Read Books Novel

Folding Hearts

Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2)(7)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“What the hell?” I yelled as I ran toward them. “Tucker?”

His hand quickly moved away from the little ginger. “Miranda, I can explain.”

I started walking away and knew he was following. “I don’t see how you are going to talk me out of what I think I just saw Tucker. Is this why you didn’t invite me?”

He grabbed both of my arms. “She means nothin’ to me babe. We were just messin’ around. I was tellin’ her about you.”

I pulled away from his grasp. “Do you really expect me to believe that lame ass excuse? Did you sleep with her?”

“Hell no!”

I folded my hands across my chest. “Really? Why don’t I go find her and ask myself then.”

Adrenaline filled my veins and I knew it was much better than him seeing me cry. I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

“She likes me, but I never returned the feelins. Let’s go somewhere and be alone. We can talk this through.”

“No! I am a mother of a beautiful little girl and I will be damned if I let her daddy walk all over me.”

I turned and started walking away. There was no way that I was going to let him see me crying.

“Miranda wait! I will go with you,” he offered by grabbing my arm.

I yanked myself out of his strong grip. “Get the f**k off of me! I can’t even look at your lyin’ ass right now. Do not follow me. Go back to that little whore and have a great night, you son of a bitch.”

He backed away and stood there watching as I skidded down the driveway. I couldn’t catch my breath for at least ten minutes. My car sat at the end of the road until I could stop crying enough to be able to see out of my tear filled eyes.

How could he just pretend that we didn’t exist? How could he ignore his responsibilities the way he was? How was I going to do all of this without him?

All of those questions made me cry even more. Every time I saw headlights in the rearview mirror, I thought it would be Tucker coming to apologize, but he never did.

When an hour had passed, I had become so angry that I decided to go back and give him a real piece of my mind. Part of me wanted to call my brother, but I knew he would beat the living shit out of Tucker and end up in jail over it. I wasn’t willing to risk my brother getting into trouble.

I pulled in across from Charlie’s trailer and climbed out of my car without being seen. Just like last time, I could hear the laughter coming from the backyard. I walked around the opposite side of the house and peeked around it slowly so I wouldn’t be spotted.

My heart dropped when I spotted the same redhead, sitting on Tucker’s lap, with her tongue in his mouth. I closed my eyes and put my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out. Unable to accept what I had just witnessed, I looked again. This time the redhead was wrapping her legs around his waist and his hands were on her ass. She leaned back and his face went against her neck. Before I could make a move, he stood up with her still attached to his hips, and carried her toward the house.

I slid over to hide again and I tried to control my breathing and shaking. The door opened and shut and I could hear laughing coming from inside. Since I had been in the trailer many times, I knew exactly where each room was located.

I walked right in the door, without anyone even noticing I was back. There was nobody else in the house, which made it easy to follow the moaning to one of the bedrooms. The door was closed, but I took my boot and kicked the sucker in.

“Miranda? What the f**k?”

Before I even knew what I was doing, I pounced on that little bitch. I grabbed her by her hair and punched her in the face three times before I felt Tucker ripping me off of her. She lay there in her skimpy little bra backing away from me, while I fought to get free.

“Get off of me you lyin’ sack of shit!” I kicked and I screamed, but he wouldn’t let go.

“Calm the hell down Miranda,” Tucker demanded.

“Screw you. How could you? How could you do this to me?” I cried.

He pulled me into his chest and I started punching him with both hands. “You need to leave so I can talk to her right now,” he said to the other girl. I tried to fight my way free to attack her again, but he made sure to hold me tight.

“Get off of me Tucker.”

“Sit down and shut up Miranda. You weren’t supposed to be here tonight, so don’t you dare get all pissy with me. I was just tryin’ to have a good time.”He was drunk. I could smell the liquor on his breath and hear it in his voice.

“So you are admitting that you cheated?” Please don’t cry. Please don’t cry.

“We just aren’t going to work out Miranda. We don’t want the same things,” he confessed while standing over me.

“How could you say that? We have a baby. How could you not love her?” His words crushed me.

“Honestly, I asked you to get an abortion. You knew I didn’t want a kid.” He shook his head and let out a laugh. “I am glad you caught me tonight, because I am just sick of hearing you bitch at me every day. There ain’t no bitch in this world that is going to tie me down.”

I stood up, causing him to back away. He knew what he said and what those words did to me. I clenched my fists. “You can’t mean this. You can’t regret her.”

“Dammit girl. Are your ears clogged? Just get your shit and get out of here.”

I don’t know what came over me, but anger filled my lungs. I pointed my fingers in his face and backed him up against the wall. “You will never see my daughter again. If you come near me or my family I will f**king kill you myself.”

“Don’t you threaten me. I will take that little girl away and you will never see her again.”

Oh Hell no!

I grabbed my phone and hit the red emergency button while hitting the speaker button.

“Nine one one what is your emergency?”

“Yes, I know where you can find Tuc….” My phone went flying across the room and the battery popped out.

“Get out of here now, before I do somethin’ I swore I would never do to a woman.” He threatened.

“What? You goin’ to hit me? Go ahead and give me another reason to turn your ass in. I dare you!”

His eyes were big and they bore into me, but he said nothing.

“That’s what I thought you lyin’, no good cheater. Stay away from me, or you will be sorry.”

Charlie and Nick ran past me as I was walking out the front door. My phone was in pieces in my hand, but I managed to pull out my keys and drag them from the front of his black shiny car all the way to the trunk. A small smile covered my face, even as the tears poured out.
