Read Books Novel

Happily Never After

"You should go now," Isa said slowly. "And once again I’m going to tell you to stay out of this. You don’t understand what Robert’s like if you think you can hocus-pocus your way around him. He’ll kill you. He’ll bury you right next to Jimmy Hoffa and no one will ever find your body, got it?"

Chance sighed. "Would a demonstration make you feel better?"

Demonstration? "Um, of what, exactly?"

"My hocus-pocus abilities, as you call them."

Isa shifted. This was getting weirder by the minute. "Look, why don’t you just go…"

"You can open your eyes now."

Isa blinked-and then jerked back in shock. She was on the chair with Chance. On his lap, to be more precise, with her arms around his neck and her mouth mere inches from his. Holy shit, how the hell did that happen?

* * *

Chance watched Isa scramble off him, her knuckles white as she clutched her robe. She backed away several feet, looking around her bedroom as if expecting to see someone else there.

"What did you do to me? How did I end up on your lap?" she demanded.

It would be so much easier to tell her the truth. To show her the truth, since once he said, "I’m a vampire," she’d just insist on proof anyway. But the suspicion in her gaze stopped him. Well, that, and the simple fact that he wanted Isa to get to know him better before she found out what he was. Chance had lived long enough to recognize what was stirring in him-and to appreciate that it didn’t happen often.

Sure, he’d been attracted to her since the first night he watched her, then he’d grown to like her for her spunk and bravery, but that wasn’t what was rare. It was the additional feeling she inspired. The one of connection, like she was someone who should be part of his life. Some people called it chemistry, others called it infatuation, some even called it fate. Chance didn’t care what name was stuck on it. He only knew it was real.

And she felt something for him, too. He could smell it in the way her scent changed around him, the way her heart beat faster when he stared at her, and the way her body leaned toward his even as her eyes were rimmed with caution. Oh, part of that was just the attraction of a compatible woman to a compatible man, but there was more as well. Chance intended to find out how much more, and then he’d show her what he was, because he wasn’t going to hide himself from her for much longer.

"I used my hocus-pocus and hypnotized you," he replied. It was mostly true. He just wasn’t going to elaborate that his power was derived from being a vampire.

"You hypnotized me?" she repeated. "With what?"

He shrugged. "My gaze and my voice." Again, true enough.

Isa began to pace. "This is too weird. You’re some kind of wacko David Copperfield and my grandmother hired you to abracadabra my brother safely back?"

"I told you this wasn’t about money," Chance corrected.

"Whatever!" Isa said. Then her gaze narrowed. "You didn’t do anything perverted while I was on your lap, did you?"

Chance folded his arms across his chest. "If you think I’m some lowlife scum who’d coerce a woman into doing something sexual against her will, then I suggest you do call the police. I had you come over to me because it proved that I can do what I claim I can do. You certainly wouldn’t have perched on my knee of your own inclination just then, would you? But that was all you did, Isa, and my hands remained at my sides the entire time."

He locked his gaze with hers until she looked away, but the suspicion had left her eyes. There was still confusion, yes, and a healthy dose of wariness… but no more angry accusation.

Isa flounced on the side of her bed. "So… you can walk up to Robert and um, hypnotize him into telling you where Frazier is?"

"Yes," Chance said simply.

She chewed her lip. It had been over two weeks since her brother last contacted her. Even if he had managed to sneak away to make that phone call, maybe he’d been caught and dragged back. All the uncertainty over her brother’s fate made Isa reckless. She couldn’t just sit back and accept Robert’s assurances that Frazier was okay. If all she had on her side right now was a trespassing honor-bound hypnotist-well. She’d just have to make the best of it.

"Assuming you can do that, Frazier’s got to be guarded. You’re pretty good with your little trick one on one, obviously, but up against several mini-gangsters with guns? You’d get shot before you even got near Frazier. Or the two of you would get shot before you managed to get away. We need to coordinate when this is going to happen. Robert’s house is huge, and he likes to keep things close to him, so you should check for Frazier there first. I can go over to Robert’s and leave a door open or something. Then I can, um, distract him while you sneak up on him and try your David Copperfield act."

"Isa… that’s very brave of you, but it’s not necessary. I can get in Robert’s house with very little effort, and neither he nor his men will be able to keep me from leaving."

"Your arrogance could get my brother killed!" she snapped. "Excuse me if I’m not comfortable with that!"

He met her gaze very steadily. "I’ve done this before. My sire trusts me. Your grandmother trusts me. You’re going to have to trust me as well."

She gave him a hard look. One that said she wasn’t used to trusting anyone but herself. Chance could appreciate that. He’d lived with it as his credo for most of his human twenty-seven years.

"Look at it this way," he urged her next. "Where are you now? Dependent on Robert’s very questionable mercy that he won’t kill your brother, that’s where. You’re using the only bargaining chip you have-yourself-to ensure Frazier’s safety, but Robert still holds all the cards. You need to have an ace up your sleeve that Robert won’t expect. Well, Isabella, I am that ace, and you can trust that Robert will never expect me at all."

"I’m doing okay," she replied with obvious defensiveness. "I didn’t see you at the restaurant earlier deflating Robert’s hard-on!"

A grin touched Chance’s mouth. "Ah, yes. Your galloping yeast infection. A very clever move. I’m sure Mini-Mob won’t be able to get it up for days."

"Mini-Mob?" Isa laughed. Chance enjoyed seeing her face light up with it. "An Austin Powers fan, are you?"

"Guilty as charged."

"Wait a minute." Isa’s laughter cleared at once. "How did you know that? You weren’t there. How could you possibly know that?"

Because I’d been on the roof of the building across the street, listening to you all night. And I almost swooped down and ripped Robert’s balls off with my bare hands when I heard him suggest that you were going home with him. Robert should thank his lucky stars you had your fake yeast infection as a shield, or he’d never become a father.
