Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton

Cheyenne’s smile faltered. He knew he’d hit his mark. She was so concerned with getting revenge, with hurting Miracle, she hadn’t thought of how her actions might affect her cause.

Hardy was convinced there was no longer any chance that Cheyenne might still be a decent person deep down. She was shallow and vapid and vicious and, at that moment, he detested her.

Pushing his way past her, Hardy descended the steps and headed for his car. He didn’t want to acknowledge the kernel of pleasure he felt at having a reason to seek Miracle out, the seed of gratitude he felt that she’d left her camera in Cheyenne’s trunk. No, he’d rather deny that. Instead, he focused on getting it back to her and what he would say when he showed up at her door.

By the time Hardy pulled up in front of Miracle’s place, he was actually nervous. There were lights on in the tiny house and it was well before eleven on a Friday night. Surely they wouldn’t mind him returning Miracle’s property to her, would they? Getting out of the car and walking the short path to the front door, Hardy wiped his damp palms on his jeans before he knocked.

He heard some thumping followed by muted voices before he a stronger, older voice spoke. She was very near the door.

“Mila, I’m not letting you answer the door in your pajamas. Now get back to your room, young lady.”

After a short pause, locks clicked and chains slid before the door opened a crack. Hardy looked down into the face of the woman who had to be Miracle’s mother, but looked more like her older twin.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry to visit so late, but I was hoping to speak to Miracle for just a minute if it’s not too much trouble.”

Hardy watched Miracle’s mother study him first with a discerning eye and then with a carefully concealed grin.

“Sure. Come on in,” she said, stepping back and opening the door further.

Hardy stepped inside the small living room, casually taking in his surroundings. While it was obvious there were no designer furnishings in the house, Hardy doubted he’d ever been in a cozier home. He could practically feel the love and happiness and acceptance seeping into his skin.

“Have a seat. I’ll get Miracle.”

Hardy walked to the comfy-looking sage green sofa and perched on one cushion, letting the camera bag dangle between his knees as he waited. From somewhere down the short hall, he could hear hushed voices and excited whispers. He tried to tune them out, as he’d always felt eavesdropping was rude even if it was unintended.

Despite his efforts, some things reached his ears anyway. They made him smile.

He’s so frickin’ hot, Miracle! What’s your problem?

He has a girlfriend, Mila. That’s my problem!

Then steal him from her, dumbass.

Mila, watch your language! Miracle, you’ve got company. Don’t keep him waiting.

After Miracle’s mother spoke, the whispers died off and a door could be heard shutting. Seconds later, Miracle appeared at the edge of the living room.

“Hardy, what are you doing here?” she asked politely, the ghost of a smile flirting around the edges of her mouth.

Hardy surmised that Miracle was in her pajamas as well, as she wore a thick robe, belted tightly and wrapped snugly around her. He couldn’t help but wonder what her sleeping attire looked like, that it must be so thoroughly hidden from strange nighttime visitors.


Shaking his head to loosen the grip of thoughts of her in skimpy clothing, Hardy cleared his throat before he answered.

“Um, it seems you might’ve left your camera in Cheyenne’s trunk,” he said, extending the small black bag he carried toward her.

“Omigod, I didn’t even realize I’d left it,” she exclaimed, rushing to Hardy’s side to take the bag. She sat down beside him on the couch and opened the case. Hardy chewed his lip as she lifted the camera out of the bag. He saw her expression fall just as the gasp left her lips. His heart broke for her. “I was going to take some pictures of our Free Friday Afternoon.”

“Miracle, I’m so sorry. Cheyenne said she accidentally dropped it when she got it out of the trunk.” Hardy felt dirty and deceitful even repeating such dishonest drivel.

Much to his surprise, Miracle smiled. It was small and her lips trembled with the effort, but she did it. “I’m sure she didn’t mean to,” she choked out, her voice wobbling.

“Probably not,” Hardy agreed quietly, feeling all the more wretched when he saw Miracle’s chin quiver. And then he got mad. “No, you know what? I think she did it on purpose. Cheyenne is an unparalleled bitch and I’m sorry that you ever had to meet her.” After his heated explosion, Hardy reverted to just feeling bad for Miracle. “I’m so sorry.”

Miracle nodded, but her head remained bowed as she tried to compose herself. Remembering the way she’d spoken of photography and lovingly stroked the case containing her camera, Hardy felt like he’d carried her dead dog to her doorstep rather than a piece of equipment.

Just then he saw one fat tear overflow her eyelashes and slide slowly down her left cheek. He could only imagine what a horrible day she’d had.

Reflexively, as though he’d done it every day for years, Hardy reached out and wiped it away with the backs of his fingers. Miracle raised her head and smiled a watery smile at him.

“I’ll get it fixed for you,” Hardy offered. It was so spontaneous, so organic, it surprised even him. “Until then, we can share mine. Joint custody.” Miracle chuckled, another tear spilling down her cheek. Hardy wiped it away as well. “Just please don’t cry.”

Miracle nodded, sniffling. “I know it’s stupid. I just really wanted to take as many pictures as possible this year. And now…”

“Now nothing. I told you, you can use mine whenever you like until yours is fixed. I have another one. And I will get yours fixed! It’s partly my fault anyway. I should’ve warned you about Cheyenne before something like this happened.”

Miracle frowned and cocked her head to one side as she considered him.

“What?” Hardy asked. Miracle just continued to gaze at him. “What?” he repeated.

“How did someone like you end up with someone like her?”

Hardy shrugged, both embarrassed and ashamed. “Just stupid I guess.”

“No,” Miracle said, shaking her head. “I don’t think so. But I’ll figure it out. Eventually.”
