Read Books Novel

From Rags

From Rags(48)
Author: Suzanne Wright

The way Jaxx seemed so calm and collected was nibbling at Connor, mocking him. Here he was digging deep for the strength not to drag her out the place, make her promise never to jet off like that again and then f**k her ’til she couldn’t take any more. She, on the other hand, was calmly sipping her soup and her posture was totally relaxed. He wanted her as prickly as he was. “The challet’s great, isn’t it. I can’t wait to try out my bed.” Connor held onto Jaxx’s gaze. “I picked the room that overlooked the outdoor hot-tub.” Her room.

Jaxxon didn’t give him the rise he wanted. “It’s quite comfy that bed. I always end up falling asleep on the couch so you’re welcome to it.”

“Not joining me?”

“You came all this way for a shag? Oh, Connor, you should have just sent me a simple message saying you wanted to break off our agreement then you could have f**ked who you wanted right on your doorstep.”

He leant forward. “If you keep talking about f**king I’m going to lose my composure and throw you over my shoulder again. You remember what happened last time I did that?”

Just the memory of that night, just thinking about him being inside her body again, had her clit throbbing. “Yeah I remember. It was alright.”

“You’re doing a lot of pushing, Jaxx.”

“Oh I’m sorry were you expecting a show of open arms?”

“I don’t need your arms open, babe, just your legs.”

His cocky smirk had her gritting her teeth. I won’t give him a reaction. I won’t give him a reaction. I won’t give him a reaction. But then, as if her hand had a mind of its own, it flicked the spoon in his direction and the dollop of soup splattered over his face and the top part of his black shirt. The giggle literally popped out of her. Anna was chuckling too. Warren seemed an equal blend of horrified and amused. Connor, however…well he looked like he wanted to rip her liver out and eat it.

Grinding his teeth, Connor wiped away the soup and dumped the serviette back on the table. He had told himself that he wouldn’t retaliate, but she was still giggling and it was grating on his nerves. He took another bite of his garlic bread then slung it at her face. He managed to keep his laugh silent but he couldn’t stop his body from shaking. Both Anna and Warren seemed to be bracing themselves for Jaxx’s wrath.

Jaxxon was totally dignified in her movements as she removed the buttery grease and breadcrumbs from her face and hair. Then, moving too abruptly for him to have prepared himself, Jaxxon snatched her dessert spoon and launched it at Connor. It hit his forehead with a thunk, which only made her chuckle again. Then he sloshed his glass of white wine all over her favourite cashmere sweater, hence Anna’s horrified gasp, and he had more or less signed his death warrant. She booted him hard in the shin and simultaneously flicked vinegar and salt at him. Pre-empting what she going to do next, Connor seized the opened bottle of wine and placed it on the neighbouring table. That just pissed her off even more. She reached onto the table behind theirs and grabbed their bottle of – ah ha – red wine. Connor warned her with a look but she just smiled as she splashed as much of the contents of it on him as she could. Then she slammed the bottle down onto the table and glared at him.

“You drowned me in red wine,” he said disbelievingly.

“That’s right, prick.”

“And I reek of vinegar.”

“You ruined my favourite top.” She turned to Anna then. “Toilets?”

Although Anna was terribly conscious of the deathly silence and the amount of eyes on them, she didn’t feel the need to shrink in her seat as she normally would have. No, it was the boys’ fault and, besides that, she was drunk so for now it didn’t matter. As if what was happening was perfectly normal, she casually gestured to the ladies’ restrooms as she sipped more wine from her glass. Jaxxon, of course, stomped off.

As she stood examining the stains on her sweater, debating whether it could be saved or not, a string profanities flew from Jaxxon’s mouth. God she wanted to kill that bloke! It wasn’t enough for him to turn up out the blue and interrupt her holiday, oh no he had to go and ruin her favourite top as well! Sure, it was only a sweater but it was the first thing item of clothing she bought with her first wage from Ollie. It had sentimental value. She didn’t have many things that could be considered sentimental to her. She had always made a point not to have any such things having grown up in a place where things generally weren’t yours for long. Just when she tried snapping out of the mind state of not relaxing or treasuring anything…Urgh! If he had any sense of self-preservation the miserable little arsehole would be scarpering out of here! At that very second, the door slammed open, arsehole barged in and locked it behind him. So he didn’t have any sense of self-preservation.

Connor had entered the restroom with every intention of giving her an intense verbal rollicking, but then he found her stood in only her bra and pants and his intentions quickly changed. He slowly advanced on her.

She shook her head wildly, gasping at the barefaced cheek of him. “Do not think you’re having your way with me, McKenzie.” Her eyes helplessly dropped to his muscled chest as he removed his soup/vinegar/wine-soaked shirt. She forced them back to his face. His own eyes contained lust and heat and desperation and…something else, something she didn’t recognise. “Look, you’ve had your fun: you’ve ruined my holiday, you’ve ruined my evening, you’ve ruined my favourite sweater! Just go, and don’t ever come near me again.”

He halted. “You think I came here to mess up your holiday? You think I would do that? That I would ever want to do that?”

“Yeah, to punish me for daring to go somewhere without asking you first.”

“This isn’t me punishing you or playing some game.” Dane had been right, he was going to need to tell her the truth if he had any hope of stopping her from finishing this.

“You expect me to believe that you got on a plane and came all the way here just because you felt like a shag?”

“I came here because I missed you.”

That shocked her to silence. She might have laughed if he didn’t look so serious. He must have meant he missed being inside her, it had simply come out wrong. “And you couldn’t wait until Monday?”

“No, I couldn’t. As much as you drive me bloody mental and make me want to spank your arse, I missed you.”
