Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton


Sixth period—the last of the day and Hardy’s favorite. It was photography. All seniors who took any kind of art elective had it as their last class of the day. Most saw it as a period to goof off and relax. Hardy saw it as the one hour he could pursue his passion.

Strolling into class, Hardy placed his camera bag in the floor beside his desk and slid into the chair. He was already thinking ahead to the two major assignments of the first semester—nature and people. Hardy hoped one day to make his living as a sports photographer. Not that anyone in the world knew that or would’ve cared if they did. His father and Cheyenne wanted him to be a pro football player. His mother wanted him to be a dentist like her father, although she went along with the football thing out of fear. All his friends thought any kind of art was for wusses, so Hardy kept his love of photography to himself.

He was staring dreamily out the window, thinking of what he might like to photograph first, when a voice like velvet had him jerking his head toward the front of the room. His heart soared when he saw her. He couldn’t stop the dumb grin that curved his lips when she turned and spotted him. She returned his smile with one of her own. It made his palms sweaty. Hardy watched as she made her way between the desks to the only empty seat in the room—the one behind him in the very back of the class.

Hardy gave Miracle a minute to get situated before he turned to speak to her. His heart hammered as he thought of what he would say. Never in his life had he been nervous to talk to a girl.

I’m not really nervous per se, he told himself. But he was. For the first time he could remember, he actually cared what a girl thought of him, actually wanted to make a good impression. Normally, they sought him out. He didn’t even have to try. At all. Even though he’d been dating Cheyenne for going on four years, he’d never lacked feminine attention. Apparently girls didn’t care whether he was taken or not. They just wanted him. Period.

Finally, clearing his throat, Hardy turned in his seat, hanging his arm casually over the corner of Miracle’s desk. “Miracle, right?”

Idiot! Hardy thought. She knows you know her name. Now you just sound like a mental patient.

“Yes,” she said, her lips curving into that angelic smile. “I didn’t catch your name.”

“Hardy,” he answered, bringing his right hand around in offer of a handshake. “Hardy Bradford.”

Miracle glanced at Hardy’s hand and her smile widened. He felt like kicking himself.

Dude! You’re offering her a handshake? You’re offering a girl a handshake?

It was too late to rescind the gesture, however, so Hardy held his position, praying she wouldn’t think him a complete jackass and run as fast as she could in the other direction. Slowly, much to Hardy’s relief, she slid her fingers into his and clasped them for a surprisingly firm handshake.

The skin was cool and as soft as anything he’d ever felt. Hardy wondered absently if her cheek felt the same way. He imagined that it did.

“Nice to meet you, Hardy.”

They pumped each other’s hand, smiling into each other’s eyes for several seconds before Miracle tugged as if to pull her hand from his. When she did, Hardy squeezed for just a moment, unwilling to let it go.

“Since you two have already made your own introductions,” Mr. Gault said from right behind Hardy, causing him to jump and release Miracle’s hand, “why don’t you help her catch up with what she’s missed and show her around a little, Hardy? We’re only discussing natural light this period anyway, and it sounds like Miracle knows as much about it as you do. I doubt either of you will miss much.”

Hardy cleared his throat again. “Yes, sir.”

Hardy purposely held his lips in a neutral line as he turned back around in his seat. It took quite a bit of effort to suppress the bubble of goofy laughter he felt tickling in his chest. He just couldn’t believe his luck!

After Mr. Gault went over announcements, he nodded to Hardy. Reaching for his camera bag, Hardy turned quietly to Miracle. “Let’s go. Time to get the tour.”

Hardy nearly held out his hand for Miracle to take. Luckily, he realized it in the nick of time and stuffed that hand in his pocket instead.

He had no idea what was wrong with him, why he was reacting to Miracle like he was; he only knew he’d have to mind his Ps and Qs. For some reason she was making him feel kind of crazy, and of all the years Hardy could’ve afforded a little crazy, this was not one of them.

The first place he took Miracle was the dark room.

“This place is off limits to anyone not in a photography class, but we still have a sign-up sheet since there are quite a few of us. It’s set up for two people to develop in here at a time, so you should always be able to get in,” Hardy explained. “In fact, if you want, I could sign you up for a few of my times. Just so you’ll be able to catch up and stuff. You know…”

Miracle smiled her sweet, slightly sad smile and Hardy’s stomach flipped over. “Thank you. I really appreciate that. I don’t know how many times I’ll be able to come, but I’d like to try and stay caught up.”

Miracle tilted her head to one side and let out a small sigh, reaching forward to run one finger wistfully along the edge of a tray. He wanted desperately to ask what she meant by that, but something about her expression gave him pause.

Uncertain of what to say and hesitant to interrupt her thought, Hardy took the clip board down from the nail on the wall. As he looked down the list of assigned times, he cursed every person who had signed up to share time with him. There were still a few open slots, however, so he scribbled Miracle beside his name in every last one.

“So, I’m assuming you’ve developed your own pictures before?”

Miracle nodded distractedly.

“Last year, we were allowed to use digital cameras for a couple of projects, but for the most part he wants us to stick with the old-school method in black and white.”

Again, she nodded.

“Okay, well, let me show you the ‘conservatory,’” Hardy said, using air quotes.

“There’s a conservatory here?”

Hardy hated to disappoint Miracle when she seemed so impressed by that.

“Uh,” he chuckled. “No, not really. That’s just what they call it. Come on. You’ll see.”

Hardy led Miracle out of the dark room, down the hall and out into the afternoon sun. Even though he’d lived in Florida his whole life, the late summer heat still struck him like a slap in the face on occasion. He sucked in a breath.
