?” She asked.

“You were bragging about my skills, why would I be mad about that?” I teased. “Come dance off the alcohol baby.”

Miranda wasn’t physically acting like she was drunk. She walked fine and even danced normal, it was just the way she was talking. If I could keep her mouth shut, everything would be okay.

For the rest of the night, she behaved herself. We danced like we were friends and I even got a nod from Conner at one point. After about an hour, Miranda finally was calm enough to get back to just pretending I was her annoying babysitter. Colt and Van relaxed and we all had a good time.

The limo ride on the way home was hard. With the exception of Brina, who somehow was finding another way back to the ranch, the two other couples in the car were steady making out. I played with Miranda’s fingers again, just imagining how I was going to rip the dress off of her later.

Conner caught me whispering in her ear, but I told him I was talking shit about Brina and he laughed it off.

Instead of going home, Colt and Van invited everyone back to their place. The limo dropped us all off and we went inside. We were all having a good time, but it was so hard pretending that she meant nothing to me. Love was in the air and I wanted her in my arms.

Chapter 27


I thought Ty would have been the one to get us caught, but no, it was all me. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t be that close to him, touching his skin. Thank goodness Colt and Van stepped in when they did. I was pretty sure that Ty wouldn’t have been able to stop me himself.

The after party at Colt’s was nice, but I kept catching Ty’s gazes and I knew he wanted to be alone. Ty went to the bathroom and I waited a few minutes before heading in that direction. Everyone pees, so they couldn’t think it was a secret meeting plan.

I walked into the bathroom and felt his lips on mine. His hand slid right into my dress and caressed one of my br**sts. He pressed me up against the wall and I threw my head back as he buried his face into my neck.

“This is so hard,” he whispered.

“Don’t stop Ty.”

He didn’t need my permission. Ty lifted me up and pushed the dress around my waist. In two short moves he had opened up his pants and pushed my panties aside. He carried me over to the sink and sat me over it. I felt the cold porcelain against my ass as he thrusted inside of me right away. His mouth never left mine and his rough kisses sent chills throughout my whole body.

I knew they were all right down the hall. We shouldn’t have been doing this, but I couldn’t stop.

It started to feel so good that little cries were coming out of my mouth with each thrust. Ty covered my mouth with his hand and he pushed into me harder. I dug my nails into his ass, holding him as tight as I could. I leaned my head back against the mirror and pulled my dress away from each of my br**sts. Ty got one look and closed his eyes as his body tensed up. It was like my br**sts had magical powers.

As soon as he started to relax against my body, we heard my brother talking and the sound was moving toward the bathroom. He pulled away and buttoned up his pants while he pointed towards the toilet. Ty crouched down behind me, just as the door swung open.

“What’s goin’ on?” Conner asked.

“I don’t know man. I was taking a piss and she came running in here, throwing up. I have already flushed the toilet twice. She can’t have much left in her.” I started gagging like I was puking. Ty held my hair out of the way.

I made a few more spit sounds and reached for the toilet paper. When I turned around, my brother looked concerned. “Jesus your face is blood red. She needs to go home and lay down.”

I was shaking so bad. It couldn’t have looked anymore genuine.

He put his arm around me and led me out of the bathroom. I couldn’t look at Ty on account of my possible busting into laughter. My husband was brilliant.

Instead of trying to argue about staying, I let my brother lead me out of the house and get me seated on the golf cart. “Hold on.”

He didn’t say a word as he drove me to the main house. I climbed off and started walking toward the door.

“You okay?” He hopped off and started to approach me.

“I’m fine Conner. Not that you really care. In fact, all you care about is giving me a hard time. Why is it so important for you to know my business? Why do you have to threaten every guy I am friends with?”

“You’re drunk. Just go to bed.”

“No! Screw you Conner. I’m not drunk. I’m pissed.” I should have let it go, but he needed to cut his shit out.

“What is this about Miranda? Is this about Ty? Did you f**king sleep with him In North Carolina? I will kill him.”

Not only did it happen in North Carolina, but also about ten minutes ago…

“This is what I mean. I never even mentioned Ty.”

It has everything to do with him.

“Tell me the truth Miranda. Has he ever hit on you? I need to know. I never wanted you going out there to stay. I can’t believe mom sent you to live with that man whore.”

“Stop it. He has never been anything but nice to me and Bella. This is exactly what I’m talking about. I am a grown woman. If I decided to pick some guy up at a bar, it is my choice, not yours. Why do I have to have a damn babysitter? Do you think Ty wanted to hang out with me all night when he could have been having a good time himself? Do you ever think about anyone else?”

I had to pat myself on the back for the Ty part. I am pretty sure he was exactly where he wanted to be.

“It is my job to protect you.”

“Just leave me alone. If that is your idea of protectin’ me then I would rather be in danger. If it was your choice I would be alone forever.”

“You don’t need to be puttin’ yourself out there. Do you think about your daughter?”

I smacked my brother right in the face. He turned his face back to me and looked pissed. I didn’t care.
