Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton

“Now,” Miracle said, closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the headrest. “Let’s get some music going and some wind in our hair!”

Hardy smiled, feeling more energized by her presence than he had any right to feel. For a moment, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to take his eyes off her long enough to drive. She had tilted her head back just enough that the sun fell full on her face. Her complexion was like rich cream, her lips pouty, and her nose straight. It even bathed the gentle curve of her throat. She was mesmerizing.

Finally, when she turned her head toward him and cracked an eyelid, he looked down to turn on the radio and then steer the car out of the parking lot.

“Where am I going?” he asked, hating to disturb her.

“Do you know where Iron Street is?”

Hardy nodded and listened as Miracle told him how to get to her house. What Hardy knew of Iron Street was that it was fairly low income. Other than that, he knew very little, as he’d never been there. But still, he knew where it was.

Miracle resumed her position and Hardy pulled onto the road. He sneaked a glance in her direction every couple of minutes, unable to help himself. She looked perfectly at peace. He hoped she could just forget about today. Just not about him.

Miracle opened her eyes when he began making the series of short turns that would bring them to her house. Neither of them said anything. It wasn’t until he’d pulled to a stop outside a tiny white house and put the car into park that she even looked in his direction.

“Thank you so much for bringing me home.”

“My pleasure,” Hardy said simply, smiling and hoping there would be no mention of Cheyenne or her antics.

Miracle watched him for several seconds—seconds during which he concluded he’d never wanted to kiss someone more—before she nodded once and reached for the door handle.

“Miracle,” Hardy said, stopping her. She turned back to him, an expectant look on her face. “Are you coming to the game tonight?”

She made a face that gave him his answer before she even opened her mouth. She wrinkled her nose and bit her lip as if hesitant to tell him no, but planning on it nonetheless. He’d known before he asked what her answer would be. But he had to ask.

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s just…I thought…it’s just that I’d really love for you to come.”

Hardy was silently telling himself to shut up, not to pressure her. But something inside him wanted to see her in the stands so badly, wanted to know she was there so much that he couldn’t stop himself.

“I don’t really know many people yet and after today…”

“Please don’t let that upset you,” Hardy said, closing his eyes on the plea.

Miracle shrugged. “I just don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

“Don’t know if what’s a good idea?” a small, vaguely familiar voice asked from behind Miracle. Hardy had been so absorbed he hadn’t even noticed the girl, Mila, come out of the house.

Miracle turned toward her. “Going to the football game tonight.”

Mila’s face lit up. “Oh, I wanna go!”

“Mila, I just said I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“But why?”

“I just…don’t.”

“Please, Miracle. Take me. Pleeeeeeease!”

Hardy watched Mila screw up her face as she begged. Miracle sighed. They stared each other down, engaged in a silent struggle Hardy found very interesting. It was obvious that Mila knew exactly which buttons to push in order to get what she wanted.

Finally, on a soul-weary sigh, Miracle turned back to Hardy. “I guess I’ll be there.”

“We. We’ll be there,” Mila added with a satisfied smile. Miracle rolled her eyes.

Hardy couldn’t contain his laugh. It was due in part to their dynamic and Miracle’s frustration. But mostly, it was because he couldn’t remember being so happy with any particular person coming to watch him play football. Not even the scouts.

“Awesome. I’m sure I’ll see you in the stands.”

“How? You’ll be playing.”

“I’ll find you. Trust me,” Hardy said with a grin. Without another word, he shifted into drive and pulled away from the curb. Better to make his exit while he still had a modicum of dignity intact. He had no idea what had gotten into him, but he knew he’d have to watch himself. Miracle could be dangerous.


“Who was that?” Mila asked as she watched Hardy drive away.

“Hardy Bradford.”

“Hardy,” she repeated in a daze. “Sweet baby Jesus, he’s hot!”

Miracle laughed. “You think?”

Mila turned to look at Miracle, her mouth open and her eyes disbelieving. “You’re joking, right?”

Miracle said nothing, only laughed again.

“Let me put it this way, if you don’t kiss him and give me every single sordid detail, I will fashion a noose and hang myself from the ceiling fan in your room. And you know how badly that could turn out. It took me years to learn to tie my shoes.”

Miracle laughed again. Mila was fourteen and, not surprisingly, prone to hyperbole and theatricality. Although she was even more petite than Miracle, she was not to be underestimated. She was mature, feisty and extremely intelligent for her age.

“Maybe we can practice nooses in the coming weeks then, because he’s dating the most gorgeous, vicious girl in school.”

“Which is undoubtedly why he’s already fallen in love with you.”

“That’s the most insane logic I’ve ever heard.”

“Insanity is a requirement to live in our house. You know that.”

“Good point.”

“So, you’re taking me to the game. What are we gonna wear?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m wearing this.”

“Uh, no you’re not,” Mila snorted. “You’ll be wearing something of mine. Something that fits.”

“And why would I want to do that when I can be much more comfortable in my own clothes?”

“Because I want this for you,” Mila said in a rare moment of sentimentality. “I want him for you.”

Miracle could feel her heart swell around what her sister was implying and it brought a fresh wash of tears to her eyes. If she died tomorrow, Miracle would die happy, knowing that she was surrounded by the most incredible people the world had to offer.
