Read Books Novel

From Rags

From Rags(23)
Author: Suzanne Wright

Connor, who was slouched in one of the armchairs with Little Dane on his lap, shrugged. “Not sleeping much lately.”

“You never sleep much. But today you look like shite.”

He shrugged again. “Training hard in the day and then not getting much kip in the night will do that to you.”

“You’re not losing sleep over Anita, are you?”

Connor snorted; that question wasn’t even worth an answer.

Dane nodded approvingly, making his tousled dark hair fall over his forehead. “I never could stomach her. I wasn’t really all that surprised when Niki said Anita was planning to get pregnant thinking it would trap you. Why she thought Niki wouldn’t tell me something like that and I wouldn’t then tell you is beyond me.”

“You’re not talking about her, are you?” Niki grumbled as she entered the room and sat snuggled into her husband’s side. She held out her arms invitingly to Little Dane but he shook his head madly, wanting to stay with Connor. Niki had taken an immediate dislike to Anita, instantly picking up on her deviousness. She hadn’t liked the way the actress clung to Connor either. It was unhealthy. But Niki had still been friendly and pleasant to keep things from being awkward for Connor. Anita, however, had read more into their ‘friendship’ and treated Niki as her confidant. If she hadn’t, the manipulative woman might be pregnant with Connor’s baby right now.

“Niki’s right, she’s not worth even thinking about,” said Connor.

“True. Still gets my blood boiling though.” Dane had been through something similar himself; an ex of his had turned up claiming the baby she was pregnant with was his, hoping to drive Niki away. Niki, however, had seen the crazy cow for what she was and had stuck by Dane. Paternity tests had then proven the baby wasn’t his at all. To think he could have lost Niki because of some callous lies…They would never have gotten married, wouldn’t have all that they had now, and Little Dane wouldn’t even exist. A world without his son – he couldn’t even imagine it.

“Connor, do me a favour and pass those magazines to me please. They’re on the little table next to your chair.” Holding out her hand, Niki waited for him to pass them over. However he stopped still as something on the cover of one of the magazines caught his eye. He had the oddest expression on his face. “Connor?” Quickly he handed them over. Curious, she examined the cover. She smiled. “Oh I remember reading something in the papers about you and her getting together after that charity event.”

“Who?” asked Dane.

“Jaxxon Carter.”

Dane enquiringly raised a brow at his mate who just nodded, verifying it was true. Dane thought it was odd that Connor wasn’t saying a word and was wearing a blank expression. The girl was absolutely gorgeous, any male would be smug to have had her. And yet Connor wasn’t even wearing a very-pleased-with-himself smirk.

“She is beautiful,” conceded Niki. What she wouldn’t give to exchange her thick, wavy red hair for those silky curls. If she could also exchange her pale complexion for Jaxxon Carter’s olive skin she’d be a happy woman. “From everything I’ve read she’s a right character. She doesn’t seem conceited or uppity, seems really down to earth. Is she?” She looked at Connor for confirmation. He simply nodded. Niki cast a confused glance at Dane who looked equally confused.

In Dane’s experience, there was only one reason why a male kept totally zipped on what was going on between him and a woman – there was a little more to it than physical stuff. He winked at Niki then signaled for her to leave the room.

“I need to phone my mum about Sunday,” announced Niki. “Dane, want to come and talk to Nan on the phone?” The two year old nodded excitedly and bounded out of the room.

Dane picked up the magazine Niki had been looking at and whistled at the photo of Jaxxon Carter on the cover. “If I weren’t married I’d happily shag that.”

Connor’s head whipped round. It was an effort not to growl. It wasn’t unusual for Dane to comment on one of Connor’s ‘conquests’, as Dane liked to call them, but Jaxx was anything but a conquest. “Don’t let Niki hear you talking like that.”

“I’ll bet she was a good shag.” Dane could swear Connor was grinding his teeth. “Are those tits real?” Still no response. “Come on, give me some details.”

Connor was seriously considering punching his mate.

“I’ve never known you to tap a model. You always said they got on your nerves ’cause they were so vain.”

“Well the ones I’ve met in the past were but, like Niki said, Jaxx isn’t.” Connor inwardly groaned as he realised he’d only gone and abbreviated her name in front of Dane.

Dane chose not to comment on how Connor had shortened the girl’s name but it wasn’t easy to hide his smile. “Mate, I don’t blame you for breaking your rule. If I’d had a girl like that throwing herself at me – before Niki, I mean – there’s no way I’d have turned her down.” He saw something on Connor’s face that made his suppressed smile break free. “Oh,” he chuckled. “She didn’t throw herself at you at all, did she? You had to do the chasing for once in your life.” He chuckled again. “Oh I like this girl. I have to meet her.”

Connor scowled. “Drop it, Dane.”

“Not a chance. I’ve been waiting for this for far too long. I intend to enjoy it.”

“Waiting for what?”

“For you to get sucked in by a woman.”

“I haven’t been sucked in.”

Dane snorted. “Sure you haven’t, mate. Why chase her when you’ve a got a line of women waiting then? Why’re you so prickly about me complimenting her?”

Connor concluded that he had to give him something if he was going to shut him up. He sighed. “I knew her before all this.”


“Yeah. Before.”

“You mean, like, you were together back then when you were teenagers?” asked Dane. Then something occurred to him. “She’s not the girl you mentioned that time I found you absolutely hammered when you were seventeen, is she? You said something about it being her fifteenth birthday and you’d had to get yourself well and truly rat-arsed or you’d have gone to see her.” Connor’s silence told Dane everything. “Let me ask you something then. If Jaxxon Carter is that girl who was important enough to you that you would drink yourself into a stupor over her – something I’ve never known you to do over anything – and she’s now back in your life again, why are you sitting here with me?”
