Read Books Novel


“Nothing,” Priscilla said sweetly. “Just studying Jaymeson.”

“Studying?” Jaymeson sputtered, clearly liking the idea, if the giant-ass smile on his face was any indicator.

“Yeah,” Priscilla grinned. “Memorizing…”

“Really?” His grin grew.

“Of course.” She nodded innocently. “It’s important to be able to spot a whore in the wild. I imagine if I stare hard enough I’ll never fall for someone as idiotic as you.”

Jaymeson swore.

Alec stepped up beside him. “Sorry to break this up, but I’d really like to see my bride!”

The photographer shooed us all away as he went to the side and clicked a few pictures. One was of Alec looking at the ocean while Nat leaned against his back, it must have been killing him not to see her, but he didn’t move. The expression on his face was so serene that I was instantly jealous.

I glanced over at Alyssa as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

I wanted this — with her.

Chapter Sixteen


My fingernails dug into my palms as I shifted from one foot to the other. The music started and I seriously thought I was going to lose it. My dad grabbed my arm and looped it with his. Okay, so now it felt like my heart was beating through my throat. Holy crap. I was officially getting married. But it was Alec, amazing rock god Alec, at the end of the aisle.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths as the music crescendoed. And then I was walking, I wasn’t actually sure how I was walking, I just knew that I was — that if I didn’t put one foot in front of the other I was going to go crazy. I kept my head down — not trusting myself to look at the smiling faces around us.

We’d chosen to get married near Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s bed and breakfast. After all, it was the place where we’d made so many wonderful memories, and we loved them like they were our own adopted grandparents.

Lucky for us, there was a private beach next to their cottage that gave us enough room to have at least two hundred guests. It was nestled in a small cove that had several natural caves and ponds. It was like something out of Pride and Prejudice, with grassy knolls and bluffs overlooking the water. I’d loved it the instant I saw it, but now all I could think about was the wind as it stung my face, and my bare feet as they dug into the sand.

“Smile,” my dad whispered in my ear.

Had I been frowning? Panicked, I looked up and stopped walking. The music swirled around me but all I could focus on was his face, the same face I fell for over a year ago. The same hand that helped me off the school floor was again lifted in the air, an invitation. His eyes were glassy, his nostrils flared, and for a moment it was just him and me. Memories of all the things we’d been through — his drug addiction, my inability to choose between him and Demetri, and in the end, his loss of control over everything precious in his life — it had all brought us to this moment, to this final invitation.

Confidence hammered through my body at alarming speeds, almost feeling like a sort of adrenaline rush as I gazed into his piercing blue eyes and smiled. His eyes were hooded as he examined my dress — his smile widening as he took everything in.

Alec wasn’t just watching me, but memorizing me, loving me with his eyes, caressing me with every glance. I almost tripped, I started walking so fast, ready to make the exchange — to leave my dad’s arms and step directly into forever.

He was beautiful. The type of beautiful girls see on TV and swear isn’t real… but he was. Alec Daniels was real and gorgeous and all mine. His dark hair was combed back; his misty blue eyes twinkled at me. His giant, toothy grin practically glowed in contrast to the sand.

Mine, all mine.

By the time I reached him, I jumped into his arms and kissed him. Luckily I could blame it on pregnancy hormones.

“I love you.” I sighed against his lips.

“And I you,” he said hoarsely as he rained kisses down my cheek and to my neck.

My dad cleared his throat.

Reluctantly, I peeled myself from Alec’s body and felt my face heat with embarrassment.

Alec didn’t release my hand, instead he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “You’ve always been mine, but today, I make it impossible for you to escape me.”

“You trying to be creepy or romantic?” I whispered back as the pastor welcomed everyone.

“Honest.” His teeth grazed my ear. “Desperate.” His wet lips came into contact with my cheek. “Obsessed.”

“So,” I said in a shaky voice, “Just a little creepy.”

“Alec?” the pastor called. “Will you lead your future bride the rest of the way down the aisle or did you need another few moments to kiss her neck?”

Chuckling erupted among the guests.

Fantastic. I gripped his hand and took a step underneath the makeshift white tent.

Chairs were in long rows with lanterns at the edge of each row. A chandelier hung in the middle of the tent giving the beach a glamorous feel.

“You may be seated.” The pastor called and winked in my direction. I’d only just met him the day before, and even then it seemed weird that a complete stranger would be marrying us, but he’d come highly recommended. It helped that he was Priscilla’s dad —another reason for Jaymeson to stay away from her. If that boy had any chance of going to Heaven it would be completely shot if he stole the pastor’s daughter’s innocence.

Once we reached our positions for the rest of the ceremony, I looked around. Demetri was sighing heavily in Alyssa’s direction and she was scowling back. Jaymeson was winking at Priscilla and she looked just about as interested as a person does when sitting in a dentist office.
