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Give in to Me

Give in to Me (Heart of Stone #3)(54)
Author: K.M. Scott

As I watched him leave the restaurant, I wondered aloud, “What’s up with him?”

Rolling her eyes, Jordan joked, “Maybe he’s an Army guy.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Varo smile and knew instantly it was one unlike any he’d ever given me. It went all the way up to his eyes. He really did like her. Thrilled my plan was unfolding exactly as I’d hoped, I sat back and let things happen.

Just as I’d believed, he was charmed by Jordan’s humor and occasional snarkiness, and if she liked him before, the mention of him in the Navy made her practically crazy about him. I saw it in her eyes. Only a few times before had I seen them sparkle like they did as the two of them sat there getting to know one another in the back of Brickfire. By the time West returned, I was convinced my matchmaking work had succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

As we climbed into the back of the car to head to her place, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. Jordan was less expressive, but I knew inside she was bouncing off the walls. “Don’t tell me you didn’t have a great time. I know you did.”

“Sure. The food was great. I really liked that fireplace. I bet in the winter it’s great to have dinner there.”

I smacked her arm hard. “Don’t tell me you didn’t love getting to know him. I know you did.”

She giggled like a schoolgirl and blushed bright red. “I did. He’s even better than I thought. I’m trying not to get too excited by things just in case it ends up being nothing.”

“Nothing? When he sees you in that peacock blue dress, he’s going to want to sweep you off your feet right there in my garden.”

Jordan’s expression turned serious, and she squeezed my hand tightly. “I just don’t want to be let down, Nina. He’s gorgeous and hot and everything any girl would want. I don’t want to get my hopes up just yet.”

I understood her cautiousness. Letting someone into your heart was risky business, and as we both knew from experience, it rarely worked out. I still believed she could be happy like I was, so wary or not, I had hope for her and Gage.

Jensen stopped the car in front of her apartment and with a heavy heart I had to accept my time with her was over too soon. She saw my sadness and hugged me tightly to her. “Just a couple more days and we’ll be standing there in our awesome dresses and you’ll be marrying the man of your dreams. No sad faces, okay?”

“Okay. See you in a few days. The wedding is set for six next Saturday, so I’ll have Jensen come for you around two.”

“Two it is. I love you, Nina. Thanks for being such a great friend.”

I watched as she climbed the stairs to her place, already missing her. I wasn’t sad so much as understanding for the first time that everything was going to change. Living with someone was one thing, but becoming a wife meant something far more serious. I knew I’d see her whenever we wanted, but my life was about to change.

By the time we arrived back at the house, Varo and the still miserable West were there waiting for us, and as I got out of the car I saw Tristan pull Varo aside near the garage to speak to him. Both wore very serious expressions, but I didn’t get the sense he was reprimanding my bodyguard. After a minute or so, Varo left and I approached Tristan, happy to see him but curious about what the conversation had been about.

“Hey you! I found a wedding gown and Jordan found her bridesmaid gown, so we’re all set on the dresses.”

He took my hand in his and smiled. “Good. I can’t wait to see it.”

Looking up into his eyes, I tried to discern the meaning of his chat with Varo. “Everything okay? I saw you pull Varo aside as I drove up.”

“Everything’s fine. I have to head into the city, but I’ll be back in a few hours. I’d love it if you’d be waiting for me,” he said with a wink.

“You know I will be,” I said as I stood on my toes to kiss him, missing the feel of his lips on mine after hours away. “Maybe I’ll have a surprise for you.”

“I like that. You’re making it hard to leave, though.”

“Good, but I know you have things to do, so just remember I’ll be waiting when you get back.”

Whispering “I love you,” he kissed me again and turned toward the garage. As I watched him walk away, I thought about how I might surprise him. Maybe a nice dinner? Or me in sexy lingerie? Or a nice bubble bath for two?

I’d think of something good.

Chapter Eighteen


A few minutes after Tristan left, my phone rang. Thinking it was him calling me to say he loved me, I didn’t pay attention to the number that flashed across the screen and simply answered the call.

“Hello,” I said in a happy, singsong voice.

“Nina? It’s Kim.”

Just hearing my sister’s name made my mood change from blissfully happy to completely miserable. She must have had some kind of happiness radar that beeped as soon as I began to feel good in life, but this time, I wasn’t going to let her ruin my great day.

“What do you want, Kim? I’m a little busy.”

The phone was silent for a long moment, and then when she spoke again, her voice sounded different, almost contrite, for the first time ever. “I thought maybe we could meet.”

“I’ve got a lot to do this week. I’m getting married, so it’s not really a good time. Maybe after I get back.”

I knew I was being a bitch, but after years of her being just that, I figured she had it coming. No matter how sorry she felt for our relationship, or lack of, I didn’t want to hear it.

“Baby, you’re getting married? I thought you and Tristan already had the wedding. You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”

Just the word baby made guilt rush over me. My father would be heartbroken to know on the biggest day of my life that Kim wouldn’t be there to share it with me. I heard his words echo in my mind at that moment.

“No matter what else you two are, Nina, you’re family. Always remember that, baby.”

“Kim, what do you want to meet about? I’m not interested in hearing you tell me I’m making a mistake. Considering the man I’m about to marry saved you and your family from being killed, I’d think all you’d have to say to me would be glowing praise for Tristan.”

“Please, can we meet? I’m in Manhattan for the night.”

Every fiber of my being told me not to go to her, except for that tiny part of my brain whispering that no matter what else Kim was, she’d always be my sister and I owed it to my father to give her another chance. We didn’t have to be the best of friends, but I’d always wanted us to be closer. Maybe now we could be.
