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Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(55)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I gave Van a smile. I couldn’t believe I got a compliment out of her.

She smiled back and continued talking. “It hurt me that he was so happy, not because I wanted to be with him, but because it made me feel like I was the reason he was always unfaithful. I saw him and Miranda and the fact that they were just as in love as Colt and I and it hurt me. Then I saw the ring. For years I thought that ring would be mine and to see that he had not only given it to her, but had it changed just for her….I don’t know. I just snapped.”

I felt bad for Van. She was right, but it wasn’t to spite her. “I didn’t do any of this to upset you Van. I changed the ring because she deserved to have something new that came from my heart, not something that an old girlfriend wore for a day. Her wearing that old ring seemed wrong to me and it wouldn’t be fair to you either. I would have got her a whole new ring if it weren’t my grandmother’s.”

“No, you did the right thing.” She reached over and grabbed Miranda’s hand. “You know I love you. I am so sorry that I doubted your relationship. I was being ridiculous. I can tell it’s real between you. Ty looks at you like Colt looks at me. I didn’t want to admit it before, but it’s the truth.”

Colt looked across the table and put his arm around Van. “Ty, we don’t want you to leave. Our wedding won’t be the same without you both in it. You are our family, my blood, nothing is going to change that.”

“Thanks Colt, but I think we need everyone to be okay with it.” I explained.

Conner came rushing through the door, pointed his finger toward me. “There is no way in hell I will ever be okay with the two of them.”

I gently handed Izzy over to her mother before standing up to face Conner.

“Boys you need to calm down and talk this out.” I wasn’t sure if my aunt said it or Miranda’s mom.

I held my hands up in the air, letting him know I had no interest in fighting him.

“What is your real problem with me Conner? Ever since Izzy has been born you have been nothing but a dick to me. What did I ever do to you?”

She must have heard me saying her name and climbed down from the table. Izzy was at my ankles, grabbing my legs. “Daddy up.”

Conner watched me pick her up and shook his head. “That is my problem. You think I didn’t notice how you were with that kid. Everyone else might have been busy with other things, but I noticed. Every time you came to visit, you spent more time with her than anyone else.”

“I watched her being born Conner. You are pissed at me for loving a child?”

“It wasn’t normal.”

“So your beef with me is because I love Izzy?”

“Bella.” I heard everyone saying at the same time.

“She is my Izzy.” I shook my head.

“No, you just aren’t gettin’ it. I knew all along that if you loved Bella than my sister would want you. Even I know nothin’ is more attractive to a mother than to see a man carin’ for her child. You came around lovin’ all over her, lettin’ her sleep on your chest. It got even worse after you saved her from Tucker at that bar. She never would admit it, but I knew there was somethin’ goin’ on between you.”

“There wasn’t Conner. I swear,” Miranda said from behind me.

Conner put his hand up. “Save it. You might not have acted on it, but it has always been there. The way you were always lookin’ at each other. Are you really goin’ to deny it now?”

I didn’t have to look back at my wife. I put my head against Izzy’s and at the same time as Miranda we said ‘no’.

I heard her mother gasp. “This explains why you didn’t fight me about going to North Carolina.”

“Mom, I didn’t know and neither did Ty. We never talked about our feelin’s. We were just friends.”

“But you had hopes?”

I was afraid to turn around to look at Miranda on account of Conner standing in front of me.

“Yes.” I could hear that she was getting choked up.

Conner shook his head, letting out some air as he let out a cackle. “How long did it take once she got there? How long did it take the two of you before you just couldn’t take it anymore?”

“That is none of your business.” I reacted too fast and if my child wasn’t in my arms, I was sure he was going to pounce on me. I swung her around just in case.

“Actually, I want to know. I sent my daughter to Ty. I think we should all hear the story.”

Oh mother f**king hell! I am dead!

“So Ty, how long did it take you to get into my sister’s pants?”

I considered telling them a total lie. It would have been easier.

I looked from Conner to Izzy. “Uncle Conner wants some hugs.” Conner gave me a dirty look but reached his arms out for Izzy. She gave him a quick hug.

“This is goin’ to be good if he had to hand me the kid.”

I looked around the room at my family. With the exception of Van I had known everyone my whole life. “I didn’t even know Miranda was coming. I’d been working late every night and left my phone in my Jeep. Things hadn’t been going good for me. Aside from work, I spent most of my time alone.”

Everyone in the room was looking at me.

“Daddy.” Izzy reached her arms out for me.

I grabbed her before continuing. “Miranda showed up at my door and after helping her get settled I slept over at my parents. Since I knew she was upset, I offered to take her and Izzy to a petting zoo. Anyway, after spending the day together, I was invited to a party and I asked her if she wanted to tag along. My mother really took to Izzy, and the party didn’t start until after her bedtime, so it wasn’t like I was asking her to be a bad parent.”

“Obviously. Because goin’ out to parties is what every mother should be doin’.”

“Conner please. Your sister is a good mother. Don’t act like she isn’t allowed to have a life. The child was asleep and with family.” My new mother in law took up for me. Conner wasn’t happy.

“I wanted to go to the party. It was an ABC party. You know, the kind where you have to wear somethin’ other than clothes. I always wanted to see what they were like.”

Jesus Christ Miranda! There are some details they didn’t need to know.

“I had no idea what her outfit was going to be. I got dressed at my parents and when I picked her up she was wearing a coat. I should have known that it wouldn’t be good, but I just wasn’t thinking. Miranda decided that saran wrap was a great idea for a costume. I’m not talking like she wrapped her whole body. Very little was covered. Trust me when I say that I mentioned both Conner and Colt’s name when I saw what she had on. Once we got into the party, everyone had their eyes on her. I freaking panicked.”
