Read Books Novel


“Just that one.” Alyssa laughed. “Just that one.”

Chapter Fourteen


“I screwed up.” Demetri paced the room in front of me. “Holy hell, I think I’ve lost her. I couldn’t think! She was guessing too damn much and I just lost it!”

“Wait, back up.” I straightened my bowtie in the mirror. “What exactly happened?”

Demetri made wild motions behind me. “She was all ’I really love you, Demetri ,and I think it’s time for us to get married. You think this summer we can pick a date or something?’”

“Okay,” I interrupted him. “First things first. Drop the whole high, girl-voice thing. I get that you’re talking about Alyssa, but right now you sound like a pre-pubescent eleven-year-old with a fever.”

“Fair.” Demetri swore. “I panicked, man. I totally panicked.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Jaymeson said from the corner as he examined his nails.

“Do you mind?” Demetri snapped.

“Not at all.” Jaymeson grinned. “Continue.”

“I told her I wasn’t ready!” Demetri yelled.

“You what?” Jaymeson and I said in unison. He sounded amused, while I was angry as hell.

“Why would you do that? You ass!” I smacked Demetri on the back of the head. “Is your goal to never have sex for the rest of your life?”

Jaymeson snickered.

“No comments from the whore gallery, please.” I pointed in Jaymeson’s direction and was rewarded with the finger.

“I know!” Demetri sat down and put his head in his hands. “The ring was literally five feet away from her in my damn pocket! And I just—”

“You’re an idiot.” Jaymeson interjected. “Why didn’t you just pop the question?”

“Because we were in a damn hot tub! Next to germs and God knows what else! I’m not going to ask her to marry me next to…”

“Bubbles?” Jaymeson grinned. “Nature? Air? Oxygen? Seriously, grow a pair and pop the question, it’s not like she hasn’t already gone to…”

Jaymeson’s voice died off. He stood abruptly. “Shit! A spider!” He jumped up and down and began stomping the ground.

“Something’s not right with England.” I rubbed my chin. “What do you know, Bond?”

Jaymeson stopped moving. “I, uh—”

He looked from me to Demetri and then made a beeline for the door. I grabbed his jacket just as he reached the knob and jerked him back.

“Talk.” Demetri glared. “Or I swear I’ll—”

“—Sing My Country Tis of Thee!”

“It’s not your song!” Jaymeson yelled.

I rolled my eyes. “Guys, focus. Jaymeson, man up, what do you know about Alyssa?”

“Tiffany’s.” Jaymeson swore. “I took her to Tiffany’s.”

“Talk faster before I end your life, Jaymeson,” Demetri said in a cold voice.

“Relax.” Jaymeson rolled his eyes. “When we were all in LA a few weeks ago, you guys were recording and I took the girls down Rodeo Drive. No big deal.”

Side note, it was a very big deal, as in, big enough to cause me to choke once I got the bill from Visa. In Nat’s defense I had told her to buy whatever. I hadn’t counted on Jaymeson encouraging her purchases, the bastard.

“Anyways—” He cleared his throat. “We walked by Tiffany’s, Alyssa saw a ring that sparkled or whatever the hell rings do to attract the female population like mating pigeons, and I took her into the store. The one she liked was… nice.”

“How nice?” Demetri leaned in. “Nice, nice? Or just nice?”

“Um, all three nices sound the same, I choose…” Jaymeson’s face contorted in confusion. “The third one?”

“Damn.” Demetri crossed his arms.

“Do you have it?” I asked my brother. “The ring?”

Demetri reached into his pocket. “I don’t want to lose it, so I keep it on me at all times.” He opened the blue box. I almost went blind — the diamonds were sparkling all over the place.

“No way!” Jaymeson snatched the box. “That’s—”

“It’s time!” Priscilla’s voice sounded on the other side of the hotel door.

“Quick!” I punched Jaymeson, who dropped the box onto the ground. The door opened just as Jaymeson bent down on one knee and held up the box in triumph.

Unfortunately it looked exactly how it sounded. Like the guy was proposing to Demetri.

“Uh…” Priscilla’s eyes widened for a second as her mouth opened and closed.

“This isn’t what it looks like!” Demetri all but shouted as Jaymeson froze with the ring box still held up in the air.

“Okay.” Priscilla nodded. “But even if it was… totally cool, I mean, it’s good to commit once you’ve found that special someone.”

Finally snapping out of his haze, Jaymeson thrust the box into Demetri’s hands and stood. “Sweetheart, if it was like that, you’d know it. Do I look like I bat for the other team?”

Priscilla tilted her head to the side. “Let me think. Arrogant, well-dressed, well-spoken, and foreign. Do you really want me to answer that question, Hollywood?”

Jaymeson swore. “I’ll prove it right now! I’ll have sex with women! Lots of women and—”
