Read Books Novel

From Dead to Worse

From Dead to Worse (Sookie Stackhouse #8)(37)
Author: Charlaine Harris

I was glad to leave the bar when my shift was up. Holly and I turned over to Arlene and Danielle, and grabbed our purses. We emerged into near-darkness. The security lights were already on. It was going to rain later, and clouds obscured the stars. We could hear Carrie Underwood singing on the jukebox, faintly. She wanted Jesus to take the wheel. That seemed like a real good idea.

We stood by our cars for a moment in the parking lot. The wind was blowing, and it was downright chilly.

"I know Jason is Hoyt’s best friend," Holly said. Her voice sounded uncertain, and though her face was hard to decipher, I knew she wasn’t sure I’d want to hear what she was going to say. "I’ve always liked Hoyt. He was a good guy in high school. I guess – I hope you don’t really get mad at me – I guess what stopped me from dating him earlier was his being so tight with Jason."

I didn’t know how to respond. "You don’t like Jason," I said finally.

"Oh, sure, I like Jason. Who doesn’t? But is he good for Hoyt? Can Hoyt be happy if that cord between them is weaker? ‘Cause I can’t think about getting closer to Hoyt unless I believe he can stick with me the way he’s always stuck with Jason. You can see what I mean."

"Yes," I said. "I love my brother. But I know Jason isn’t really in the habit of thinking about the welfare of other people." And that was putting it mildly.

Holly said, "I like you. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. But I figured you’d know, anyway."

"Yeah, I kinda did," I said. "I like you, too, Holly. You’re a good mother. You’ve worked hard to take care of your kid. You’re on good terms with your ex. But what about Danielle? I would’ve said you were as tight with her as Hoyt is with Jason." Danielle was another divorced mother, and she and Holly had been thick as thieves since they were in first grade. Danielle had more of a support system than Holly. Danielle’s mother and father were still hale and were very glad to help out with her two kids. Danielle had been going with a guy for some time now, too.

"I would never have said anything could come between Danielle and me, Sookie." Holly pulled on her Windbreaker and fished for her keys in the depths of her purse. "But her and me, we’ve parted ways a little bit. We still see each other for lunch sometimes, and our kids still play together." Holly sighed heavily. "I don’t know. When I got interested in something other than the world here in Bon Temps, the world we grew up in, Danielle started thinking there was something a little wrong with that, with my curiosity. When I decided to become a Wiccan, she hated that, still does hate it. If she knew about the Weres, if she knew what had happened to me…" A shapeshifting witch had tried to force Eric to give her a piece of his financial enterprises. She’d forced all the local witches she could round up into helping her, including an unwilling Holly. "That whole thing changed me," Holly said now.

"It does, doesn’t it? Dealing with the supes."

"Yeah. But they’re part of our world. Someday everyone will know that. Someday… the whole world will be different."

I blinked. This was unexpected. "What do you mean?"

"When they all come out," Holly said, surprised at my lack of insight. "When they all come out and admit their existence. Everyone, everyone in the world, will have to adjust. But some people won’t want to. Maybe there’ll be a backlash. Wars maybe. Maybe the Weres will fight all the other shifters, or maybe the humans will attack the Weres and the vampires. Or the vampires – you know they don’t like the wolves worth a durn – they’ll wait until some fine night, and then they’ll kill them all and get the humans to say thank you."

She had a touch of the poet in her, did Holly. And she was quite a visionary, in a doom-ridden way. I’d had no idea Holly was that deep, and I was again ashamed of myself. Mind readers shouldn’t be taken by surprise like that. I’d tried so hard to stay out of people’s minds that I was missing important cues.

"All of that, or none of that," I said. "Maybe people will just accept it. Not in every country. I mean, when you think of what happened to the vampires in eastern Europe and some of South America…"

"The pope never sorted that one out," Holly commented.

I nodded. "Kind of hard to know what to say, I guess." Most churches had had (excuse me) a hell of a time deciding on a scriptural and theological policy toward the undead. The Were announcement would sure add another wrinkle to that. They were definitely alive, no doubt about it… But they had almost too much life, as opposed to already having died once.

I shifted my feet. I hadn’t intended on standing out here and solving the world’s problems and speculating on the future. I was still tired from the night before. "I’ll see you, Holly. Maybe you and me and Amelia can go to the movies in Clarice some night?"

"Sure," she said, a little surprised. "That Amelia, she doesn’t think much of my craft, but at least we can talk the talk a little."

Too late, I had a conviction the threesome wouldn’t work out, but what the hell. We could give it a try.

I drove home wondering if anyone would be there waiting for me. The answer came when I parked beside Pam’s car at the back door. Pam drove a conservative car, of course, a Toyota with a Fangtasia bumper sticker. I was only surprised it wasn’t a minivan.

Pam and Amelia were watching a DVD in the living room. They were sitting on the couch but not exactly twined around each other. Bob was curled up in my recliner. There was a bowl of popcorn on Amelia’s lap and a bottle of TrueBlood in Pam’s hand. I stepped around so I could see what they were watching. Underworld. Hmmm.

"Kate Beckinsale is hot," Amelia said. "Hey, how was work?"

"Okay," I said. "Pam, how come you have two evenings off in a row?"

"I deserve it," Pam said. "I haven’t had time off in two years. Eric agreed I was due. How do you think I would look in that black outfit?"

"Oh, as good as Beckinsale," Amelia said, and turned her head to smile at Pam. They were at the ooey-gooey stage. Considering my own complete lack of ooey, I didn’t want to be around.

"Did Eric find out any more about that Jonathan guy?" I asked.

"I don’t know. Why don’t you call him yourself?" Pam said with a complete lack of concern.

"Right, you’re off duty," I muttered, and stomped back to my room, grumpy and a little ashamed of myself. I punched in the number for Fangtasia without even having to look it up. So not good. And it was on speed dial on my cell phone. Geez. Not something I wanted to ponder just at the moment.
