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From Rags

From Rags(57)
Author: Suzanne Wright

Ollie appealed to her with his eyes. “Be smart, not stubborn.”

“This isn’t about being stubborn, it’s the principle of -”

“Luv, you’ll be leaving for the tour in a week, your lease ends then. Will it really make that much difference to you to leave the apartment a week early? Besides, the cleaning job will take at least two days.”

“He’s right.” Connor stood in front of her. “I’m not saying you need to run and hide. I’m saying you don’t give this person the satisfaction of getting near you. Make it hard for them.”

Jaxxon could see where Connor’s thoughts had led him. “It wasn’t Anita.”

“You think it’s a coincidence that while me and you are away together this happens?”

Ollie frowned. “Who’s Anita?”

“Oscar Award Winning Actress Anita Donovan,” elaborated Anna. “I agree with Connor, Jaxxon, it’s not looking good for Anita that while the tabloids are printing photos of you and him looking all cozy -”

“Hold on a minute,” interrupted Ollie. “What reason would she have to do this?”

“She didn’t take it well when I ended things with her,” said Connor.

“I’ll bet she didn’t, you’re not known for your sensitivity.”

“It’s hard to be sensitive to someone who was planning to get pregnant with your kid to try to trap you into marrying them.”

“Still, why mess up Jaxxon’s apartment, why not yours?”

“Anita came to see Jaxx a few days ago and fed her some crap about being pregnant, hoping it would make her back off. Instead Jaxx slammed the door in her face. I don’t think Anita did this in a rage, I think she did it as part of a game; wanting to scare her.”

“That makes sense,” said Warren. “That’s the type of thing she’d get a kick out of. Phone Dane and ask if she was out last night.”

Ollie waved his hand. “We’ll look more into who’s responsible once we’ve sorted out what we’re doing next. I still say we don’t involve the police -”

“I say we do,” Anna spat.

“- or we’d be giving this nutcase what they want.”

“That’s better than winding up said nutcase.”

“Ollie’s right,” sighed Jaxxon. “Phoning the police will show that all this got to me and give this arsehole all the satisfaction they’re hoping for. And seen as I can’t do what I really want which is to pound their face into the ground, I’ll have to settle for cheesing them off.”

Pleased, Ollie smiled and nodded. “A few things though: If there’re any more notes or whatever, save them, they’re evidence – just in case it’s something that ever went to trial. If there’s ever a time they contact you wanting to meet up, the answer’s always no. If you’re ever cornered by them and need help, shout “Fire!” That always gets people’s attention and it’s a cry for help that’s rarely ignored. Change any patterns you have and maybe use a different route to get to the studio or anywhere else you regularly go. Try not to go about alone if you can help it. You might want to change your phone numbers as well.”

“Don’t you think that’s all a bit extreme?”

Ignoring that, he continued, “Lily and Tony have already offered for you to have their annexe again for as long as -”

Anna held up her hand. “No, she shouldn’t be alone. Jaxxon, you can stay with me.”

“Anna, no, it’s fine.” As much as she wasn’t looking forward to being coddled by Lily and Tony, she didn’t want to crowd the two lovebirds and listen to them shagging at all hours.

“How about this then: me and Warren won’t do our business unless we’re at his apartment?”

“Our business?” echoed Warren.

“She’s staying with me.” A hush fell over the room and all heads turned to look at him. Connor felt defensive though he couldn’t explain why.

This was obviously a day for shocks, in Jaxxon’s opinion. She knew why Connor was making that offer: he felt guilty because he was convinced Anita was responsible and that he had brought all this on her. Jaxxon also knew that what Connor was offering would cost him. Having grown up in an environment where he never had much to call his own, he was territorial about whatever was his. More than anything, he was territorial over his own personal space. He would never let anyone pass the threshold of his room when they were in foster care. He didn’t like to share that space that he had reserved as his own. He needed that distance, that special place where only he went, that place that nothing or no one could taint. She was still surprised he had taken her to his apartment that time. “Connor, it isn’t your fault that this happened. Even if it was Anita, the blame would be hers, not yours.”

“This isn’t about Anita, this is about you needing somewhere to stay.”

“And I can stay with Lily and Tony.”

“No, Jaxxon, please,” intervened Anna, “stay at mine. I’m not going to see you ages once you go on tour and -”

Connor shook his head. “If you’re going to be in Warren’s a lot then she’ll be on her own a lot, won’t she.”

Anna snorted at him. “You’ll be at the gym all the time so what’s the difference?”

“I’ll cut back on my training hours.” Again everyone’s eyes snapped onto him and again he felt defensive. “It’s only for a week until the tour starts.” He flippantly shrugged to give emphasis to the simplicity of it all. He could tell that Jaxx didn’t buy that he was truly comfortable with this. “If you stay anywhere else all I’m going to do is wonder where you are and if you’re alright, then I’ll end up harassing you by phoning you all the time and if you don’t answer my imagination will run away with me like yours did today – remember how you thought you’d crack up? This way I’ll know where you are and I’ll be there with you. Most of the time anyway.”

“I couldn’t ask you to cut back on your training.”

“You’re not. I’m saying I will. For once, Jaxx, don’t fight me.” For a long moment they just looked at each other. He knew Jaxx was searching his eyes for uncertainty or uneasiness. He was confident she would see neither because there was none to be found. Eventually she gave him one simple nod.
