Read Books Novel


Author: M. Leighton

Much to Hardy’s dismay, the bell chose that moment to ring. It didn’t seem possible that the period was already over.

“Wow, that was fast,” Miracle observed, turning back toward the exit.

Without a word, Hardy replaced his camera in its bag and slung it over his shoulder. He motioned for Miracle to precede him to the door, flexing his fingers to keep from placing his hand on the small of her back as she passed. He’d never wanted to touch another person so badly in all his life.

They were both silent as they made their way back into the school. Hardy stole glances at Miracle as they walked. Her eyes were trained on the ground. He couldn’t help wonder what she was thinking,

All too soon, they were back at the door in front of the photography lab and Hardy found himself at a loss for something to say. He knew whatever he said would bring an end to his time with Miracle, an occurrence he’d have done anything to prevent.

“Well, thank you,” she said finally, smiling shyly up at him. “I really appreciate—”

“There you are,” Cheyenne exclaimed as she rounded the corner onto the hall. “I’ve been waiting at your locker.” Making her way quickly to Hardy’s side, Cheyenne looped her arm through his and smiled brightly at Miracle. “Hi! I’m Cheyenne.”

“Hi,” Miracle said, a tolerant smile curving her lips. “I’m Miracle.”

Forcing himself not to pull away from Cheyenne as he so desperately wanted to do, Hardy watched Miracle’s face. Although it was subtle, he thought he could detect a difference in her smile. It seemed the tiniest bit cooler, though not something he suspected anyone else would’ve noticed. He’d just been paying an inordinate amount of attention to her smile. It was starting to feel like something he couldn’t live without, which was ridiculous. Ridiculous, but true.

“I’m sorry about before,” Cheyenne said, wrinkling her nose. Hardy was surprised by the change in her demeanor. She appeared to be almost…genuine. “PMS. It’s no excuse, but at least it’s an explanation.”

Miracle’s smile warmed a bit, not at all to Hardy’s surprise. He imagined she was the forgiving type. “I know how that goes,” she sympathized.

“Are you in photography, too?”


“Poor Hardy, he has to take a class like this to make him the best candidate for the best schools, but he hates every minute of it. He’s not exactly artistically inclined,” Cheyenne teased, poking Hardy in the ribs.

Inwardly, Hardy rolled his eyes. Cheyenne didn’t know him at all.

Miracle said nothing. Although she continued to smile in her peaceful way, Hardy saw the skin between her brows bunch. A tiny frown appeared there for the space of a heartbeat before it disappeared as if it had never been.

Clearing her throat, Cheyenne quickly moved on to another subject. “So, you’re from North Dakota, right?”

Miracle nodded.

“Then you need to come with us tomorrow for Free Friday Afternoon. We almost always do something outside and there’s nothing like Florida sunshine.”

Hardy saw Miracle’s eyes light up. They were filled with such anticipation he felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth.

“Thank you! That sounds great, but what’s Free Friday Afternoon?”

“Seniors get out of school after lunch on Fridays. I guess they figure it keeps us from skipping school more on Fridays. They started it a few years back. And for us,” Cheyenne said, squeezing Hardy’s arm and bestowing a bright smile upon him, “we always go do something fun before the game. It’s part of Hardy’s ritual.”

“Ritual?” Miracle asked, her eyes bouncing from Cheyenne to Hardy and back again.

“Yeah, Hardy’s got a big future in football and we’re all doing our part to make sure nothing changes and that he has the best year of his life.”

“Won’t it ruin it for him, then, if I come?”

“Oh, no. As long as I’m there, he’ll be fine,” Cheyenne boasted sweetly. Maybe a little too sweetly. “So you’ll come?”


“Good,” Cheyenne said with a nod. “So, we’ll meet after lunch in the parking lot, k?”

“Do I need to bring anything?”

“Nope. If it turns out you need anything, I’ll bring it.”

“Okay. Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Miracle said, smiling politely before she turned to Hardy. “Thanks again for showing me around.”

“No problem,” Hardy said, holding back all the other things he wished he could say.

With that, Miracle walked off in one direction and Cheyenne tugged Hardy down the hall in the other. It was with increasing perplexity that he realized his mind—and his heart—went with Miracle.


Hardy was more anxious than ever for Friday afternoon to roll around. He was always a bundle of nervous energy before a game, but this was something different. He found he was more looking forward to spending Friday afternoon with Miracle than performing well for the game. And that was a first.

After what felt like the longest morning in the history of time, lunch was finally over and Hardy was making his way to the parking lot to await Miracle. She’d been in Chemistry Lab, although she’d merely smiled politely and then turned to stare out the window for most of the class. And she’d been at lunch; he’d seen her with the art student again. Lucy he thought her name was. He’d watched her discreetly from the corner of his eye, practically prancing by the time the last lunch bell rang, officially signaling the end of the truncated school day.

And now he was waiting for her, anxiously scanning every face that poured from the school’s front doors. Cheyenne was chatting with her best friend, Elise, leaving Hardy to his own thoughts, ones that seemed forever turned in Miracle’s direction these days.

Hardy glanced at his watch. It was getting late. Disappointment flooded him when he realized Miracle probably wasn’t coming. It was enough to make him want to cancel. He turned to Cheyenne to discuss just that when he caught sight of a dark head popping through the doors. It was Miracle.

She hovered at shoulder height of most everyone near her. Hardy straightened, watching her as she made her way through the crowd to the edge of the parking lot.

She stopped to look around, shielding her eyes from the bright sun as she scanned the cars in search of a familiar face. When her gaze reached him, Hardy smiled widely and waved. His stomach twitched in excitement when she returned his smile and stepped off the curb.
